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GRADE: 10th


How to give advice grammar?

5 Simple ways to give advice in English
1. Use a modal verb. There are two modal verbs we often use for giving advice: 'should' and 'ought to'. ...
2. Make it into a question. ...
3. Put yourself in the person's position. ...
4. Make a suggestion. ...
5. Advise in a stronger way.

Many learners complain that grammar is taught in an impractical and uncommunicative way, so let’s now work on
some grammar in use and learn how to give advice in English with different grammatical structures in real life

Both of these modal verbs are used for giving or requesting advice, but “should” is much more frequently used
(especially in the negative and interrogative forms).

You should give up smoking soon. = You ought to give up smoking soon.
You shouldn’t express your opinion here.
Should I call the doctor?
When some learners see the contracted form “you’d better”, they mistakenly think that it stands for “you would
better”. Please remember that ‘d is for “had” in this construction. It is used to give advice and recommendations:
You’d better do it today because the deadline is approaching.


If you don’t want to sound too direct when giving advice to someone, use a second conditional
If I were you, I would enter this university.
If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t turn down this offer.
Another way to make some piece of advice less direct is to turn it into a question:
Why don’t you read more?
How about another cup of tea?

Reported Requests
A request is when somebody asks you to do something – usually politely. Reported requests are one form
of reported speech.

direct request reported request

She said: "Could you open the window, please?" She asked me to open the window.

He said: "Please don't smoke." He asked them not to smoke.

We usually introduce reported requests with the verb "ask". The structure is very simple:

ask + noun + to infinitive


● We asked the man to help us.

● They asked us to wait.

Because we use the infinitive there is no need to worry about tense. But as with reported statements and reported
questions, we may need to change pronouns as well as time and place in reported requests.
Here are some examples:

direct request reported request

I said politely, "Please make less noise." I asked them politely to make less noise.

She has often said to me, "Could you stay the night?" She has often asked me to stay the night.

They said to the architect: "We'd like you to meet us here They asked the architect to meet them there the
tomorrow." next day.

She will certainly say to John, "Please stay for lunch." She will certainly ask John to stay for lunch.

She always says, "Please don't forget me." She always asks me not to forget her.

Notice above that we report a negative request by using not.


1. Some teenagers are sharing their experiences online. Match the comments with the replies.

Comment 1 Feb. 23, 2016 Reply to comment (A)

My best friend is angry me. He said that You should speak to the team coach

I was selfish because I didn’t let him copy about their comments. You

my homework. Now he doesn’t want to probably just need more practice.

TommiCoolguy speak to me anymore.

Comment 2 Feb. 24, 2016 Reply to comment (B)

I feel really bad today. The other players You should speak to your mom and

in my football team say that I’m lazy and Say you are sorry. You were rude to

fat. They say I should run faster. They Her. She is just worried about you. You
I_love_football make me feel I’m a bad player. Should try to understand her.

Comment 3 Feb. 27, 2016 Reply to comment (C)

I feel bad because I argued with my mom. You should speak to him about the

She said that I can’t go to a party with my importance of honesty. Copying

friends. So I said, ‘It’s not fair! You’re someone’s homework is never OK.

ruining my life!’ she started to cry. Don’t worry, you did the right thing.

Should I say sorry or just forget about it?



● COMMENT 1 -----> C

● COMMENT 2 -----> A

● COMMENT 3 ----->B

2. You must give the Reply to comment

Comment 4 Feb. 27, 2016 Reply to comment

I posted some photos of my 15th birthday Don´t worry, you should not feel bad

party on Facebook. One of my friends with your own body, You should value it

commented that I looked skinny and

Susi0072 ridiculous in my dress. I feel really hurt.

3. Think of some more advice for the bloggers in exercise 1. Use the expressions in the Word Bank and the Good Advice

Word Bank Good Advice

good daughter Talk to him/her and apologize

generous friend Invite him/her to …

caring mom Practice your football skills with your dad

attractive girl Suggest you do your homework together

skilled player Be careful when posting photos online

cool friend
Tommi Coolguy Don’t worry. You’re a generous friend. I think you

Should suggest you do your homework together.

I love football
You are a skilled player, practice your football skills
with tour dad, and so you will learn more things
and you can improve
You have a caring mom, talk to her and
Match the photos with the incidents.


1. You said a bad word to your teacher because she told you to be quiet. (C)
2. It is 7:00 p.m. you forgot that today was your best friend’s birthday. (A)
3. You said something insensitive to friend A about friend B. Friend B was listening to you. (B)
4. You laughed at a girl’s accent because she is from another region of the country. (D)

5. Apologize for the mistakes in the last exercise and suggest a solution.

I’m sorry for forgetting your birthday. Apologizing

Could I buy you an ice-cream? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to … forget your birthday, I was
thinking about other things

I apologize for saying that … I couldn't control myself, but I

won't say that anymore

I’m sorry for being so insensitive … I would like to invite you

to an ice cream, to apologize

What I said the other day was rude … We can go out an

6. Answer the questions. Give your opinion.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to
a. Do Colombian people have emotional intelligence?
-no, most people have a poor mentality understand, control and express your
b. Do you think you have emotional intelligence?
emotions. It helps you to be a good
-yes, because, I give more importance to the good thoughts,
but without leaving aside the bad person and a good citizen.
c. Does emotional intelligence help you to be a good citizen?
-yes, it helps us avoid problems

7. Read the lists of positive and negative qualities.

a. Select the personal qualities, positive or negative, that describe you. Be honest!
b. Select the qualities that can help you to be emotionally intelligent.

Positive qualities Negative qualities

Tolerant self-controlled rational polite Impatient impulsive angry aggressive
Sensitive sociable kind humorous Intolerant indifferent rude bad-tempered

A. Tolerant – self-controlled – impatient – impulsive – understanding – sensitive

B. Rational – self-controlled – polite – sociable – understanding

8. Write a paragraph: how Colombians could improve their emotional intelligence to be better citizens.
Use the words in exercise 7.

In my opinion, Colombians don’t I’m sorry, but I disagree. I think they

have a lot of emotional have high emotional intelligence
intelligence because they are because they are very sociable.
intolerant. They should be more

9. Read the presentation about how Colombian citizens deal with emotional intelligence. Decide if the
statements are true (T) or false (F).
Student A: We all have different personalities and we feel different emotions. Some people can stay calm to
solve problems, but many people become aggressive and impatient very easily. According to Colombia
psychiatrist Rodrigo Cordoba, Colombians are often intolerant in their daily lives. For a project in our English
class, we did a survey with twenty students and their parents in the neighborhood, to find out if they were
emotionally intelligent.
Student B: So, 80% of the people said that they don’t really understand the term ‘emotional intelligence’. Only
20% said that they try to control teir emotions, but they can’t do it all the time. Ten people think that they don’t
have emotional intelligence because they get very impatient - especially in stressful situations at work or at
Student A: Also, eight people said that family problems made them angry. Seven parents said that they get
angry with their children because they are sometimes rude. So, anger, and sometimes aggression, start at home.
Student B: Based on our survey, we conclude that we Colombians should try to control our emotions to be
happy. For example, firstly, we should try to have a positive attitude all the time. Secondly, we should recognize
the negative qualities we need to change – like being intolerant or impatient. And thirdly, we can try to express
our emotions with respect for other people.


a. 80% don’t know what emotional intelligence is.

b. 90% try to control their emotions, but can’t.

c. 10 people sad that they get impatient in stressful situations.

d. The presenters interviewed their parents for the survey.

e. One conclusion is that Colombians control their emotions easily.

10. Write three sentences about your personal qualities and how you can be more emotionally intelligent, and
become a better citizen.
a. Your positive qualities: I am …
b. Your negative qualities: I am …
c. The qualities you can improve: I can try to …

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