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Structure Auxiliaries Use Examples

1.- Verb to be in Present is / are / am It is a verb used

to describe
(Aquí escribir los something or someone. In
auxiliares de cada English, it can be used to
(+) You are my best
estructura say different things
according to the context. friend
gramatical) However,
the most common use (-)Beto isn't at school
of the to be now.
verb is to talk about
names, age, feeling, (?)Are you a student at
nationalities, and Cecyteh?
professions, especially
when talking in the (aqui debes escribir un
present tense. ejemplo por cada forma
(Aquí escribir el uso +,- ? en cada estructura
de cada estructura,
ya sea en inglés o

2.- Verb to Be in Past was / were

3.- Present Progressive /


4.- Past Progressive /


5.- Simple ´Present

6.- Simple Past

7.- Simple Future

8.- Idiomatic Future

9.- Present Perfect

10.- Past Perfect

11.- Modal Verbs:

1. May

2. Could

3. Can
4. Must

5. Have to

6. Should

7. Would

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