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of the Federal Republic of Germany


Small Project Fund of the Embassy

Through its “Small Project Fund”, the German Embassy can financially support projects
of non-governmental and public benefit organisations duly registered under Indonesian
law such as NGOs, hospitals, schools, religious organisations as well as county and local
authorities. As a rule, the project partner is entirely responsible for all aspects of the im-
plementation of a small project. This includes a detailed accounting to the Embassy after
project completion. The fund is directly administered by the Embassy, Department for
Economic and Development Cooperation.

Projects have to aim at improving living conditions of poor and marginalized population
groups. By supporting small scale projects, those must have a direct impact on the living
conditions of the project‘s target group. As the fund is mainly targeted on achieving liveli-
hood improvements for populations in rural areas, a project proposal is to meet the specif-
ic requirements of the involved community and must be sustainable. The fund supports
mainly within the following areas: income generating activities, water, sanitation and
hygiene, education, vocational training, health (esp. in rural areas). The fund does not
support individuals or private charity groups. Both the procurement of goods as well as
training measures can be supported. Please consider that costs e.g. for permanent staff of a
project partner, credit schemes/revolving funds, feeding programs, land purchase or pro-
jects with high maintenance costs that cannot be covered by the project partner cannot be
supported. It is also not possible to subsidize expenditure for hotel, food etc. for partici-
pants of a training program. Your project should be a single measure that has not yet start-
ed and can be terminated within the fiscal budget period (01-01 until 31-12).

The Embassy itself decides upon your proposal. In order to be able to take that decision
we need the following documents:

1. Completely filled in application form properly signed by two members of the ap-
plying organisation (see official form attached)
2. Financial budget (together with pro-forma invoices if applicable)
3. Legal proof and information regarding the applying organisation (e.g. registration,
financial status)

The a.m. documents have to be provided to the Embassy by 28 February (of each calen-
dar year) at the latest. Late applications cannot be considered. Please consider your project
proposal to be precise and the financial budget to be comprehensive.

The total volume of the Embassy’s Small Project Fund is rather limited and the number of
project applications received regularly exceeds the financial means it disposes of. Hence, a
grant which can be allocated per project is generally small. Furthermore, please note that a
grant can only be allocated as a one-time assistance, i.e. a second financial support to the
same project is excluded.

This leaflet is part of the Embassy’s public relation work. It is free of charge and is not offered for sale.

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