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•Who and where?

The indigenous people of the lake and
mountain regions of central Michoacan call
themselves P’urhepecha, and each of their
members is a p’urhe or p’ure wich means people
or person. There are 175,000 in all of Mexico.

The purepecha people are essentially
Social and according to their worldview they live
In the awareness that their community extends
Beyond the borders of life and death.

•How are they different

Regarding their material culture, this town stood
Out for the use of copper agricultural instruments,
an exceptional fact in the Mesoamerica area. There
was a social stratification in whose pyramid was the
king, cazonci or irecha, who was followed by the lords,
principals or achaecha, and finally the priests.

•Life Today
The purepecha settlements continue to be in towns
Related to agricultural activities to this day. Life
Develops around the agricultural cycle imposed by
Sowing and harvesting.

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