16-06-24 - SR - Iit - Star Co-Sc (Model-A&b) - Jee Adv - 2022 (P-I) - Wat-50 - QP

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Sec: SR.

IIT _*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B) Date: 16-06-24

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 180
MATHEMATICS: PRESENT WEEK(80%): Binomial theorem : Binomial theorem for a
positive integral index, Constant term, Numerically greatest term,
Properties of the Binomial coefficients, Multinomial Theorem

PHYSICS: PRESENT WEEK(80%): OPTICS-II : Refraction at plane surface, TIR

and Prism, dispersion and deviation in thin prism
MAINS EXPERIMENTS: The plot of the angle of deviation vs angle of
incidence for a triangular prism.
Refractive index of a glass slab using a travelling microscope.
PREVIOUS WEEK(20%): AC : Alternating currents, peak and RMS
value of alternating current/ voltage: reactance and impedance: LCR
circuit, resonance: Quality factor, power in AC circuits, wattless current.
AC generator and transformer

CHEMISTRY: PRESENT WEEK(80%): d-Block elements : General Characteristics,

electronic configuration, atomic & ionic size, density, ionisation
enthalpy, melting points, enthalpy of atomization, Oxidation states,
Chemical reactivity and E0 values, Nature of oxides
PREVIOUS WEEK(20%): Group-17: Occurance, General
characteristics, size, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy,
electronegativity,Bond energy,Color of halogens, oxidation state,
oxidising power, reactivity towards hydrogen, oxygen, metals.Chlorine –
preparation, properties, uses, Preparation & properties of hydrides &
oxides, oxoacids & bleaching powder, Inter halogens & pseudo halogens
Narayana IIT Academy 16-06-24_SR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-50_QP

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – I (Q.N : 1 – 8) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, +3 0 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 9 – 14) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 15 – 18) Matrix Matching Type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – I (Q.N : 19 – 26) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, +3 0 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 27 – 32) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 33 – 36) Matrix Matching Type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – I (Q.N : 37 – 44) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, +3 0 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 45 – 50) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 51 – 54) Matrix Matching Type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-06-24_SR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-50_QP
MATHEMATICS Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
1. 310 20
C0 20C10  39 20C1 19C9  .....  20 C10 10C0 equals 20
Ca .b10 ( a, b  N , n C r denote coefficient of

x r in 1  x  . ), then a  b  ___

2. If n is a positive integer greater than 3 such that (1  x 2 )2 (1  x)n   aK x K and a1 , a2 , a3 are
K 0

in arithmetic progression, then maximum value of n is ________.

r Cr 1 1
3. If 1   k  N  then the sum of the digits of ‘k’ is
r 0 r  2 k k 1

If 50 C25 is divisible by 18 then the maximum value of ‘n’ equals  n  N 


n n
5. If lim
n 
K 0 n
( K  3)
 e   , then  =

If  x   1  a 0   a1x  1    a 2 x 2  22   .....   a 6 x 6  66  then the value of
1 b b b
6. a 0 is
 x   x  x   x 

C4  4C1. 303C4  4C2 . 202C4  4C3 . 101C4 equals 101 where k is

7. The sum 404

8. Let 1, w, w2 be the cube roots of unity. The least possible degree of a polynomial with real
coefficients having roots 2 w,  2  3w  ,  2  3w2  ,  2  w  w2  , is

(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases

If in the expansion of   x tan x  the ratio of 4 th term to the 2nd term is 4 , then the
1 2
x  27
value of x can be
   
A)  B)  C) D)
6 3 3 12

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Let A   x  2 y  z  , B   x  2 y  z 
25 25
10. then

A) The number of distinct terms in A+B equals 189

B) The number of distinct terms in A-B equals 169

C) The number of distinct terms in AB equals 676

D) The sum of all coefficients in A+B equals 2 25  2 25  1

11. For r = 0, 1, ....., 10, let Ar, Br and Cr denote respectively, the coefficient of xr in the
10 20
expansion of (1 + x) , (1 + x) and (1 + x) , then 30
 A B
r 0
r 10 Br – C10 A r  is equal to

A) C10 – B10 B) 0

C) A10 (B102 – C10 A10) D) B10 – C10

n n
Cr 2r 1
Let for nN, f (n)    1 ;  n  2  , then
r 0  r  1 r  2 

A) f(2n) = f(2n + 1) B) f(n) = f(n + 1)

C) f(2n) = f(2n – 1) D) f(2011) = f(2012)

13. Which of the following will be true?

A) The last two digits of will be 73.

B) The last two digits of will be 51.

C) The last two digits of will be 49.

D) The last three digits of will be 249.

2 n n k
14. If 1  1  x   1  x   .....  1  x    a k x ;  n  2 , then
k 0

n n 1 n  n  1
A)  a k  2 B) a n 2 
k 0 2

C) a p  a p1 for p  n
D)  a 9    a 8   n  2 C10
2 2
 n 1

n 1
9 

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-06-24_SR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-50_QP
(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
2n 2n
15. If  a r  x  2 r   b r  x  3 r . The values of ak for each kn are given in column-I and
r 0 r 0

the corresponding values of bn are given in column-II

Column – I Column – II

A) ak  1 P) bn  0

ak   k C n 
B) Q) bn  n  1

C) ak  0 R) bn  2n1Cn1

D) ak 
 k  n ! S) bn 
n 1
k! n!
A) A – R ; B – Q ; C – P ; D – S B) A – S ; B – Q ; C – Q ; D – S
C) A – S ; B – R ; C – P ; D – S D) A – R ; B – Q ; C – R ; D – S
Consider 1  x  x 2  a
16.  r  xr , where a 0 , a 1 , a 2 ,..., a 4n are real numbers and n is a positive

Column – I Column – II
n 1

A) The value of  a 2r is P)  2n1

r 0

The value of  a 2r 1
32n  1
B) Q)
r 1 4

9n  2a 2n  1
C) The value of a2 is R)

D) The value of a 4 n 1 S) 2n
A) A – S ; B – R ; C – Q ; D – P B) A – P ; B – Q ; C – R ; D – S
C) A – R ; B – Q ; C – P ; D – S D) A – Q ; B – P ; C – S ; D – R

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17. Using the equation x 1  0
match the following

Column – I Column – II

 3 5 1
A) cos cos cos is equal to P)
7 7 7 8

 3 5 1
B) cos cos cos is equal to Q) 
14 14 14 8

 3 5 1
C) sin sin sin is equal to R)
14 14 14 7

 3 5 7
D) tan tan tan is equal to S)
14 14 14 8

A) A – S ; B – Q ; C – P ; D – R B) A – Q ; B – S ; C – R ; D – P
C) A – Q ; B – P ; C – S ; D – R D) A – Q ; B – S ; C – P ; D – R
18. The coefficient of

Column – I Column – II

x5 in the expansion of 1  x 2  1  x  is
5 4
A) P) 357

x4 in the expansion of 1  x  x 2  x 3  is
B) Q) 60

x6 in the expansion of 1  x  x 2  is
C) R) -171

x17 in the expansion of (x – 1) (x – 2) …

D) S) 990
(x – 18) is

A) A – S ; B – Q ; C – P ; D – R B)A – Q ; B – S ; C – R ; D – P

C) A – Q ; B – P ; C – S ; D – R D)A – Q ; B – S ; C – P ; D – R

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-06-24_SR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-50_QP
PHYSICS Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
19. Two resistors are connected in series across a 5V rms source of alternating potential.
The potential difference across 6Ω resistor is 3V. if R is replaced by a pure inductor L of
such magnitude that current remains same, then the potential difference across L is_____

20. A monochromatic light is incident from air on a refracting surface of a prism of angle
75o and refractive index n 0  3. The other refracting surface of a prism is coated by a
thin film of material of refractive index n as shown in figure. The light suffers total
internal reflection at the coated prism surface for an incidence angle of   60o. The
value of n 2 is __________.

21. A ray of light travelling in air is incident at grazing angle on a slab of 3 m thickness with
variable refractive index, n  y    ky3/2  1
where k  1m3 / 2 and follows path as
shown. The total deviation produced by the slab when the ray is at A  y  1m  is
 a  1   2a  1 , in degrees then find the value of a.

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22. Isosceles triangle glass prism stands with its base in water. The angle that its two equal
sides makes with base are  each. An incident ray of light parallel to the water surface
internally reflect at the glass water interface and subsequently re-emerges into the air,
 5 4
for this  must be at least tan 1 x . Find the value of x.   g  ,  w  
 3 3

23. In the given figure ‘O’ is a point object kept on the principal axis of a concave mirror of
radius of curvature 20 cm, prism of angle 1.8°. Light falling on the prism (at a small
angle of incidence) get refracted through prism and then fall on the mirror. Refractive
index of prism is 3/2. Find the distance (in cm) between image formed by the concave
mirror due to this light.

24. The cross section of a prism is a regular hexagon. A narrow beam of light strikes a face
of the prism just below the midpoint (M) of the edge AB. The beam is parallel to the top
and bottom faces of the prism. Find the minimum value of refractive index of the
material of the prism for which the emergent beam will be parallel to the incident beam.
Take 13  3.60

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25. A person looking through the telescope T just sees the point A on the rim at the bottom
of a cylindrical vessel when the vessel is empty (see figure). When the vessel is
completely filled with a liquid of refractive index 1.5, he observes a mark at the centre B
of the bottom, without moving the telescope on the vessel. If the diameter of the cross-
section is 10 cm and height of the vessel is 10 ,find the value of A.

26. A research submarine has a circular glass window in its bottom to observe the seabed.
Radius of the window is r = 30 cm, thickness of the glass is t = 20 mm, refractive index
of water is  w  1.25 and that of the glass is  g  1.5 . If the seabed is d = 6.0 m beneath
the window, estimate radius of portion of the seabed visible through the window (in

(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
27. A light ray is incident on equilateral prism of side length d on mid-point at variable
angle of incidence i. Now choose the correct answer. [D is mid-point of side AB]

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A) If   2, minimum value of distance AE is (without any TIR from side AC)
 
3 1

B) If   2, angle of minimum deviation produced by prism is 30 .

C) If   2, then and only then, there may be emergent ray from AC of prism (without

D) In case of minimum deviation emergent ray must be emerging from midpoint of face

28. P1 and P2 are identical prisms arranged as shown in figure. A ray of white light incident
on face of P1 undergoes dispersion and falls on one face of P2. The facing surfaces of the
prisms are parallel to each other and separation between them is negligible. Then,

A) Light emerging from P2 will be white

B) In the light emerging from P2 dispersion will be greater

C) The direction of light emerging from P2 will be parallel to the direction of ray
incident on P1

D) The ray emerging from P2 will be white even if prisms P1 and P2 have identical
geometry but different material

29. Consider a hemisphere of radius R with centre of curvature at origin O, as shown.

Refractive index of material of the hemisphere varies as  . Where x is x-
2R  x
coordinate of material point. A ray travelling in air in xy-plane is grazingly incident at
O, as shown. Choose the correct option(s).

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A) Trajectory followed by ray as it travels inside the hemisphere is circular

B) y-coordinate of the point of hemisphere where the ray comes out of the hemisphere
lies between 0.5R and 0.75R
C) Deviation suffered by the ray just before it comes out of the hemispherical surface
lies between 0° and 30°
D) Deviation suffered by the ray just before it comes out of the hemispherical surface
lies between 30° and 45°
30. Consider the setup shown in the figure, which uses a right-angled prism placed in air to
transmit a horizontal incident ray. During its passage through the prism, the ray
experiences total internal reflection (TIR) twice and then exits as shown in the figure.
The prism is made from a glass of refractive index µ.

A) If the emerging ray propagates horizontally, then correct expression for refractive
cos 
index is  
cos 3

B) If the emerging ray propagates horizontally, then correct expression for refractive
cos 
index is  
sin 3

C) Ratio of height of the incoming ray from the base of the prism to that of the emerging
h1 sin 
ray is 
h2 sin 3

D) Ratio of height of the incoming ray from the base of the prism to that of the emerging
h1 
ray is 
h2 1  2 

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31. When a voltage Vx = 200 2 sin(t  150 ) V is applied to an AC circuit, the current in the

circuit is found to be i  2sin  t   A . Then,
 4

A) Average power consumed is 200 6 W

B) Average power consumed is 100 6 W

C) Power factor is

D) Power factor is

32. At time t = 0, terminal A in the circuit shown in the figure is connected to B by a key
and an alternating current I  t   I 0 cos t  , with I0 = 1A and   500 rads 1 starts flowing in

it with the initial direction shown in the figure. At t = 7 6 , the key is switched from B

to D. now onwards only A and D are connected. A total charge Q flows from the battery
to charge the capacitor fully. If C = 20 F , R = 10Ω and the battery is ideal with emf of
50V, identify the correct statement(s):

A) Magnitude of the maximum charge on the capacitor before t  is 1 x 10-3C

B) The current in the left part of the circuit just before t  is clockwise

C) Immediately after A is connected to D, the current in R is 10A

D) Q = 2 x 10-3C

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-06-24_SR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-50_QP
(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
33. A prism ‘X’ and another ‘Y’ are kept in contact with their refracting angles placed
opposite to each other as shown in fig. White light is incident on the combination from
the left. Column-I described some situation. Match Column-I with the possible out-
comes given in Column-II.

e lig

List- I List- II
The prisms are made of same material and their refracting
P) 1) without
angles are equal, i.e. A  A '. The combination will cause
The prisms are made of same material and their refracting
Q) 2) No deviation
angles are not equal, i.e. A  A '. The combination will cause.
The prisms are made of different material and their
refracting angles are equal i.e. A  A '. Also the quantity
R)  v   r has different values for the two prisms. Here  v and  r 3) No dispersion
are the refractive indices for violet and red colours.
The combination will cause
The prisms are made of different materials and their
A ( ' 1)
refracting angles are unequal, i.e., A  A '. Also  , Both
A' (  1)
S) where  is the refractive index for the mean wavelength 4) deviation and
(yellow) for prism X while  ' is the corresponding value for
prism Y. The combination will cause.

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The correct option is
A) P  2,3, Q  4, R  4, S  1,2 B) P  1, Q  3, R  4, S  2
C) P  2, Q  4, R  4, S  1 D) P  1, Q  3, R  2, S  4
34. Match the proper entries from column-2 to column-1 using the codes given below the
columns the deviation in the column – II is the magnitude of total deviation (between
incident ray and finally refracted or reflected ray) to lie between 0  and 180  . Here n
represents refractive index of medium.


deviation in the light ray is greater

A) P)
than 90

deviation in the light ray is less

B) Q)
than 90

deviation in the light ray is equal to

C) R)

Speed of finally reflected or

D) S) refracted light is same as speed of
incident light



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35. A right angled prism of refractive index 1 is placed in a rectangular block of refractive
index  2 , which is surrounded by a medium of refractive index  3 , as shown in the
figure. A ray of light 'e' enters the rectangular block at normal incidence. Depending
upon the relationships between 1 ,  2 and 3 , it takes one of the four possible paths 'ef,
'eg', 'eh'or 'ei'

Match the paths in List -I with conditions of refractive indices in List - II and select the
correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List- I List- II
P) ef 1) 1  2 2

Q) eg 2)  2  1 and  2   3

R) eh 3) 1   2

S) ei 4)  2  1  2 2 and  2   3


A) P  3, Q  4, R  1, S  2 B) P  4, Q  1, R  2, S  3

C) P  1, Q  2, R  3, S  4 D) P  2, Q  3, R  4, S  1

36. You are given many resistors, capacitors and inductors. These are connected to a
variable DC voltage source (the first two circuits) or an AC voltage source of 50 Hz
frequency (the next three circuits) in different ways as shown in Column II. When a
current ‘ I ’ (steady state for DC or rms for AC) flows through the circuit, the
corresponding voltage V1 and V2 (indicated in circuits) are related as shown in

Column I.

Match the column-I with column-II and select the best possible option
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Column – I Column – II

A) I  0,V1 is proportional to ‘ I ’ P)

B) I  0,V2  V1 Q)

C) V1  0,V2  V R)

D) I  0,V2 is proportional to ‘ I ’ S)




SR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 16

Narayana IIT Academy 16-06-24_SR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-50_QP
CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
37. IP1 of Cl is 12ev. EA1 of Cl is 3.6 ev. In a sample of 1 mole of gaseous Cl atoms, the
maximum number of Cl atoms that can be ionised by utlising the energy liberated from
in the process, Cl  e  Cl involving 1 mole of Cl atoms is x. y 10ab .Value of .
g g b
(Use N A  6  1023 )
38. The atomic number of 3d series transitional metal with positive SRP value
 EM0 2 / M   ve  is

39. Among Titanium (Z=22): Vanidium (Z=23), Chromium (Z=24) and Manganese(Z=25) ,
the element with lowest metallic radii is (Express your answer in terms of atomic
40. Among the following how many d-block elements have unpaired e in ns orbital.

Cr, Cu, Pd, Cd, Y, Mo , Ru, Pt, Au

(Cr=24; Cu=29; Pd=46; Cd=48; Y=39; Mo =42; Ru=44; Pt=78;Au=79)

41. Sum of unpaired electrons in M  ion of elements with atomic number 21 to 30

(Scandium to Zinc) is

42. Following are d-block elements, along with their atomic number

Ru(Z=44); Pd(Z=46); Cr(Z=24)

Zn(Z=30); Cn(Z=112); W(Z=74)

Ni(Z=28); Pt(Z=78); Cd(Z=48)

Find the sum of atomic number of non transitional elements.

43. Maximum possible oxidation state for Fe in any of its compound in alkaline medium is

44. Among 3d series of transitional metals, one with lowest heat of atomisation is X. The
atomic number of X is

SR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 17

Narayana IIT Academy 16-06-24_SR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-50_QP
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
45. Choose the correct statement(s)

A) Cu  Compounds are unstable in aqueous solution and under goes disproportion


B) Higher stability of aqueous Cu 2 is due to its higher magnitude of hydration enthalpy.

C) In the aqueous solution, Mn3 and CO 3 are strong oxidizing agents.

D) The +7 state of Mn is not represented in simple halides like MX 7

46. The correct statement(s) about Cr 2 and Mn 3 is (are)

[Atomic numbers of Cr=24 and Mn=25]

A) Cr 2 is a reducing agent

B) Mn3 is an oxidizing agent

C) Both Cr 2 and Mn 3 exhibit d 4 electronic configuration

D) When Cr 2 is used as a reducing agent, the chromium ion attains d 5 electronic


47. Which of the following terms are responsible for the value of ionization enthalpy of d-
block elements in general

A) Attraction of each electron towards nucleus

B) Repulsion between the electrons

C) Heat of atomisation

D) Exchange of energy

48. Transition elements form binary compounds with halogens. Which of the following
elements can form MF3 type compounds?

A) Cr B) Co C) Cu D) Ni

SR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 18

Narayana IIT Academy 16-06-24_SR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-50_QP
49. Among the following which d-block metal can exhibit +VI oxidation state in their

A) Cr B) Mn C) Fe D) Hg

50. Choose the correct statement from the following

A) Oxidising power of different oxo-anions is MnO  4  Cr2O 2 7  VO2 

B) Higher oxidising power of MnO  4 is due to in acidic medium is due to stability of

Mn2 .

C) In MnO  4 , Cr2O 2 7 , Cr2O 2 4 , VO2  species, number of unpaired e in their central atom is

D) Copper, Silver and gold are considered as coinage metals.

(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
51. Match the following

Column-I Column-I
(Property) (Metal)
Element with highest second
I) A) V
ionization enthalpy
Element with highest third
II) B) Cr
ionization enthalpy
III) M in M (CO)6 is C) Cu
Element with highest heat of
IV) D) Zn

SR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 19

Narayana IIT Academy 16-06-24_SR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-50_QP
52. Match the following three columns by suitable option

Column-II Column-III
(Electron gain enthalpy in (Bond dissociation energy
KJ/mole) in KJ/mole)
K) Fluorine P) -349 1) 242.6
L) Chlorine Q) -333 2)192.8
M) Bromine R) -325 3) 158.8
N) Iodine S) -296 4) 151.1
A) K-Q,3; L-R,2; M-P,1; N-S,4 B) K-Q,3; L-P,1; M-R,2; N-S,4
C) K-P,3; L-Q,1; M-R,2; N-S,4 D) K-P,3; L-Q,2; M-R,1; N-S,4
53. Match the following three columns by suitable option

Column-I Column-II Column-III

(Oxyacid) (Oxidation state of (No: of  bonds)
central atom)
P) Hypochlorous acid K) +3 1) 3
Q) Chorous acid L) +1 2) 2
R) Chloric acid M) +7 3) 1
S) Perchloric acid N) +5 4) 0
A) P-L,1;Q-K,2; R-N,3; S-M,4 B) P-K,4; Q-L,3; R-M,2; S-N,1

C) P-L,4; Q-K,3; R-N,2; S-M,1 D) P-L,1; Q-K,2; R-M,3; S-N,4

54. Match the following three columns by suitable option

Column-I Column-II Column-III

(d-block element) (Property) (Number of d electrons)
P) Best electrical
1) Zirconium(Z=40) K) 30
2) Silver (Z=47) Q) Liquid metal L) 12
3) Mercury (Z=80) R) Highest density M) 20
S) Similar property with
4) Osmium(Z=76) N) 26
A) 1-S,L; 2-R,N; 3-P,K; 4-Q,M B) 1-S,L; 2-P,M; 3-Q,K; 4-R,N
C) 1-S,L; 2-Q,K; 3-P,M; 4-R,N D) 1-Q,M; 2-P,M; 3-R,K; 4-S,N

SR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 20

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