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Week Day Sum of Annual Sum of Total Sum of SLA

1 9 144 667%
Sunday 1 21 95%
Monday 1 21 94%
Tuesday 1 25 97%
Wednesday 1 24 95%
Thursday 1 23 98%
Friday 2 15 94%
Saturday 2 15 94%
2 17 119 619%
Sunday 3 18 89%
Monday 3 17 85%
Tuesday 3 17 88%
Wednesday 2 18 89%
Thursday 2 19 83%
Friday 2 15 93%
Saturday 2 15 92%
3 8 146 676%
Sunday 1 21 96%
Monday 1 21 95%
Tuesday 2 24 97%
Wednesday 2 23 96%
Thursday 2 23 98%
Friday 0 17 97%
Saturday 0 17 97%
4 16 140 636%
Sunday 1 21 98%
Monday 1 21 96%
Tuesday 3 23 89%
Wednesday 2 24 85%
Thursday 5 21 81%
Friday 2 15 94%
Saturday 2 15 93%
Total Result 50 549 2598%
Sum of Off Sum of Total Transactions
29 9174
4 1379
4 1328
0 1627
1 1423
2 1308
9 1011
9 1098
34 9544
5 1516
6 1460
6 1489
6 1465
5 1604
3 999
3 1011
28 9374
4 1319
4 1619
0 1563
1 1372
1 1391
9 1095
9 1015
26 11097
4 1265
4 1709
0 1825
0 1963
0 1820
9 1200
9 1315
117 39189
Week Day Total Transactions Total Present Agnets Annual Off Total
3 Sunday 1319 21 1 4 26
3 Monday 1619 21 1 4 26
3 Tuesday 1563 24 2 0 26
3 Wednesday 1372 23 2 1 26
3 Thursday 1391 23 2 1 26
3 Friday 1095 17 0 9 26
3 Saturday 1015 17 0 9 26

Week 1 2 3 4
Transactions 1310.57142857143 1363.42857142857 1339.143 1585.286
Agents 21 17 21 20
SLA Average 95% 88% 97% 91%

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