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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region


S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: _______________________________________ Score: ______________

Grade and Section: _____________________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Read each question carefully, then circle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. It entails looking into the profile of your target audience for your speech presentation.
a. audience analysis b. demographic profile c. checking audience d. background checking

2. Is a process of presenting a clear, coherent message in an interesting way?

a. effectivity b. efficiency c. consistency d. clarity

3. Is a hierarchical list that shows the relationship of your ideas. Experts in public speaking state that once your outline is
ready, two-thirds of your speech writing is finished.
a. Purpose b. Topic c. Outline d. Data Gathering

4. This restates the main idea of your speech. Furthermore, it provides a summary, emphasizes the message, and calls
for action. What part of the body of speech is this?
a. Introduction b. Conclusion c. Body d. Topic

5. This means making your main idea more specific and focused. You are trying to specify general ideas to make it more
precise and clearer?
a. topic simplification b. topic elimination c. narrowing down topic d. trimming

6. It is the process of delivering the speech in a clear, coherent, and interesting way?
a. good delivery b. good presentation c. consistency d. clarity

7. Is the speaker’s ability/ style to sound expressive and to be perceived by the audience as if he/she is talking naturally?
a. effectivity b. natural speaking c. conversational style d. simplicity

8. As the speaker deliver the speech, you’ve noticed that he keeps looking around and makes sure to touch everyone’s
eyes. The speaker is applying ______________, to provide good speech delivery.
a. checking audience b. maximizing vision c. looking around d. eye contact

9. This simply refers to the loudness and softness of the speaker’s voice. This is an important element to provide good
speech delivery.
a. volume b. sound c. tone d. pitch

10. This specifically refers to the different ways on how speaker uses his/her voice to deliver the speech effectively?
a. volume b. paralanguage c. pitch d. tone

11. Is a word-for-word type of speech presentation which allows the speaker to hold his printed copy.
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech

12. Is the type of speech that allows the speaker to recite what he/she has committed to memorize.
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech

13. ______________ speeches often occur when someone is asked to “say a few words” or give a toast on a special
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech

14. ______________ speech is the presentation of a carefully planned and rehearsed speech, spoken in a conversational
manner using brief notes.
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech
15. You were told to prepare a short speech for the school’s campus journal conference. You asked if you could have your
copy, and your teacher said yes. You are preparing what type of speech?
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech

16. This is the type of speech that mainly aims to entertain and put smiles to the audience. Considered as the hardest
speech style of all.
a. entertainment speech b. persuasive speech c. informative speech d. comedy speech

17. The main purpose of this type of speech is to encourage and convince the audience about the claims of the speaker.
a. entertainment speech b. persuasive speech c. informative speech d. comedy speech

18. A type of speech that mainly serves to provide interesting and useful information to the audience.
a. entertainment speech b. persuasive speech c. informative speech d. comedy speech

19. These are informative speeches that focuses on tangible items or objects. Specifically discusses information than can
be processed by the five senses.
a. object or people b. processes c. events d. concepts

20. Informative speeches that aims to provide information which focuses more on processes and sequences of events.
Often presentation or visual aids are necessary.
a. object or people b. processes c. events d. concepts

21. The following are examples of Writing Patterns EXCEPT?

a. biographical b. categorical/ topical c. chronological d. sequential

22. The following statements are all true about the Body of Speech EXCEPT:
a. It provides explanations that can help you deliver your purpose and explain the main idea of your speech.
b. It provides examples that can help you deliver your purpose and explain the main idea of your speech.
c. It provides outline that can help you deliver your purpose and explain the main idea of your speech.
d. It provides any details that can help you deliver your purpose and explain the main idea of your speech.

23. The following are all guidelines of speech writing EXCEPT?

a. Keep your words short and simple.
b. Avoid jargon, acronyms, or technical words.
c. Make your speech more personal by using personal pronouns.
d. Do not manage your time well.

24. Given the scheduled speech presentation next week, you together with your groupmates checked the venue, the
facilities and the time of the presentation. You are doing the process of _____________.
a. Audience Analysis b. Checking Setup c. Preparation d. Examining Location

25. After writing your speech manuscript, you started to proofread it and was able to find out minor details that needs
correction and revisions. Thus, this process of speech writing is one of the most important steps prior to the
completion of your speech. This is called _______________.

a. Checking b. Proof Reading c. Editing/ Revision d. Paper Review

26. This element of speech good delivery is specifically referring to the highness and lowness of the speakers’ voice,
which helps in giving emphasis and variety in delivering the speech. What element is this?
a. volume b. paralanguage c. pitch d. tone

27. This element of speech good delivery is very important. The speaker’s ability to make use of short and long breaks that
adds emphasis and clarity to the messages being presented. This is called _______________.
a. volume b. pitch c. breaks d. pause

28. The following are all tools of observation for effective speech delivery EXCEPT?
a. Watch how the speaker on how they approach the audience.
b. Notice how the speaker connects to the audience using the elements of good speech delivery.
c. Jot down notes of the discussions.
d. Focus on how the speaker use vocalization.

29. The use of vocalization is one important element of good speech delivery. This is often termed as “vocal dynamics”
and the other term is ________________?
a. vocalization b. paralanguage c. dynamics d. voice adjustments

30. It’s a style that approaches the way you normally express yourself in a much smaller group than large number of
a. conversational style b. simple style c. normal style d. natural style

31. You were listening to a spoken poetry candidate and suddenly the speaker stopped, most probably he forgot what to
say next. This scenario can often happen in what type of speech?
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech

32. You attended you friend’s wedding, on the reception, her ex-boyfriend gave a short but impactful message for the
newlyweds. The short message given is an example of ______________ speech.
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech

33. The following are all potential problems for Manuscript Speech EXCEPT?
a. You might be tempted to skip practicing the speech.
b. If you fail to practice your speech and decide just to read it on the day, you might be glued to the speech all
c. You may not forget making eye contact with your audience since you are not familiar with your script.
d. Since everything is planned, you may run out of time.

34. The following are all potential problems for Memorized Speech EXCEPT?
a. The speaker might forget what he/she are supposed to say (mental blocked).
b. You might not focus on content too much.
c. You might memorize the speech mechanically which affects the dynamics of speech delivery.
d. You might be too focused in remembering your script and will give you no chance to interact with the audience.

35. The following are all potential problems for Impromptu Speech EXCEPT?
a. The speaker might give a very good speech right away.
b. You might not focus on content too much.
c. Response might be not that long since you have no preparation at all.
d. It may take some time to think of words for the speech.

36. This is a type of informative speech which primarily focuses on beliefs, knowledge, theories, principles or ideas.
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech

37. The following statements are true about an effective persuasive speech EXCEPT?
a. It should have well defined goals.
b. It must have clear and well explained points.
c. Must be able to present entertaining ideas.
d. Must contain effective and powerful ways of presenting claims and arguments.

38. The following are all potential problems for Manuscript Speech EXCEPT?
a. You might be tempted to skip practicing the speech.
b. If you fail to practice your speech and decide just to read it on the day, you might be glued to the speech all
c. You may not forget making eye contact with your audience since you are not familiar with your script.
d. Since everything is planned, you may run out of time.

39. Your friends invited you to watch a Spoken Poetry competition, the theme of the competition is to empower the
youth to strive more towards achieving their goals. What type of speech do you think would you witness?
a. entertainment speech b. persuasive speech c. informative speech d. comedy speech

40. The following are all tips in delivering an entertainment speech, which is NOT correct?
a. tell jokes, share funny stories, dramatize experiences
b. recall scary stories, tell funny experiences, share funny moments
c. tell funny moments, share awkward experiences, recall funny experiences
d. share jokes, tell sad stories, recall bad experiences

41. Are types of claims that focuses on questioning the existence of a particular event or happening?
a. claim of policy b. claim if values c. claim of fact d. claim of justice
42. These types of claims focuses on questioning the current state of things which can impact the future?
a. claim of policy b. claim if values c. claim of fact d. claim of justice

43. Every day you go into class, sit on your chair, and listen to all the discussions being presented by your teachers.
What particular type of speech context do you think your teachers usually use?
a. entertainment speech b. persuasive speech c. informative speech d. comedy speech

44. Are types of claims that focuses on questioning the value regarding topics on self, family, and the like?
a. claim of policy b. claim if values c. claim of fact d. claim of justice

45. Christian was sitting on his office table, while browsing his Tiktok app, he suddenly got into JOKOY’s live speech
performance, upon watching Christian can’t stop smiling and laughing. What kind of speech do you think is he
a. entertainment speech b. persuasive speech c. informative speech d. comedy speech

46. Your group was tasked to report next week, on the day of your presentation, one of your groupmates suddenly
stopped presenting and was not able to continue. He said, he forgot what he memorized for his part. This type of
scenario usually happens in what type of speech context?
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech

47. Sheena attended her friend’s 18th birthday, though she was not on the list to give a message due to unavailability of
some of the guests, she was suddenly told to give a short message. What Sheena was about to do best exemplifies
____________ speech?
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech

48. Your class adviser called the class for a meeting because the newly elected class president will give a short speech.
On the meeting, you noticed that she was reading her speech script and you felt bored as you listen to her because
she doesn’t express herself that much and she was almost not looking at the audience. This scenario usually happens
in what type of speech context?
a. extemporaneous speech b. memorized speech c. manuscript speech d. impromptu speech

49. Wilfred attended a speech conference; he was a participant. They were given an hour to prepare an outline for their
speech presentation focusing on the theme: “Education is the Key to Success!”, thus, he was able to impress the
judges and won the hearts of many? What particular type of speech context according to delivery and purpose was
presented by Wilfred?
a. extemporaneous speech context, informative speech style
b. extemporaneous speech context, persuasive speech style
c. impromptu speech context, persuasive speech style
d. impromptu speech context, informative speech style

50. Gerald is a comedian, after 10 years of being a spoken poetry artist that focuses on entertainment, he was hailed as
the “Comedian of the Year!”, he was about to deliver a speech for the award, but this time it was not entertaining but
inspiring. What particular type of speech context according to delivery and purpose was presented?
a. extemporaneous speech context, informative speech style
b. extemporaneous speech context, persuasive speech style
c. impromptu speech context, persuasive speech style
d. impromptu speech context, informative speech style

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