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虎课外刊精读丨 2021 年第 221 期 讲师丨林伯虎 上线日期丨 2021.11.19 Fri.

Tiger Times 01

《哈利·波特》电影 20 周年:重读当年那篇刻





The Sorcerer's Apprentice

The director, Chris Columbus, is as adept as Ms. Rowling at

cobbling free-floating cultural myths into a wobbly whole. The first
film from a Columbus script, ''Gremlins,'' had the cheeky cheesiness
of an urban legend written for Marvel Comics. Mr. Columbus
probably felt like the right choice for ''Harry Potter'' because he has
often used the same circuit boards as Ms. Rowling to design his
fables. His ''Home Alone'' movies, ''Mrs. Doubtfire'' and ''Stepmom''
employ the theme of abandonment by parents as if it were a brand
name. And like Mr. Columbus's films, Ms. Rowling's novels pull
together archetypes that others have long exploited. This movie
begins with a shot of a street sign that will cause happy young
audiences to erupt in recognition, as the dry-witted giant Hagrid
(Robbie Coltrane) and Professor McGonagall (Maggie Smith) drop a
baby at the Doorstep of Destiny.

Years later Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), sporting the jagged thunderbolt

scar across his forehead, is living there with his terrors of an aunt
(Fiona Shaw) and uncle (Richard Griffiths).

Harry is the kid all kids dream they are. His special abilities are
recognized by people other than the ones who have raised him.
Hagrid returns to rescue him from his tiny room under the stairs and
clues Harry in about the boy's inner force, which is why he doesn't fit
into the world of Muggles, the nonmagical and nonbelievers.



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Tiger Times 02

Harry is shown the way to Hogwarts, an English boarding school for

wizards run by Professor Dumbledore (Richard Harris), where Harry
pals up with the gawky but decent Ron (Rupert Grint) and the
bossy, precocious Hermione (Emma Watson). The instructors, who
rule the classrooms with varying degrees of imperiousness, include
the acid Snape (Alan Rickman) and the mousy stutterer Quirrell (Ian

The casting is the standout, from the smaller roles up; it seems that
every working British actor of the last 20 years makes an appearance.
John Hurt blows through as an overly intense dealer in magic
equipment, schooling Harry on selecting his tools. While shopping
for his magic equipment, Harry comes across the Sorcerer's Stone, a
bedeviled jewel whose power affects his first year at the enchanted

Mr. Radcliffe has an unthinkably difficult role for a child actor; all he
gets to do is look sheepish when everyone turns to him and intones
that he may be the greatest wizard ever. He could have been hobbled
by being cast because he resembles the Harry of the book cover
illustrations. It's a horrible burden to place on a kid, but it helps that
Mr. Radcliffe does have the long-faced mournfulness of a 60's pop
star. He also possesses a watchful gravity and, shockingly, the large,
authoritative hands of a real wizard.

The other child actors shine, too. Ms. Watson has the sass and smarts
to suggest she might cast a spell of her own on Harry in the coming
years and, one supposes, sequels. Mr. Grint has a surprising everyman
quality, but the showstopper is Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy. This
drolly menacing blond with a widow's peak is Harry's plotting foe,
and he has the rotted self-confidence of one of the upperclassmen
from Lindsay Anderson's ''If.'' There has never been a kid who got so
much joy from speaking his oddball name.

Ms. Shaw and Mr. Griffiths are enjoyably swinish, the most resolute
of Muggles. Mr. Rickman, whose licorice-black pageboy has
the bounce of a coiffure from a hair products ad, is a threatening
Tiger Times 03

schoolroom don who delivers his monologues with a hint of mint;

his nostrils flare so athletically that he seems to be doing tantric yoga
with his sinuses. The mountainously lovable Mr. Coltrane really is a
fairy-tale figure that kids dream about.

The movie's most consistently entertaining scene features a talking

hat, and that's not meant as an insult. The Sorting Hat, which has
more personality than anything else in the movie, assigns the students
to the various dormitories; it puts Harry, Ron and Hermione together.
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adept /əˈdept/ adj. 熟练的,擅长的 ○ e.g. jagged rocks/peaks 高高低低的岩石 / 嶙峋的山

○ good at doing sth. that is quite difficult 峰
○ e.g. He is an adept guitar player. 他是个吉他高手。
clue sb. in (on sth.) 给(某人)提供最新信息
cobble /ˈkɒbəl/ v. 修鞋,补鞋 ○ to give sb. the most recent information about sth.
○ to repair or make shoes ○ e.g. He's just clued me in on the latest developments.
○ cobble sth. together(匆忙而草率地)拼凑 他刚给我提供了最新的进展情况。
○ to quickly produce or make something that is useful
but not perfect pal up with 成为(某人的)朋友
○ e.g. The diplomats cobbled an agreement together. 外 ○ to become friendly with sb.
交官们草草拟了一份协议。 ○ e.g. I palled up with them while I was at college. 我
wobbly /ˈwɒbli/ adj. 摇摆的,摇摇晃晃的
○ moving in an unsteady way from side to side gawky /ˈɡɔːki/ adj.(尤指高个子的年轻人)笨拙的,
○ e.g. a wobbly chair/tooth 摇摇晃晃的椅子 / 松动的 笨手笨脚的
牙齿 ○ (especially of a tall young person) awkward in the
way they move or behave
cheeky /ˈtʃiːki/ adj. 厚脸皮的,鲁莽的,放肆的 ○ e.g. a gawky long-legged teenager 一个举止笨拙的
○ rude in an amusing or an annoying way 长腿少年
○ e.g. a cheeky grin 厚颜无耻的龇牙一笑
decent /ˈdiːsənt/ adj. 正派的,对人友好的
archetype /ˈɑːkɪtaɪp/ n. 典型 ○ honest and fair and treating people with respect
○ the most typical or perfect example of a particular ○ e.g. He is a decent man. 他是一个品行端正的人。
kind of person or thing
○ e.g. She is the archetype of an American movie star. precocious /prɪˈkəʊʃəs/ adj.(儿童的能力或行为)早
她是典型的美国影星。 熟的
○ (of a child) having developed particular abilities and
exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ v. 运用,利用,发挥 ways of behaving at a much younger age than usual
○ to use sth. well in order to gain as much from it as ○ e.g. sexually precocious 性早熟
○ e.g. She fully exploits the humour of her role in the imperious /ɪmˈpɪəriəs/ adj. 专横的,蛮横的,盛气凌
play. 她在剧中把她那个角色的幽默发挥得淋漓尽 人的
致。 ○ expecting people to obey you and treating them as if
they are not as important as you
sport /spɔːt/ v. 得意地穿戴,夸示,故意显示 ○ e.g. an imperious gesture 盛气凌人的姿势
○ to have or wear sth in a proud way ○ imperiousness n. 专横,傲慢
○ e.g. to sport a beard 故意蓄着大胡子
○ e.g. She was sporting a T-shirt with the company's acid /ˈæsɪd/ adj.(言辞)尖刻的,尖酸的
logo on it. 她穿了一件带有公司徽标的 T 恤衫,很是 ○ (of a person's remarks) critical and unkind
炫耀。 ○ e.g. This comedy is told with compassion and acid
humour. 这部喜剧杂糅了悲悯的情怀和尖酸的幽默。
jagged /ˈdʒæɡɪd/ adj. 凹凸不平的,有尖突的,锯齿
状的 stutterer /ˈstʌtərə(r)/ n. 口吃,说话结巴者
○ with rough, pointed, often sharp edges ○ someone who speaks or says something, especially
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the first part of a word, with difficulty, for example ○ the way in which a person's hair is arranged
pausing or repeating a sound several times ○ e.g. an elaborate coiffure 精致的发型
○ e.g. The writer of The King's Speech picked up an
Oscar and dedicated it to "all the stutterers throughout sinus /ˈsaɪnəs/ n. 鼻窦
the world".《国王的演讲》的编剧获得了一座奥斯卡, ○ your sinuses are the spaces in the bones of your head
并把它献给 “ 全世界所有的口吃者 ”。 that are connected to the inside of your nose

intone /ɪnˈtəʊn/ v. 缓慢而庄重地说

○ to say sth. in a slow and serious voice without much
○ e.g. The priest intoned the final prayer. 神父庄重地

gravity /ˈɡrævəti/ n. 严肃,庄严

○ serious behaviour, speech or appearance
○ e.g. They were asked to behave with the gravity that
was appropriate in a court of law. 他们被要求在法庭

sass /sæs/ n. 莽撞的行为,粗鲁的话

○ behaviour or talk that is rude and lacking respect
○ e.g. She takes no sass from her pupils. 她不容她的

showstopper /'ʃəʊˌstɒpə/ n. 受到阵阵鼓掌喝彩的节目

○ a performance receving prolonged applause
○ e.g. Her natural creativity and artistic talent make her
home a real showstopper. 她天生的创造力和艺术天赋

droll /drəʊl/ adj. 离奇可笑的,滑稽古怪的

○ amusing, but not in a way that you expect
○ e.g. The band have a droll sense of humour. 这个乐

menacing /ˈmenəsɪŋ/ adj. 威胁的,恐吓的,危险的

○ seeming likely to cause you harm or danger
○ e.g. a menacing face/tone 恶狠的脸色 / 口吻

swinish /ˈswaɪnɪʃ/ adj. 极讨厌的,可鄙的,难对付的

○ extremely unpleasant or difficult to deal with
○ e.g. a swinish smell 极其难闻的味道

coiffure /kwɑ:ˈfjʊə(r)/ n. 发式,发型

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1. 根据英文释义写出文中出现的对应单词
______: good at doing sth. that is quite difficult
______: moving in an unsteady way from side to side

2. 一词多义

Which of the following underlined word is closest in meaning to the one in the sentence "Years later
Harry, sporting the jagged thunderbolt scar across his forehead, is living there with his terrors of an aunt
and uncle." ____

A. All students are encouraged to take part in a sport.

B. He was heavily-built and sported a red moustache.
C. He was accused of having no sense of humor, of not being a good sport.
D. The comments were only made in sport.

3. 翻译:根据给定中文回译英文



3. And like his films, Ms. Rowling's novels pull together archetypes that others have long exploited.
2. B
1. adept; wobbly
Tiger Times 07



克里斯·哥伦布(Chris Columbus)1958 年出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,是美国著名电影


Spielberg)搬上荧幕并取得巨大成功,他本人也在好莱坞声名大噪。1990 年执导的《小鬼
当家》和 1992 年的《小鬼当家 2》让哥伦布迅速在全球家喻户晓。

2001 年 11 月 4 日,哥伦布执导的魔幻冒险电影《哈利·波特与魔法石》上映;2002
年 11 月 15 日,由其执导的电影《哈利·波特与密室》上映。2004 年,由其监制的电影《哈


2012 年,哥伦布凭借电影《帮助》提名第 84 届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片奖。



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