The Key Features of Workplace Meetings

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Special Issue: Meeting Science

Organizational Psychology Review

The key features of workplace © The Author(s) 2022
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meetings: Conceptualizing the
DOI: 10.1177/20413866221129231

why, how, and what of meetings

at work

Joseph A. Allen
University of Utah, USA

Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock
University of Hamburg, Germany

Given the focal role that group and team meetings play in shaping employees’ work lives (and
schedules), the scarcity of conceptual and empirical attention to the topic in extant organizational
psychology research is a major oversight that stalls scientific understanding of organizational
behavior more broadly. With the explosion of meetings in recent years, in part due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, some even wonder why organizational psychology has not already figured
out meetings from both a science and practice perspective. The purpose of this paper is to syn-
thesize the extant literature on the science of workplace meetings and sort the works by identi-
fying the key features of the meeting phenomenon. The five key features of workplace meetings
identified include Leading, Interacting, Managing Time, Engaging, and Relating. We couch these fea-
tures within a larger framework of how meetings are the intersection of collaboration in organi-
zations and indispensable to organizational success. Against this conceptual backdrop, we
reviewed a total of 253 publications, noting opportunities for future research and discussing prac-
tical implications.

Plain Language Summary

Given the focal role that group and team meetings play in shaping employees’ work lives (and
schedules), the scarcity of conceptual and empirical attention in extant organizational psychology
research is a major oversight that stalls scientific understanding of organizational behavior more
broadly. With the explosion of meetings that has occurred in recent years, in part due to the

Paper received 15 March 2022. Received revised August 1, 2022. Accepted September 11, 2022

Corresponding author:
Joseph A. Allen, Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah, 250 E 200 S, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
2 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

COVID-19 pandemic, some even wonder why organizational psychology has not already figured
out meetings from both a science and practice perspective. The purpose of this paper is to review
the literature on the science of workplace meetings by identifying the core features of the phe-
nomenon and sorting the extant literature along these features. The five core features identified
include leading, interacting, managing time, engaging, relating. We couch these features within a
larger framework of how meetings are the intersection of collaboration in organizations and a
major key to organizational success. Against this conceptual backdrop, we reviewed a total of
253 publications, noting opportunities for future research and discussing practical implications.
We conclude our review with an overview of the special issue on workplace meetings, which
is an overt attempt to launch research that will fill the theoretical and conceptual gap in the sci-
ence of meetings.

meetings, theory, leading, communication, engagement

Meetings in the workplace: a Specifically, we posit that meetings are

review and research agenda central to organizational life, being both consti-
tuted and reconstituted by the individuals,
Meetings are essential in order to accomplish groups/teams, and organizations in which the
coordination, collaboration, sensemaking, and meetings occur (see Figure 1). One cannot initi-
organizational strategy. Employees currently ate a meeting without considering the individuals
attend between 11 and 15 meetings every who would be invited to the meeting, the groups
single week, on average. A study of CEOs that they come from and will then form when
found that they attend 37 meetings per work- attending the meeting, and the organization(s)
week (Porter & Nohria, 2018). With the rapid they represent. Although many of these thoughts
rise of remote work and virtual and hybrid may be automatic for some meeting types (e.g.,
meeting practices, the amount of work time the staff meeting, Kello & Allen, 2020), other
spent in meetings has climbed even further, meetings that involve high-stakes decisions or
with employees’ weekly meeting time increas- the building of partnerships across institutions
ing by 10% (roughly three additional meetings may require extensive consideration of these
per week; Microsoft, 2020). Given these factors. For example, one would not want to
numbers, one would assume that organiza- try to start a partnership related to shipping logis-
tics between Coca Cola and Pepsi by including a
tional psychologists widely recognize the pro-
selection of only Pepsi products as drink offer-
found relevance of workplace meetings in
ings for the two-hour strategy session.
shaping employees’ lives and organizational
Understanding the centrality of meetings in
functioning more broadly, and consequently
organizational life, we identified a major
invest the majority of their research efforts problem that motivated us to engage in the
into understanding workplace meetings. This review and research agenda presented here.
is decidedly not the case, however. This Specifically, researchers appear to be discon-
paper intends to overcome this problematic nected and disjointed from one another regarding
divide between organizational life and schol- the nature of the meetings phenomenon.
arly focus within organizational psychology Following best-practice recommendations for lit-
by positioning meetings as a standalone research erature reviews (e.g., Short, 2009) and using pro-
phenomenon. fessional networks, we identified publications
Allen and Lehmann-Willenbrock 3

Figure 1. The intersection of the meeting with the various levels of individual, group/team, and
organizational functioning.

focused on various aspects of and studies con- can focus researchers on what is important
nected to workplace meetings. Because some about meetings, while being inclusive of the
studies that cover the same overarching topic many researchers contributing to the body of
appear to have been developed and deployed sim- meeting science. We sought to identify the key
ultaneously, different conceptualizations of the features of meetings that, if truly understood,
boundaries of what meetings are and are not would give us a comprehensive understanding
emerged. No unifying theory or understanding of the phenomenon as well as guide much of
of what meetings are (and are not) has arisen the needed future research. We begin by defining
from these disparate studies. Some scholars the research domain and describing the method of
have investigated counterproductive meeting our literature review process. We then identify
behaviors (Lehmann-Willenbrock et al., 2016a, the five key features of meetings that emerged
2016b; Yoerger et al., 2017), as one example, from the review of literature as encompassing
whereas others discuss meeting incivility the characteristics that enable the meeting as the
(Odermatt et al., 2018) or negativity episodes intersection of individual, group/team, and organ-
during workplace meeting interactions (Gerpott izational functioning. Lastly, we address the
et al., 2020), apparently without awareness of implications of these findings for the why, how,
the substantial conceptual overlap of these con- and what of workplace meetings, in order to
structs. One reason for this is that researchers establish how the literature paints a picture of
cannot look to a unifying theory of meetings, or organizational life through meetings.
even a comprehensive review and guidance for
interconnections between relevant constructs
within the meeting phenomenon. Defining workplace meetings
Thus, the overarching purpose of the current Meetings across organizations of various sizes
review is to move towards a framework that and industries have increased in frequency and
4 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

importance, especially as organizations embrace workplace meetings of three or more (cf.

structures that are more participative (e.g., Moreland, 2010; Panko & Kinney, 1992). This
Porter & Nohria, 2018). Meeting science is, in distinction is probably most on display in the
brief, the study of what takes place just prior to, meetings research focused on communicative
during, and right after a meeting (e.g., Allen dynamics over time (e.g., Lehmann-
et al., 2015a, 2015b; Lehmann-Willenbrock Willenbrock & Allen, 2018). Specifically, the
et al., 2018; Rogelberg, 2019). However, the def- number of paths and directions of communica-
inition of a meeting, with intellectual roots in tion increases exponentially when transitioning
anthropology, has evolved over recent years. from a two-person to a three-or-more-person
Schwartzman’s (1989) first scientific inquiry of interaction (e.g., Person A to Person B to
meetings provided a deep and rich description Person A in a dyad versus Person A to Person
of meetings in a U.S. health organization and C to Person B to Person A to Person B and so
similar meetings in non-Western contexts. on in a trio). Meetings of three or more persons
Critically, meetings were used for the typical, have an overt interactional difference that
intuitive reasons (sharing information, making greatly impacts the interpersonal dynamics com-
decisions, etc.), and were also a venue for organ- pared to dyads (e.g., Lehmann-Willenbrock &
izational leaders to present key aspects of an Allen, 2014). Further, there is a large and
organization and its culture to members. robust body of literature on dyads and dyadic
Schwartzman focused on pre-arranged, work- interaction that has already received a review
focused gatherings of three or more people and (see Gooty & Yammarino, 2011 for a review).
observed the purposes, processes, and outcomes We thus decided to exclude the dyadic literature
of their meetings. Researchers slowly began to from the scope of our review to provide para-
heed Schwartzman’s call for the systematic, sci- meters. However, we encourage the readers to
entific study of the meeting itself. In the late be mindful of this research when exploring
1990s through the mid-2000s, meeting science their next research question related to meeting
began to develop as scholars from various fields science. For our purposes, we adopt the contem-
applied additional methods and techniques to porary scholarly definition of workplace meet-
the study of meetings (Allen et al., 2015a, ings (Mroz et al., 2018a, 2018b); i.e., three or
2015b). Industrial and organizational psycholo- more individuals coming together to discuss a
gists sought to understand the experience of work-related matter.
employees in meetings via surveys (e.g., One major question that arose as meeting
Rogelberg et al., 2006), while communication science began to grow was the degree to
scholars were more interested in the words used which the area of study is simply a repackaging
and the dialectic meaning derived within meet- of groups and team science. Olien and collea-
ings (e.g., Tracy & Dimock, 2004). Further, gues (2015) argued that the specific questions
organizational scholars with a focus on groups posed by meeting science—for example, how
and teams research introduced dynamic social meetings relate to organizational culture (e.g.,
interaction and sequential analysis of talk in Schwartzman, 1989), emotional labor in meet-
meetings, attempting to tease out meaningful pro- ings (e.g., Erks et al., 2017), and the effects of
cesses within the meetings among groups meeting preparation on meeting outcomes
(Kauffeld & Lehmann-Willenbrock, 2012). (e.g., Cohen et al., 2011)—extend beyond trad-
Earlier definitions have described meetings as itional team science. That said, meeting scien-
“organizational communication involving more tists need not isolate themselves from team
than two persons” (Svennevig, 2012, p. 3), science, nor should team science ignore
which aligns with the psychological understand- meeting science. Olien and colleagues further
ing that a group of two people interacting has dif- added that “it would be foolhardy to ignore pre-
ferent interpersonal and task dynamics than vious bodies of work outside the meetings space
Allen and Lehmann-Willenbrock 5

that may inform future meeting science” (p. 15). literature search procedures outlined by Short
It is important to recognize that meeting science (2009) and Landis (2016) that are detailed
is related to and can be informed by groups and below to maintain quality control.
teams science, and vice versa. Given the defin- First, we searched electronic databases
ition of meetings applied here, some, though including PsycINFO, EBSCO, Google
certainly not all, of the research reviewed Scholar, and Web of Science for the following
would indeed fall within the scope of groups keywords related to workplace meetings:
and teams literature. The distinction between “workplace meeting,” “meetings,” “team meet-
the two rests on whether the authors are also ings,” “group meetings,” “organizational meet-
informing their work from the meeting science ings,” “meeting science,” and “business
space, thereby joining these two bodies of meetings.” Second, we conducted targeted
literature. keyword searches of the following journals that
It should be noted that we did not focus on have published meetings-related content:
specific meeting types for this review (with Administrative Science Quarterly; Academy of
the exception of a section on public meetings), Management Journal; Journal of Management;
but rather sought to present a review of meet- Journal of Organizational Behavior; Journal of
ings research in general. We understand that a Applied Psychology; Journal of Business and
range of types of meetings (depending on spe- Psychology; Management Communication
cific purpose) can be distinguished within the Quarterly; International Journal of Business
previously defined scope of workplace meet- Communication; Management Research Review;
ings, including idea generation and problem- Journal of Management Development; Consulting
solving meetings (Allen et al., 2014). Our rea- Psychology Journal; Journal of Managerial
soning for not focusing on a specific meeting Psychology; Small Group Research; Group
type or types is twofold. First, some meeting Processes & Intergroup Relations; Group &
types have received considerable attention Organization Management; Group Dynamics:
from researchers, and reviews of literature on Theory, Research, & Practice; Discourse
those meeting types are already available (e.g., Studies; and Journal of Occupational and
AARs and debriefs; Allen et al., 2018a, Organizational Psychology. Next, we reviewed
2018b). Second, the literature on some the reference list of all articles to identify
meeting types is sufficiently limited to prevent meetings-related research that cited or was
reaching overarching conclusions that would cited in the initial articles. We then contacted
necessitate a full review (e.g., McComas, 2003). various meetings scholars for assistance in locat-
ing any further articles. We identified a total of
Method and organization of 307 articles as candidates for the review.
Workplace meeting research is an interdiscip- Article selection process
linary field of literature spanning journals in Each article was initially evaluated based on its
management, multiple areas of psychology, title, abstract, and keywords. Following that
sociology, communication, and information evaluation, articles were reviewed and assessed,
technology. Figure 2 illustrates the growth of and titles were documented for ease of coding
meetings research (i.e., studies that consider and processing. We then removed all papers
meetings as a relevant phenomenon in and of that appeared in published conference proceed-
themselves). For the last several years, we ings, edited volumes, and non-peer-reviewed
have maintained a database of meetings-related sources. The final publication pool consisted
articles, with one final search prior to the draft- of 253 items, including quantitative, qualitative,
ing of this literature review. We utilized and theoretical works. Figure 2 depicts the
6 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

Figure 2. The number of publications focused on workplace meetings by year. We identified 253
publications, and the number has been expanding significantly since the mid-2000s. There were 3 publications
between 1950 and 1985 that are excluded from the chart for ease of display.

number of meetings-related publications by within each feature. The key feature of

year. Since the mid-2000s, the number of Leading included 48 articles, representing
papers published yearly has increased signifi- 19.1% of the reviewed literature. Interacting
cantly, with a peak of 27 papers in 2020. was addressed in 89 articles, or 35.5%.
We each independently reviewed the titles Managing Time was considered by 39 articles,
and abstracts of all 253 papers (and frequently or 15.5%. Engaging was covered by 53 articles,
the entire papers, when abstracts were not suffi- amounting or 21.1%. Finally, Relating included
cient for grasping the essence and subsequently only 22 articles, or 8.8%.
categorizing the paper) in an effort to identify To facilitate practical and meaningful guid-
themes or key features that describe a large ance for both researchers and managers, we
portion of the manuscripts. We then came also created Table 2, which summarizes some
together and finalized a list of five key features of the main findings across the five key features
of workplace meetings we believed would with representative references for further
describe the current literature. We had a 91% reading. Here we provide a review and critique
agreement across the articles and discussed all of the literature based upon these five features in
disagreements, resolving them such that each an effort to identify both the current state of the
article was assigned to only one key feature of literature and the pronounced gaps therein.
workplace meetings as per our framework.

Results Successful meeting management has become a
Table 1 provides a summary of the findings key leadership task (Çalış kan & Özdemir, 2018;
across the five key features, including the defin- Green & Lazarus, 1991; Myrsiades, 2000).
ition of the key feature, examples from the list Leading in meetings means selecting appropriate
of articles, the number of articles that fit the design characteristics (e.g., Carlozzi, 1999;
feature, and the percent of the total literature Nixon & Littlepage, 1992), meeting formats
Allen and Lehmann-Willenbrock 7

Table 1. Thematic analysis of the meetings literature.

Feature Definition Examples Articles %

Leading Common meeting characteristic of a Volkema and Neiderman (1996); 48 19.1

leader or facilitator directing the Leach et al. (2009); Beck et al.
behaviors and processes of the (2012); Van der Haar et al. (2017)
meeting. Topics include planning of
meetings, identifying the meetings
purpose, preparing an agenda, and
managing the turn-taking within a
Interacting Major behavioral aspect of meetings Tracy and Dimock (2004); Köhler 89 35.5
around talking. People in meetings et al. (2012); Kwon et al. (2014);
interact verbally and nonverbally, Laapotti and Mikkola (2016);
engaging in dynamic social Garner and Ragland (2019)
interaction in the meeting. This
includes information sharing,
knowledge development, and
collaborative interactions that may
be essential for individual, group/
team, and organizational functioning.
Communication is considered
essential for organizational success
and meetings are where much of
that occurs within organizations.
Managing Extent to which meetings enable and Panko and Kinney (1995); 39 15.5
Time constrain individual, team, and Elsayed-Elkhouly et al. (1997);
organizational time, which is a finite Rogelberg et al. (2014); Van Eerde
resource. For example, meetings can and Azar (2020); Shockley et al.
absorb a large proportion of a (2021)
person’s worktime and do so for
many managers in larger
organizations. Thus, Managing Time
includes the degree to which
meetings start/end on time, the
effects of back-to-back meetings,
and the challenges of meeting load as
a major time drain upon potential
Engaging Level of motivation and action by Sonnentag (2001); Reinig and Shin 53 21.1
leaders and attendees in a meeting. (2002); Sonnentag and Volmer
This includes action planning, (2009); Lindquist et al. (2020);
decision-making, the taking of Maharaj et al. (2021)
ownership or responsibility, and
participation in the meeting. In other
words, this feature focuses on how
people engage and/or disengage
within a given meeting situation, and
the associated behaviors.

8 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

Table 1. (continued)

Feature Definition Examples Articles %

Relating Through engagement, interaction, and Rogerson-Revell (2007); O’Neill and 22 8.8
communication, people, groups, and Allen (2012); Shumski Thomas
organizations begin to build et al. (2017); Ponton et al. (2020);
relationships. The Relating feature Persson et al. (2021)
refers specifically to the building and
fracturing of relationships in
meetings. This includes humor,
group/team cohesion, and trust in

(Standaert et al., 2021), or group support how leaders have great control on the design
systems (GSS) to help facilitate meetings. aspects of meetings and how these design char-
Recommendations for successful meeting lead- acteristics interact with leader behavioral styles
ership also underscore the importance of good inside the meeting to enable or challenge effect-
meeting preparation, such as providing clear ive meeting practices. Second, we found only
goals and direction for the meeting (e.g., one exploratory study that examined ways to
Gerwick, 2013; Jay, 1976; LeBlanc & Nosik, actively improve meeting leadership (Perkins,
2019; Tobia & Becker, 1990). 2009). Given the key role that meetings play
Inside the meeting, helpful leader behaviors in shaping everyday work experiences, atti-
include directing, structuring, contributing tudes, and well-being, and the substantial
ideas and solutions, facilitating decision- time commitment meetings represent in
making, and setting boundaries(Angouri & leaders’ work schedules, we encourage organ-
Marra, 2011; Lehmann-Willenbrock et al., izational psychologists to gather more evi-
2015; Malouff et al., 2012; Pearson, 1989; dence for actively improving meeting
van der Haar et al., 2017; Wodak et al., 2011). leadership practices.
Research on followers’ perceptions of meeting
leadership points to the benefits of a considerate
(Odermatt et al., 2016) and participative (Mroz Interacting
et al., 2018a, 2018b) leadership style, as well as Research on the Interacting feature of meetings
a high-quality perceived leader-member exchange has examined a broad range of topics regarding
(Baran et al., 2012). Moreover, one study showed interaction and communication. These include
how perceived power distance and Leader how agenda topics are discussed (Svennevig,
member exchange (LMX) contribute to followers’ 2012), how questions are asked and information
emotional labor in meetings (Erks et al., 2017), is exchanged (Arber, 2008, Demiris et al.,
suggesting that meeting leaders can play an influ- 2008), and how group decisions are made and
ential role in managing employee well-being. consensus is reached (Barnes, 2007; Huisman,
We draw two conclusions regarding the 2001; Kim & Rudin, 2014; Kwon et al.,
Leading feature of workplace meetings. First, 2014). Counterproductive interaction behavior
the literature on leadership practices in and in meetings, particularly complaining, has
around meetings and the literature on design been a topic of some interest given its negative
characteristics of meetings have developed meeting outcomes (e.g., Kauffeld &
independently for the most part. We therefore Lehmann-Willenbrock, 2012; Schulte et al.,
strongly recommend integrative studies of 2013), with research indicating that procedural
Allen and Lehmann-Willenbrock 9

Table 2. Selected research implications for improving meetings in practice.

Feature Finding Meeting Outcome Representative references

Leading Provide clear goals and direction for Effectiveness Gerwick (2013)
Use structuring behaviors during Team effectiveness van der Haar et al. (2017)
the meeting.
Facilitate processes throughout the Satisfaction Miranda and Bostrom (1999)
Be a participative leader. Leadership Mroz et al. (2018a, 2018b)
Consider which meeting modality Effectiveness Standaert et al. (2021)
will be most successful for the
meeting objectives.
Interacting Engage in pre-meeting talk prior to Performance Yoerger et al. (2017)
the meeting’s start.
Limit counterproductive meeting Engagement, Lehmann-Willenbrock et al.
behaviors. emotional (2016a, 2016b)
Participate constructively by Performance, Kauffeld and
avoiding complaining, off-topic satisfaction, Lehmann-Willenbrock (2012)
comments, and uncivil behavior. effectiveness
Increase positivity within meetings. Team performance Lehmann-Willenbrock et al.
(2017a, 2017b)
Managing Limit the meeting load placed upon Well-being Luong and Rogelberg (2005);
Time attendees. Rogelberg et al. (2006)
Arrive on time. Performance, Allen et al. (2018a)
Be a good steward of others’ time in Effectiveness, trust, Lehmann-Willenbrock et al.
the meeting. voice (2016a, 2016b); Allen et al.
(2015a, 2015b)
Start meeting on time. Satisfaction Rogelberg et al. (2014)
Engaging Participate in meeting discussion Engagement Yoerger et al. (2015);
and decision-making. Lehmann-Willenbrock et al.
(2016a, 2016b)
Ensure meeting purpose is relevant Participation, Lindquist et al. (2020)
to invited attendees. engagement
Cultivate a justice climate within Effectiveness, Schulte et al. (2015)
meetings to limit complaining. participation
Consider which meeting modality Engagement, team Maharaj et al. (2021)
will encourage participation from cohesion
attendees based on meeting
Relating Encourage positive humor and Performance Lehmann-Willenbrock and Allen
shared laughter within meetings. (2014)
Limit aggressive humor while Satisfaction Crowe et al. (2019)
encouraging affiliative humor.
Reduce surface-acting during Effectiveness, Shanock et al. (2013); Grandey
meetings. (2000)

10 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

Table 2. (continued)

Feature Finding Meeting Outcome Representative references
safety, stress
Forgive counterproductive meeting Communication, Schulte et al. (2013)
behaviors when possible. conflict

communication can inhibit and thus counteract to allow for a predictive approach to meeting
this behavior (Klonek et al., 2016; processes. Future empirical work on the
Lehmann-Willenbrock et al., 2013). One study Interacting feature of workplace meetings can
considered how organizational structures are purse multimodal approaches to interaction
preserved and reproduced in meetings behavior, considering the interplay of various
(Laapotti & Mikkola, 2016). However, no social signals in workplace meetings (e.g.,
study to date has considered contextual influ- Lehmann-Willenbrock et al., 2017a, 2017b).
ences such as organizational climate on the For example, previous work at the intersection
occurrence of counterproductive meeting of organizational psychology and computer
behavior. Interacting in meetings also concerns science indicates that micro-level behavioral
expressions of gender differences and individual mimicry during meetings contributes to cohesive
identities (Fasulo & Zucchermaglio, 2002; team interactions (Nanninga et al., 2017). We
Jones, 1992), individual roles expressed during hope to encourage more of these types of inter-
meetings (Lehmann-Willenbrock et al., 2016a, disciplinary approaches in order to tackle the
2016b; Nissi & Lehtinen, 2016), and leader- complexity of the Interacting feature.
follower dynamics in meeting conversations Moreover, more insights into the link
(Chan, 2007; Clifton, 2014; Nielsen, 2009). between observable interaction behavior and
Team behavioral phenomena that are part of perceptions of the behavior (Beck & Keyton,
the Interacting feature of meetings include posi- 2009) would be useful in order to advance our
tivity spirals (Lehmann-Willenbrock et al., understanding of the Interacting feature. For
2017a, 2017b) and group affective tone instance, when a series of behaviors occurs,
(Schneider et al., 2018). Moreover, several how do people perceive those behaviors in
studies have considered Interacting in the scope real time and what do they do as a result of
of virtual meetings (Anderson et al., 2007; this perception? Knowing the likely next behav-
Markman, 2009; Sox et al., 2014). ior after a given behavior would allow for pro-
Taken together, these findings highlight the active meeting management (e.g., “They are
richness and complexity of communicative about to get into a complaining cycle, so I
dynamics inside workplace meetings and should engage in procedural communication.”),
point to a need for more integrative research rather than reactive meeting management (e.g.,
approaches to the Interacting feature. Most “We have been complaining about this for
of what has been studied focuses on one type five minutes, I should engage in procedural
of behavior or a few behaviors, either verbal communication to get us back on topic.”).
or nonverbal, in the flow of interaction in
meetings. A more holistic approach to the
Interacting feature would account for dynamic Managing time
interaction processes during meetings, where Managing Time focuses on how the finite
multiple behaviors are modeled through sequen- organizational resource of time is allocated
tial analysis and other pattern analytic strategies and managed in relation to meetings at the
Allen and Lehmann-Willenbrock 11

individual, team, and organizational level. with 44 to 55 per cent of regular meetings start-
Interestingly, the temporal characteristics of ing late because at least one attendee does not
meetings such as duration represent one of show up on time (Allen et al., 2021). Meeting
the earlier areas of inquiry in meeting science lateness has been observed to result in organiza-
(e.g., Panko & Kinney, 1995). Elsayed- tional costs with wasted time and resources
Elkhouly and colleagues (1997), for instance, (Rogelberg et al., 2012), to damage interper-
explored why nearly one-third of meeting sonal relationships (Mroz & Allen, 2017), to
time is wasted time. Their perspective was negatively affect the ways groups communicate
the time in the meetings was not managed cor- (Lehmann-Willenbrock & Allen, 2020), and to
rectly due to a variety of process issues. Luong harm group performance (Allen et al., 2018a,
and Rogelberg (2005) first proposed the stres- 2018b).
sor approach to the study of meetings when Unfortunately, most of the other CMBs and
they found that meeting load (number of meet- their associated connection to managing time
ings attended per day and time spent in meet- in and around meetings have not been studied.
ings each day) was negatively related to Recent work events instead turned attention to
employee well-being (fatigue, perceived work- issues of the potential time drain and fatiguing
load, etc.; Rogelberg et al., 2006). These both nature of the modern meeting modality, virtual
demonstrate how meeting time absorbs time meetings (e.g., Bennett et al., 2021; Nesher
from other work and that time in meetings is Shoshan & Wehrt, in press). Shockley and col-
not always used well. leagues (2021) found that being on camera for
Part of the challenge in managing time in virtual meetings created more fatigue, suggest-
meetings stems from the fact that so much of ing that individual attendees should leave their
the behavior in meetings is counterproductive. camara off in order to protect their well-being.
People believe meetings are time-wasters and Yet, following this recommendation will nega-
often are organized without a defined purpose tively affect group processes inside the
(Ravn, 2013). In response to these attitudes, meeting, including detrimental effects regard-
meeting attendees and leaders engage in coun- ing the Interacting, Engaging, and Relating fea-
terproductive meeting behaviors or CMBs tures of meetings. This in turn can impair
(e.g., Lehmann-Willenbrock and colleagues, meeting effectiveness overall, while at the
2016a, 2016b). The original conceptualization same time contributing further to individual
of CMBs by Lehmann-Willenbrock and collea- experiences of time drain and fatigue from
gues (2016a, 2016b) included complaining, virtual meetings. Thus, even as more work con-
criticizing others, shifting responsibility, tinues on various CMBs and meeting modal-
blaming others, using empty phrases or ities, major gaps in the current state of the
random sayings, as well as meeting lateness, literature suggest a lack of focus once again.
which is directly associated with the manage-
ment of meeting time.
Lateness is typically studied as a problem of Engaging
time management, and lateness has been shown Engaging in meetings refers primarily to the
to cause lots of stress (Rogelberg et al., 2014). level of motivation and action by leaders and
Meeting lateness refers to attendees arriving to attendees in and resulting from the meeting.
a meeting past the scheduled start time, or to a Good meetings draw attendees in, boost indi-
meeting that begins after its scheduled start vidual participation, and enable collaboration
time (Rogelberg et al., 2014). Recent cross- (Olson et al., 1992; Sonnentag, 2001;
cultural findings from China, Germany, Italy, Sonnentag & Volmer, 2009). Meeting attendee
The Netherlands, and the U.S. show that engagement is also a necessary prerequisite for
meeting lateness is a pervasive phenomenon, building consensus, making group decisions,
12 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

and creating commitment to implement solu- Relating

tions (Christiansen & Varnes, 2007; Cox,
Relating refers primarily to the relationship-
1987; Halvorsen & Sarangi, 2015; Kriesberg
generating nature of meetings, and how meet-
& Guetzkow, 1950; Leach, 2016; Santos
ings build and fracture relationships and com-
et al., 2017; Yoerger et al., 2015).
munities. A prominent example of the
The Engaging feature bridges participation
in the meeting and beyond. Several studies Relating feature concerns the use of humor
showed that participation and engagement during meetings. Several publications empha-
inside the meeting fosters overall employee size the benefits of positive humor and shared
engagement on the job (Lehmann-Willenbrock laughter as a resource that is expressed and uti-
et al., 2016a, 2016b; Yoerger et al., 2015). lized in meetings (Kangasharju & Nikko, 2009;
Participation can be enabled or constrained by Lehmann-Willenbrock & Allen, 2014; Markaki
the processes that occur inside the meeting et al., 2010). However, humor use in meetings
(e.g., Allen et al., 2015a, 2015b) as well as con- is not always inclusive. Rogerson-Revell
textual influences in the surrounding organiza- (2007) studied intercultural business meetings
tional environment, such as procedural justice and found that humor was used as a means to
perceptions (Schulte et al., 2015). shift the meeting toward more informality. For
Yet, the question of how people actually par- the majority or “in-group” in such a meeting,
ticipate in meetings, verbally or by other means, humor can foster collaboration and inclusion
still leaves room for investigation. In an attempt by signaling solidarity and power. However,
to get more specific, Lindquist and colleagues the “out-group” in the meeting can feel
(2020) explored some of the barriers to partici- excluded. Another study by Crowe and collea-
pation in meetings. They found that people tend gues (2019) found that affiliative humor in
to speak up in meetings when they have some- meetings has the potential to foster positive
thing to say. The more relevant the meeting meeting experiences, while aggressive humor
was, the more likely people were to engage leads to negative meeting experiences. Hence,
and share their ideas. This research stopped humor is not just a side note in meetings, but
short of identifying how those contributions an important ingredient for the Relating feature.
would be actually enacted within the flow of Whereas shared humor in meetings can be a
the meeting, however. To address this, research positive, shared affective experience, research
needs to integrate the Engaging and Interacting also shows that employees engage in emotional
features of meetings. Building this bridge seems labor in meetings (i.e., faking or changing
particularly pertinent given the challenges to one’s emotions to align with organizational
individual attendee engagement in virtual meet- demands), which is a significant source of
ings, such as because of multitasking when stress (Grandey, 2000). Employees are more
there is one virtual meeting after another (Cao likely to engage in surface acting in meetings
et al., 2021). Indeed, recent findings show that when higher-status individuals are present
meeting attendees experience lower participation (Nyquist et al., 2018; Shumski Thomas et al.,
in virtual and hybrid meeting formats (Reed & 2017). Surface acting in meetings is negatively
Allen, 2022). Virtual and hybrid meetings intro- related to perceptions of psychological safety
duce new challenges for participation and and meeting effectiveness (Shanock et al.,
engagement in meetings. For example, one of 2013), and the effect can moderated by job
the most common phrases in workplace meetings level such that higher-level individuals perceive
today is “you’re on mute.” Having to repeat one’s meetings as less effective when they surface act
message because others did not hear it, or not compared to lower-level meeting attendees
being able to easily hear others, comes with frus- (Shumski Thomas et al., 2017). In other
trations and hampers the Engaging feature. words, meetings with higher-level organizational
Allen and Lehmann-Willenbrock 13

leaders can create a situation where relating and the five key features of workplace meetings
relationship building is constrained by the drain also shows that the literature on the topic is
of personal resources spent on engaging in emo- varied, interdisciplinary, and rapidly expanding.
tional labor. Meetings are core to individual, group, and
The massive, global shift in meeting prac- organizational function, as discussed in many
tices toward virtual formats that resulted of the articles reviewed (depicted in Figure 1).
from the COVID-19 pandemic continues to There is continued interest among leaders in
impact the Relating feature. Meeting science organizations to understand how to make meet-
is beginning to address this (e.g., Shockley ings more effective, more egalitarian, and
et al., 2021; Karl et al., 2021). In order to simply better (WSJ). Thus, assuming that the
move beyond describing current virtual and trajectory depicted in Figure 2 continues,
hybrid meeting practices and understand the meeting science will quickly become a core
psychological mechanisms that explain how topic in organizational research.
and why Relating may be challenged in Given what we have learned from research
virtual and hybrid meeting formats, experi- spanning these five key features and the
mental designs can be implemented to ultim- overall framing around meetings as the inter-
ately help identify the optimal meeting secting point of work life, we found that many
modality by task and purpose. important research questions remain. We
started to recognize that imagining a better
meeting experience and figuring out how to
Discussion arrive there might motivate researchers, like
The foregoing results from the literature review us, to explore why meetings matter, how they
demonstrated both the wealth of knowledge happen, and what happens in them. We
gained in recent years concerning workplace review each of these areas here and the ques-
meetings and the stark gaps in our understand- tions that came up in our reflections about the
ing that need additional attention. To help five key features and their intersection point
provide guidance for researchers and practi- within organizational life for employees and
tioners, we provide here a structured set of leaders.
research implications exploring the five key
features around the why, how, and what of Why meetings matter. Much previous work has
meetings at work. We follow this with details focused on the intricate social dynamics within
for practitioners to consider when seeking to one meeting, but a major area of needed inquiry
improve workplace meetings in their organiza- concerns insights into the broader organiza-
tions and conclude with a forward-thinking tional meeting space and into dynamic linkages
charge to meeting scientists everywhere to between meetings. For example, while our own
keep going--albeit in a more unified, theory- research has shown that patterns of shared
driven manner. humor and laughter in meetings matter
because they relate to team performance
(Lehmann-Willenbrock & Allen, 2014), we
Research implications: the why, how, and know nothing about the ways in which teams
use humor across different meetings, or how
what of meetings at work team outcomes develop relative to fluctuating
There is an undeniable gap when we consider meeting experiences over time. Regarding the
the ubiquitous organizational practice of work- Interacting and Relating key features, we need
place meetings against the limited amount of to track the dynamic interaction patterns over
scientific attention invested in this phenom- time for individuals in groups as they travel
enon. However, our review of the field along from meeting to meeting and group to group.
14 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

The findings from such research could help related tasks that are unrelated to the meeting
explain current general feelings about meetings at hand. Employees in remote settings already
(e.g., Allen et al., 2012) as well as provide experience the struggle to do anything outside
insights into the patterns that meeting leaders the many virtual meetings every day (Cao
may want to contain, control, or emphasize. et al., 2021); thus, the sample for studying that
Such research may also provide further exam- phenomenon exists. Some of these questions
ples of how meetings intersect with individuals are easily explored via survey methodologies,
and their groups (see Figure 1). while others may require more intensive obser-
Future research, for example, can investigate vational processes to capture the longitudinal
how meeting leaders can encourage meeting effects of meeting attendance on employee atti-
citizenship behavior (cf. Baran et al., 2012), tudes and well-being more broadly.
boost positivity (Lehmann-Willenbrock et al.,
2017a, 2017b), or promote motivation for How meetings happen. Perhaps the most notable
change when the meeting composition is and obvious opportunity for new research in
unstable (Klonek et al., 2015). Moreover, we this domain consists of bringing together basic
encourage meeting scholars to think about meeting procedures (e.g., agenda, room setup,
how meeting factors and organizational out- etc.) with both ICT and GSS. This idea cuts
comes (which are subject to reciprocal influ- across the five key features and embraces the
ences in the context of one meeting) may be notion of technology in meetings, something
continually shaped from one meeting to the that suddenly became important in 2020 for a
next as depicted in Figure 1. For instance, great number of individuals, groups, teams,
how does the design of the meeting affect and organizations (e.g., Reed & Allen, 2021).
within-meeting dynamics? How do within- Each of these meeting design areas, ICT and
meeting experiences—good or bad—affect GSS, have been shown to improve meetings
questions around how future meetings happen, generally from both a process and outcome per-
such as the choice to invest effort into a spective. However, it is unclear if bringing them
face-to-face meeting, meeting only virtually, together would create an additive effect or
or not meeting at all? ultimately detract from the meeting due to
Future meeting science should also consider overly complex design efforts. Experimental
why and how meetings impact employee well- setups in controlled laboratory settings with both
being and performance more broadly. face-to-face and distributed modalities (e.g.,
Considerable research has focused on how hybrid meetings) would be ideal for manipulating
meeting outcomes relate to individual job atti- these factors and determining their combined
tudes and well-being, but no previous studies causal relationships to meeting outcomes, such
have explored the effects of meetings on as meeting satisfaction and effectiveness.
employee attitudes and well-being over time. More speculatively within the Leading
Regarding the Managing Time key feature, feature, there are a variety of design characteris-
one might wonder what happens to a person’s tics that have been identified and that are under
job attitudes as they move from one meeting the control of the leader, and to some degree,
to the next all day long. Taken one-step the attendees of meetings. There is a need to
further, what happens when employees’ query both the human factors and ergonomics
meeting load (i.e., number of meetings a day literature and involve scientists in these disci-
and time in meetings) increases to the point plines to discover the optimal meeting room
that they struggle to get anything done outside setup across modalities. These questions
meetings? The ever-increasing meeting load reside at both the individual-level influence of
drives counterproductive meeting behaviors, the meeting and the group influence of the
some of which include engaging in work- meeting (see Figure 1). Cohen et al. (2011)
Allen and Lehmann-Willenbrock 15

found that ergonomic factors (e.g., seating researchers can manipulate degrees of lateness
and lighting) matter to meeting quality; and opportunities for pre-meeting talk.
however, neither human factors nor ergonom- Another key feature of meetings that is all
ics researchers were involved with the design about what happens in meetings is the
of the study or the interpretation of the Engaging feature. There is ideally a lot of par-
results. Meeting scientists can leverage exist- ticipation by the meeting leader and attendees,
ing knowledge in these fields to design an as the evidence supports this behavior as
experimental framework that can help estab- being key to both meeting outcomes and job
lish which design factors are essential for attitudes (Christiansen & Varnes, 2007; Cox,
effective meetings. Meetings occur in very 1987; Halvorsen & Sarangi, 2015; Kriesberg
different environments that range from & Guetzkow, 1950; Leach, 2016; Santos
seated arrangements in board rooms to stand- et al., 2017; Yoerger et al., 2015). The reviewed
ing meetings next to busy highways (e.g., research is clear that when people participate in
transportation construction safety briefings). meetings, the meetings are better, and people
An understanding of what design factors are leave inspired and motivated and even experi-
essential could lead to different decisions on ence employee engagement (Allen &
timing and so forth of a meeting in the differ- Rogelberg, 2013). In fact, the most important
ent meeting locations. factor to the success of meetings in the new
forms that so many people experience now
What happens in meetings. Several of the key (i.e., virtual and hybrid meetings) appears to
features of workplace meetings come together be the motivation and engagement of attendees
in the “what happens in meetings” space, and (Reed & Allen, 2022).
there are several areas for future research. For Even as research focused on meeting leaders
example, considering Interacting and Managing continues to grow, there remains the unexam-
Time features, pre-meeting talk appears to ined question of a difference in perspectives
make meetings more effective, while late meet- between those who lead meetings versus those
ings generally result in ineffective overall meet- who attend. Kello (2015) described meeting
ings and team performance. These phenomena management practices and introduced the
could possibly balance each other; e.g., helpful notion of a meeting leader blindspot; i.e., that
pre-meeting conversation could compensate for meeting leaders may inflate their evaluation of
the harmful effect of a late meeting. So far, no their own meetings as compared to attendees
structured interventions related to pre-meeting in their meetings. Although others have dis-
talk have been studied in the literature. One pos- cussed this as a possible phenomenon (e.g.,
sible intervention would be to deploy pre- Rogelberg, 2019), and social psychological
meeting talk in an environment with a high principles seem to support the notion (i.e., self-
prevalence of lateness. By training meeting serving bias), no empirical support appears to
leaders and attendees to engage in pre-meeting have been shared in the literature. A simple
interactions in a positive way, the negative beha- proof-of-concept study could include a com-
viors that emerge during the late period could be parison of meeting ratings by both the meeting
removed, thereby setting the stage for effective leader and some (or all) of the meeting atten-
meeting processes, outcomes, and team perform- dees. If the meeting leader blindspot is found
ance. However, since late individuals would not to exist, intervention work may be needed to
attend the created pre-meeting space, the benefits normalize leader perceptions of their efforts in
for the group as a whole might be limited. More relation to their meetings.
research on the intersection of meeting lateness A third area for future inquiry builds upon
and pre-meeting talk is needed to test these pos- the Interacting and Relating features, with
sibilities both in the field and in the lab where emphasis on the individuals and their teams as
16 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

influence on and being influenced by their meet- inclusive processes; and embrace the possibil-
ings (see Figure 1). Future research may specif- ities of remote work (Reed & Allen, 2022).
ically want to consider multitasking and other Research on workplace meetings is espe-
counterproductive meeting behaviors as com- cially relevant to organizational leaders, yet
pensatory for the bad or dysfunctional meetings many of the compelling research findings we
that individuals and teams experience. Many of uncovered may be largely unknown outside
the reviewed studies on counterproductive the community of meetings researchers and
meeting behaviors argue that these behaviors other scholars. As such, the phenomenon of
are problematic because they redirect individ- workplace meetings is a prime example of the
ual resources away from the meeting. A differ- research-practice disconnect. Table 2 synthe-
ent perspective of this phenomenon could be sizes some of the most actionable findings iden-
that counterproductive meeting behaviors tified throughout this review, providing a
represent individual and team attempts to com- starting point for conversations among organ-
pensate for the meeting itself being a drain on izational scholars and leaders in organizations
personal or team resources. Thus, the very who run and attend meetings throughout their
behaviors that are problematic may be moti- workdays.
vated by ineffective meeting practices (e.g., Table 2 also provides a list of practical find-
meetings that lack an agenda or feature inef- ings from each of the key features, the meeting
fective time management), and those beha- outcome they influence, and a representative
viors may increase the ineffectiveness and reference for further reading. For example,
further the cycle of bad meetings. It should under the Managing Time feature, we include
be noted that in order to observe whether a the finding that meeting leaders/facilitators
downward spiral of bad behavior creates should ensure that the meeting starts on time,
even worse meetings, researchers will need which relates to both internal meeting processes
to observe individuals, groups, and teams and after-meeting employee behavior and
over time. There is a need for dynamic time- engagement (Allen et al., 2018a, 2018b). It
series research designs to see how meetings would be duplicative to discuss each of the find-
and the individuals in them behave over ings here, but it is important to consider the
time. Time-series research can further illumin- audiences that would benefit from seeing this
ate how the dynamic behavioral linkages that information. For example, one ideal audience
emerge in meetings affect individual, team, for these findings are researchers who read aca-
and organizational outcomes over time. demic journals, who could then deploy these
steps for improving their meetings generally.
More importantly, sharing the table with
Implications for practice leaders in organizations would help them under-
Meetings constitute a core area of organiza- stand both what to do and where to find the
tional practice, and more meetings continue to science to support changes in their meeting
be implemented as a means to cope with com- behavior.
plexity. This has implications for organizational To bridge the gap between science and prac-
psychology at large, given the ways in which tice, Sokol (2018) suggested that researchers
meetings shape individual workplace attitudes share their findings by publishing short (3–5
and behaviors, team processes, and organiza- pages), digestible, graphically-appealing, and
tions as a whole. The number of working engaging articles in venues likely to be seen by
hours spent in various forms of face-to-face, business leaders. We also recommend meetings
virtual, or hybrid meetings will increase researchers and researchers in other domains
further as organizations continue to deconstruct leverage social media and other free outlets for
hierarchies; push for more collaborative, translating meeting science to practice. These
Allen and Lehmann-Willenbrock 17

tools may be another relatively simple way to different methodological approaches, theories,
increase impact and target leaders in organiza- and expectations for their respective science.
tions, where research-practice partnerships may Based on our review, these different disciplines
emerge as a beneficial side effect. have generally not collaborated in any meaningful
As mentioned in our discussion of the way. The result is a broad range of studies that
Relating key feature, another area for consid- often focus on very specific research questions
eration is the major disruption that occurred regarding workplace meetings and yield interest-
in meeting modality as a function of the ing empirical insights from each discipline’s per-
COVID-19 pandemic. Face-to-face meetings spective, but often make it challenging to
transitioned to fully online or virtual meetings, integrate across different fields. Interdisciplinary
and the number of meetings dramatically collaborations should be built to allow for concep-
increased with “check-ins” becoming both tual, methodological, and empirical integration to
necessary and annoying (Reed & Allen, address complex research questions.
2021). Early research evidence suggests that
making meetings better using many of the Funding
practices found in Table 2, with an additional
The author(s) received no financial support for the
eye to improving the use of technology, can research, authorship, and/or publication of this
be the key to bringing some humanity back article.
to the organizational workplace meeting envir-
onment. However, much additional research is
needed concerning employee experiences and ORCID iDs
psychological mechanisms in virtual and Joseph A. Allen
hybrid meeting environments to ensure 3894-3405
Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock
meeting experiences generate the outcomes
needed for sustained individual, team, and
organizational success.
Allen, J. A., Beck, T., Scott, C. W. & Rogelberg,
Conclusion S. G. (2014). Understanding workplace meetings:
Rich opportunities for research remain for A qualitative taxonomy of meeting purposes.
researchers who recognize the relevance of meet- Management Research Review, 37(9), 791–814.
ings for understanding organizational behavior
and effectiveness at large. A strength of Allen, J. A., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Meinecke,
meeting science is that research questions can A. L., Landowski, N., Rogelberg, S. G.,
actually be driven by practical interest or even Lucianetti, L., Tong, S. J. & Madrid, H. (2021).
by field observations during meetings that The ubiquity of meeting lateness! A cross-cultural
researchers attend themselves. However, a investigation of the small to moderate effects of
potential pitfall of this same approach is the workplace meeting lateness. Cross-Cultural
lack of underlying theory and conceptual devel- Research, 55(4), 351–381.
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izational psychology, management, sociology, Rogelberg, S. G. (2018a). Let’s get this
information technology, and computer science. meeting started: Meeting lateness and actual
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Tracy, K. & Dimock, A. (2004). Meetings: Discursive Author Biographies
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the Department of Family and Preventative
Medicine in the Occupational and Environmental
Van der Haar, S., Koeslag-Kreunen, M., Euwe, E. &
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team effectiveness and team learning in has served as chair and committee member for
command-and-control teams. Small Group SIOP and Vice President for membership at
Research, 48(2), 215–248. INGRoup. His work focuses on the impact and
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you mean? Cultural norms regarding lateness for care worker and patient safety.
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Research, 54(2-3), 111–129. Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock is professor and
1177/1069397119866132 chair of I-O psychology at the University of
Volkema, R. J. & Niederman, F. (1996). Planning Hamburg, where she also directs the Center for
and managing organizational meetings: An Better Work. She earned her PhD in 2012 and
empirical analysis of written and oral communica-
subsequently held academic positions at Vrije
tions. The Journal of Business Communication,
Universiteit Amsterdam and University of
33(3), 275–292.
Amsterdam. She studies emergent behavioral pat-
Wodak, R., Kwon, W. & Clarke, I. (2011). ‘Getting terns in organizational teams, social dynamics
people on board’: Discursive leadership for con- among leaders and followers, and meetings at
sensus building in team meetings. Discourse & the core of organizations. Her research program
Society, 22(5), 592–644. blends organizational psychology, management,
0957926511405410 communication, and social signal processing.

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