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Quirino State University

Cabarroguis Campus
Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Humility, Wisdom, Excellence



A.Y. 2022-2023

Prepared by:


Course Facilitator

Front page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
Table of contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
Course Guide-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii-vii
Course Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
Course Study Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------ iv
Study Schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v
Evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
Technological Tools ----------------------------------------------------------------- vii
Contact Information of the Facilitator -------------------------------------------- viii
Preliminary activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ix-x



Lesson 1: Environmental Science: A closer look-------------------------
Lesson 2- Scope, Meaning and Importance------------------------------- 9-16
Lesson 3- The Ecosystem----------------------------------------------------- 17-21
Lesson 4- Biogeochemical Cycles------------------------------------------- 22-31

Lesson 5- Population and Communities----------------------------------- 32-37

Lesson 6- Humankind and the Environment------------------------------ 38-45

References------------------------------------------------------------------------ 46


Lesson 7- Natural Disasters--------------------------------------------------- 48-55

Lesson 7- Personal pollution -------------------------------------------------- 56-62

Lesson 8- Air pollution ---------------------------------------------------------- 63-68

Lesson 9- Water pollution ------------------------------------------------------ 69-76

Lesson 10- Land pollution ----------------------------------------------------- 77-84

Lesson 11- Noise pollution ---------------------------------------------------- 85-88

Lesson 12- Radiation pollution ----------------------------------------------- 89-93

References------------------------------------------------------------------------ 94


Lesson 13- Energy Situation------------------------------------------------- 96-104

Lesson 14- Population, Hunger and Malnutrition ---------------------- 105-113

Lesson 15- Towards brighter ecological future ------------------------ 113-120

References----------------------------------------------------------------------- 121


I. COURSE TITLE: Environmental Science (EC2)


A. Introduction

Environmental Science covers a broad scale of environmental concerns. It engages you to study
the interactions between the environment and human society using the tool of science in an
interdisciplinary way. (CHED Memorandum Order No. 20, s.2013).

This course will help you focus on the interrelationships among components of the natural world;
environmental problems, their causes, associated risks, preventive measures and alternative solutions.
The topics on basic ecological concepts will provide you with background knowledge on the
ecosystem where life and its vital functions operate. A knowledge of the basic ecological concepts and
principles is a prerequisite to the analysis and understanding of the ecological crises that beset the earth.
The topics on environmental threats where ozone depletion, global warming and pollution are discussed
will heighten the level of your environmental awareness. Such an awareness coupled with increased
understanding can motivate you to take actions that will lead to minimization, if not the solutions, to these
problems. Moreover, this course also includes topics that provides you with hope for the future. It
incorporates current environmental programs like sustainable development and environmental

B. Course Learning Outcomes

It is hoped that by the end of this course, your understanding about the environment will significantly
advance and will continue to impart and nurture your values and attitudes towards it. After completing
this course, you are expected to:

 Articulate the impact created by science and technology on the environment, specifically
Philippine environment.
 Trace the history of ecology and discuss how industrial revolution affected the conditions of the
 Explain materials and nutrient cycles, energy pathways, population and communities, impact of
human on the environment, and sustainable development;
 Analyze and understand the local and global environmental problems and have the skills to make
informed and responsible decisions.
 Explain the causes and consequences of land, air and water pollution and natural catastrophes.
 Explain the interactions between humans and other organisms within environmental issues.
 Foster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable development of society
and the environment.
 Reflect critically about our roles and identities as citizens, consumers and environmental actors in
a complex, interconnected world.
 Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the environment and the
development of the Filipino nation.

C. Module and Lesson Topics

To ensure the accomplishment of the learning outcomes, this course will cover the following topics for
you to master.

Module 1- Basic Ecological Concepts and the Environment

This module will help you explore the exciting and broad field of Environmental Science. You
will discover what disciplines it incorporates and also its importance. A discussion of this topic aims to
open your mind not only to the progress and development, but also to the environmental impact
created by science and technology. The module proceeds with a discussion of the basic concepts and
principles of ecology such as the ecosystem and its components, food chains and food webs,
biogeochemical cycles, populations and communities. This equips you with knowledge needed to
analyze and understand the local and environmental problems. The importance of people’s actions
on the environment is also discussed. In its attempt to integrate ecology with a person’s day to day
existence, the module also incorporates the society’s socio-economic-political impact on the

Module 2- Environmental Threats

In this module we will focus our attention to major environmental concerns that have been
identified as important areas where background information is essential for a better understanding of
our environment. This module on environmental threats where ozone depletion, global warming and
pollution are discussed will heighten your level of environmental awareness coupled with increased
understanding which can motivate you to take actions that will lead to minimization, if not the solutions,
of these problems. At the end of this module you are expected to analyze environmental problems that
threaten the earth. You will describe various types of natural disasters and to show how it affects
human life. You will also explain the causes and consequences of different kinds of pollution and
suggest ways to reduce them.

Module 3- Prospects for the Future

The final module of this course addresses questions like "What is the future of Mother Earth?", "Is
there hope of improving the quality of the environment we live in?" and "What should we do to prevent
the environment from deteriorating any further?" To respond to these queries, topics like sustainable
development, environmental education, and changing lifestyles are highlighted. Sustainable
development is discussed concretely through the presentation of strategies and experiences of some
countries. Environmental education is tackled so one could increase knowledge and participation in
activities to protect Mother Earth. The concept of changing lifestyles is treated in a fashion that allows
the you to make decisions that will lead towards an environment-friendly attitude.


This module was prepared for you to work on diligently and independently. Remember, this is meant
for you to increase your understanding on how to conserve our environment in the face of increasing
human activities that degrade our natural resources and ecosystem. Doing the activities might be quite
challenging but with the help of your course facilitator (that is me!) and your enthusiasm, you will be able to
ace it.

1. Manage your time well. Schedule properly your reading assignments and your activity
accomplishments. Have your planner or calendar of activities ready. Remember you have other modules
to accomplish for this semester.

2. Focus your attention. Make sure that you do things one at a time. Read the material over and over
until you are able to get the point of the lesson. If you do not understand the lesson you can read other
materials found in other resources like the internet and books. Also, you can ask the help of your
parents, siblings or friends. Do not forget, I am here to assist you. You can message me through
platforms I will be giving you.

3. Give your best. In doing the assessment tasks whether formative or summative, target the highest
standard because you are a better student. You have the knowledge and skills that you need to finish
with quality of your work. I believe in you.

4. Submit on time. Before the end of prelims, midterms and finals, you will be submitting the
accomplished activities in the modules through correspondence. Once I receive your materials, I will
inform you immediately.

5. Be patient. I will make sure to give you my feedback in your wok to ensure that you are on the right
track. While waiting for my feedback, you can continue on working on the other activities. Make sure that
you do not miss any important part in the module.

6. Answer confidently. In answering the assessment and evaluation activities you are expected to do
the following:
a. Write neatly and legibly and write only on the module if you are sure with your answers.
b. Make sure to give your answers completely and concisely. If questions need to be answered in essay
form, stick to the point. Follow the specific number of words given in the instruction. Also, give proofs of
your claim or point-of-view. Cite correctly the references you use in your work.

7. Work independently. It is expected that you work on the module on your own. You can ask help from
others but do your best to do it first.

8. Motivate yourself. Whatever knowledge or skill you are gaining from this course will definitely help
you in your career. Enjoy what you are doing and everything else will follow.
9. Contact me. If any part of the module or lesson, you may need my help and guidance, do not hesitate
to contact met through email, messenger or SMS. Remember, I am here to ensure that we go through
the completion of the course together.


Week 1 Topic Learning Outcomes Activities

1. QSU Vision,  Develop students’ awareness on  Reflective Essay

Mission and core the VMGO of the university Writing
2. BS Criminology  Bring awareness on the
Goals and Objectives scope and content of the
subject and the grading
Week 1 Topic Learning Outcomes Activities
Se  What you already
Lesson 1:  Define Environmental Science know: Brainstorming
Environmental and explain its importance;  Let’s do and
Science: A closer look  Recognize the interdisciplinary discover: Exercises;
nature of environmental science Acrostic Poem
and identify some of its related  How much have you
fields ; and learned: Wrap-up
 Create an acrostic poem questions
using the word “environment”.
Week 2 Topic Learning Outcomes Activities
 What you already
Lesson 2: Scope and  Explain the scope and meaning know: Brainstorming
meaning of Ecology of ecology using the biological  Let’s do and
spectrum; and discover: Exercises;
 Trace the history of ecology and Acrostic Poem
discuss how industrial revolution  How much have you
affected the conditions of the learned: Wrap-up
environment. questions

Week 2 Topic Learning Outcomes Activities

 Relate ecology to other  What you already
Lesson 3: Ecology: Its disciplines; and know: Warm-Up
relevance and questions
relationship with other  Reflect on how to apply the laws  Let’s do and
fields of ecology to human society. discover: Written
 How much have you
learned: Reflection
Week 3 Topic Learning Outcomes Activities
 Describe the composition of an  What you already
Lesson 4: The ecosystem; know: Warm-Up
Ecosystem questions
 Infer on the relationships in the  Let’s do and
discover: Eco-journal;
ecosystem; and
 How much have you
 Explain the energy and matter learned: Wrap-up
flow in the ecosystem. questions
Week 4 Topic Learning Outcomes Activities
Sept 28- Oct 02, 2020  Define biogeochemical cycles  What you already
and reflect on its importance. know: Warm-Up
Lesson 5: question
Biogeochemical cycles  Prepare and discuss an outline  Let’s do and
of biogeochemical cycles. discover: Construct-
 Identify factors that can disrupt  How much have you
the biogeochemical cycles. learned: Reflection
 Suggest ways you can do to
maintain the balance of the
different cycles.

Week 5 Topic Learning Outcomes Activities

20  Differentiate between population  What you already
and community; know: Warm-up
Lesson 6: Population questions
and communities  Cite example for each  Let’s do and
community relationships: a) discover: Exercises
mutualism, b) commensalism, c)  How much have you
parasitism, d) predation, and e) learned: Wrap-up
competition questions

 Discuss how species diversity is

related to the stability of an
 Compare primary succession
and secondary succession
and give examples.
V. EVALUATION Grading system
To pass the course you must: 1.Examination
(Prelim, Midterm and Final Term) 40%
1. Read all course readings and answer all the module
learning activities 2. Module activities
2. Take the required examinations (Prelim, Midterm, (written outputs/reports) 30%
Final) 3. Participation 10%
3. Submit required projects/output 4. Requirement/Project 20%
Total 100%
Assessment Activities

 The reflection questions are designed to help you to critically analyze the course readings for better
understanding while the self-assessment activities are designed as a review management tool to prepare you
for the graded quizzes/periodical examinations.
 Answering these will serve as prompts to tell you if you needed to study further or if you may already move
forward to the next topic of the module.
 The completeness of your answers to the self-assessment activities, and reflection questions will still be
checked and will still be part of your grade completion. Hence, self-assessment activities, and reflection
questions must be left unanswered.
 In doing your formative assessment activities, you can always ask the help of your family.
 The self-assessment activities and reflection questions are required so you can take it anytime within the
scheduled days assigned for each topic.


You may also access the Google classroom prepared for your class and try to participate in the discussion if the
condition will allow it. Feedback system will be facilitated through text messaging: hence, you need to have with
you a cellphone. If you need to call, or you want to talk to me, send me a message first and wait for me to
respond. Do not give my CP number to anybody. I will not entertain messages or calls from numbers that are
not registered in my phone. Hence, use only the CP number you submitted to me.

VII. Contact Information of the Facilitator

You can contact me through email <> ; messenger <Leslie Agustin Gomez>;
and CP# 09169406524

Welcome to our self-paced learning module!

Before you proceed to the course module, it is important that you, as a student, become aware that we are
working towards a single purpose. Thus, you must read and ponder on the University’s Vision and Mission, as
well as the goals and objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Criminology.

The leading center for academic and technological
excellence and prime catalyst for a progressive and
sustainable Quirino Province and Southern Cagayan
Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley
Quickly and willingly render excellent, ethical, and
professional service at all time.


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