Collocation Idioms

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Name: _______________ Class: G12 FOR THE NATIONAL




















Choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. The villagers had to work hard in the fields all day but could hardly _______ends meet.
A. do B. know C. Make kiếm đủ sống D. fly
2. Her persecutors tried to burn her alive, but she was saved by a ______of rain.
A. set B. shower C. gust D. tantrum
3. They are working against the to have the presentation ready for Monday.
A. wall B. Clock chạy đua với thời gian C. shadow D. day
4. That’s exactly what I mean, Tom. You’ve _!
A. put your foot in it: làm điều thiếu tế nhị B. killed two birds with one stone:
một mũi tên trúng 2 đích
C. put two and two together: cứ thế mà suy ra D. hit the nail on the head nói một
cách chính xác
5. “I’m going for an interview for a job this afternoon.” “Good luck! I’ll keep my

crossed for you”

A. legs B. arms C. Fingers chúc may mắn D. hands
6. I hate my cousin sometimes, all he ever does is to complain about everything. He’s ____.
A. a loner B. a drama queen C. a high flyer D. a cry baby
7. I agree with what you said completely. You really .
A. gave me a hand giúp đỡ ai B. took the words out of my mouth
nói đúng điều mà người khác muốn nói
C. know it inside out: biết ngọn ngành, hiểu tường tận D. get a clue có ý tưởng

8. Every time my boss has a problem, even when it is really small, she gets far too upset.
She’s such a _____.
A. loner B. drama queen C. wet blanket: người phá hoại
niềm vui người khác D. wet behind the ears non nớt
9. One day I hope to be a and make tons of money.
A. pain in the neck B. cry baby C. high flyers D. flying
colors đỗ dễ dàng
10. They are twin brothers. They are like two in a pod.
A. lemons B. plums C. apples D. Peas giống
như 2 giọt nước
11. I thought he would be shocked, but in fact, he was as cool as a _ .
A. cucumber hết sức bình tĩnh B. watermelon C. pear D. pineapple
12. Many rare and precious species are now the verge of extinction.
A. in B. on C. from D. by
13. The overall aim of the book is to help bridge the gap between theory and practice,
particularly in language teaching.
A. minimize the limitations B. construct a bridge
C. reduce the differences D. increase the understanding
bridge the gap: rút ngắn khoảng cách để giảm sự khác biệt
increase the understanding: tăng sự hiểu biết
minimize the limitations: giảm tối thiểu sự hạn chế
construct a bridge: xây một cây cầu
14. I don’t like a few things about my job, but it is quite enjoyable.
A. by and large Nói chung, nhìn chung. B. by mistake tình cờ C. sooner or
later Sớm hay muộn D. what is more Hơn nữa, thêm nữa
15. It is for us to do anything about the chaotic traffic.
A. out of date B. without delay C. out of the question D. out of
- out of date: hết hạn
- without delay: không trì hoãn
- out of the question: không thể
- under any circumstances: trong bất kỳ hoàn cảnh nào
16. I just couldn’t remember her name even though it was on the of my tongue.
A. edge B. Tip quên C. top D. front
17. When you do something, you should_ .
A. get through to it B. turn over a new leaf
C. weigh up the pros and cons C. go down well with
weigh up the pros and cons: cân nhắc thuận lợi và bất lợi
get through to sb: làm cho ai hiểu được điều gì
turn over a new leaf: bước sang 1 khởi đầu mới, quyết tâm trở nên tốt hơn
go down well with: được chào đón, được yêu thích
18. I’ve been an accountant for 20 years now, so I .
A. am a cry baby dễ khóc B. am wet behind the ears: non nớt,
chưa có kinh nghiệm
C. know my job inside out hiểu rõ công việc D. am a drama queen
19. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a day.
A. windy B. stormy C. rainy gặp lúc khó khăn D. cloudy
20. I do wish you’d stop biting your nails, John. It really .
A. lets me down thất vọng B. tells me off phản công C. gets me down
thất vọng D. gets on my nerves làm ai cáu
21. My father when he found out that I’d damaged the
A. hit the roof rất tức giận B. saw pink elephants ảo giác
C. made my blood boil sôi máu D. brought the house down nhận được tràng
pháo tay ròn rã hay sự chấp thuận từ khán giả
22. I really must go and lie down for a while; I’ve gone a headache.
A. cutting B. cracking C. exploding D. splitting
23. Stop_______around the bush, John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.
A. beating vòng vo tam quốc B. rushing C. hiding D. coming
24. I always get________in stomach before sitting an exam.
A. worms B. Butterflies bồn chồn, hồi hộp C. crabs
D. birds
25. I usually buy my clothes . It’s cheaper than going to dressmaker.
A. off the peg B. on the house C. on the shelf D. in
on the shelf : xếp xó, bỏ đi
on the house: miễn phí, không tính tiền
in public: giữa công chúng, công khai
off the peg: may sẵn (quần áo)
26. I wonder if you can me a small favor, Tom?
A. bring B. make C. give D. do
27. I was already fed up with the job, but when the boss walked into my office and
told me he expected me to work overtime that was the .
A. final curtain B. last straw giọt nước tràn ly C. end of the
line D. last waltz
28. I couldn’t believe that they were brothers. They were different as__ .
A. Mars and Jupiter B. chalk from cheese khác biệt hoàn toàn
C. dogs and cats C. milk from honey
29. Li has ; he loves cakes, chocolates, ice-cream-anything which is sweet.
A. a sweet mouth B. sweet lips C. a sweet tongue D. a sweet
30. It never my mind he will tell lies to me.
A. crosses Bất chợt hoặc vô tình được ai đó nghĩ tới B. enters C. comes
D. happens
31. I got a new golf ____ yesterday.
A. stick B. club C. racket D. bat
32. If a defender a foul within the five-meter area that prevents a
likely goal, the attacking team awarded a penalty throw or shot.
A. interferes B. commits phạm lỗi C. punches D. touches
33. If you don’t stop smoking, you_______this risk of developing chronic bronchitis.
A. bear B. suffer C. make D. run tự
dẫn thân đến với sự nguy hiểm
34. Supermarkets buy goods at _____ prices.
A. steady B. fixed giá cố định. C. stuck D. hooked
35. The players’ protests_________no difference to the referee’s decision at all.
A. did B. made C. caused D. created
36. I just took it that he’d always be available.
A. into consideration B. easy C. into account D. for
granted hiển nhiên cho rằng
37. I accidentally _ Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.
A. kept an eye on B. lost touch with
C. paid attention to D. caught sight of
38. If you want a flat in the center of the city you have to pay through the for
A. teeth B. back of your head C. Nose trả giá quá đắt cho một cái
gì không đáng D. arm
39. She was so frightened that she was shaking like .
A. a leaf nỗi sợ phát run B. the wind C. a flag D. jelly
40. Peter was born and brought up in Hastings and knows it like the .
A. nose on his face một điều gì rõ rành rànhB. tip of the tongue: không thể nhớ ra được
điều gì
C. back of his hand hiểu biết, nắm chắc rõ như lòng bàn tay D. hair on his head
41. What’s wrong with you today? Did you get out of bed on the wrong ?
A. end B. Foot thức dậy tâm trạng không vui C. side
D. edge
42. I’ve never enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my .
A. piece of cake B. chip off the old block C. biscuit D. cup of
tea: không thích, ko phải fan bự
43. “What’s wrong with Tom today? He’s unusually quiet,” “He’s got something on his . I
A. brain Luôn luôn nghĩ đến một điều gì ám ảnh. B. mind C.
thoughts D. brow
44. He was wearing very shabby, dirty clothes and looked very .
A. easy- going B. down to earth C. out of shape D. down at
heel trong tình trạng xấu, hỏng hóc
45. Since he started his own business he has been making money hand over .
A. fist vớ được lợi lộc béo bở, kiếm tiền rất nhanh với số lượng lớn B. heel C.
head D. palm
46. I can’t see us beating them at tennis this year- we’re so out of _.
A. step sai nhịp B. Practice mất tay nghề vì ko luyện C. Fitness ko cân đối, vừa vặn
D. Breath thở hổn hển
47. Don’t talk to her. She is in a bad today.
A. brain B. Mood: không vui C. thoughts D. mind
48. After a good night's sleep I'll be as fresh as a ________.
A. sunflower B. tulip C. daisy: tươi như hoa D.

49. My new colleague is quite a rough _ but I think we can cooperate

well on our assigned projects.
A. stone B. rock C. diamond một vật hay một người chưa
phát triển đầy đủ khả năng nhưng có triển vọng thành công lớn D. ruby
50. You would understand my feelings of betrayal if you were in my .
A. shoes trong hoàn cảnh B. shirt C. socks D.
51. He is not the type who can stay one place for long. He always gets feet and
starts a new journey again.
A. chilly B. itchy thích thú, đam mê cuồng du lịch. C. painful D.
52. It is pointless to persuade him - a can't change its spots.
A. tiger B. lion C. Leopard ko thể thay đổi quyết định D.
53. I haven’t seen my old primary teachers in ___ years – I wonder how she has been.
A. donkey’s khoảng tgian rất dài
D. pigeon’s
Ms Thao Nguyen
B. monkey’s C. rooster’s

54. Just grab a green tea biscuit. It is .

A. on the house thứ gì đó được miễn phí, B. on the shelf: xếp xó, bỏ đi, không còn
có ích nữa C. off the record: không được công bố hay ghi chép công khai D.
in public
55. I caught the last train to my hometown by the skin of my .
A. arm B. neck C. nose D. Teeth suýt
56. All of these assignments have tired me out; let's and grab some cold drinks.
A. make up our mind quyết định B. call it a day kết thúc một hoạt động
C. get back to the drawing board quay lại từ đầu để chuẩn bị một kế hoạch mới D.
burn the midnight oil: thức khuya làm việc,
57. The situations have been bad lately, Peter, but keep your up; things will
soon clear up.
A. chin đừng nản chí nhé B. head C. nose D.
58. Those lipsticks are selling like ___since many fans want to the products that their idols
A. burning pancakes B. fresh shrimps C. hot cakes bán đắt như tôm tươi
D. morning coffee
59. She hasn’t been in traffic accident yet but she’s had a number of _ shaves.
A. narrow B. small C. Close thoát ra trog gang tấc D. low
60. My brother can’t keep his hands off the broom. He always thinks his room is
unclean – he really has in his bonnet about it.
A. a butterfly B. a bee bị ám ảnh C. a fly D. an ant
61. My neighbor’s dog is _____, it never stops barking.
A. a drama queen B. a loner C. a high flyer: một ng đc kì vọng
thành công D. a pain in the neck cảm giác khó chịu, bực bội.
62. I was about to go to the concerts in Seoul all by myself, but at the last minute

and decided to stay home.

A. pulled my finger out làm khẩn trương hơn B. got cold feet lo lắng, hoang mang C.
hit the roof: vô cùng tức giận D. paid through the nose trả giá quá
đắt cho một cái gì không đán

63. Thanks for helping me. I’ll do the same for you in _ sometimes.
A. grateful B. appreciate C. favor D. Return lần
64. Please don’t_ it amiss if I make a few suggestions for improvement.
A. assume B. judge C. think D. take Coi
điều gì là vô ích, không phù hợp và hiểu nhầm cái gì; bực mình, phật ý
65. For the first time the young scientist was given the award her work with
A. on recognition for B. in recognition with
C. in recognition for D. in recognition of
66. His flat looks so _ that it is difficult to believe he just had a party last night.
A. safe and sound B. sick and tired C. spick and span D. by and large
safe and sound: không tổn thương/ tổn hại
spick and span :thường dùng để nói về một căn phòng hoặc một ngôi nhà sạch sẽ, gọn
sick and tired: ốm yếu mệt mỏi
by and large: nói chung, rút cục
67. I’m not surprised that Tom is ill. He’s been for a long time. It was bound to
affect his health sooner or later.
A. having his cake and eating it B. burning the candle at both ends
C. playing with fire D. going to town
Burn the candles at both hands: làm quá nhiều việc một lúc, làm kiệt sức của mình
Play with fire: đùa với lửa, làm việc nguy hiểm
Can’t have a cake and eat it too: “Con rô cũng tiếc, con diếc cũng muốn” - không thể
tham lam muốn tất cả mọi thứ.
Go to town: đầu tư thời gian, công sức, tiền bạc vào việc gì đó

68. Just , Bill! Let’s think about this for a moment before making your mind.
A. pulled your finger out B. got cold feet
C. held your horses D. called it a day
69. I didn’t suspect anything at first, but when I noticed her going through the office
drawers I began to smell a .
A. rat nghi ngờ B. pig C. thief D. culprit
70. It took him a long time to come to with the fact that he was homeless.
A. acceptance B. terms C. tabs D. agreement
71. Before she left for Australia she promised her parents that she would drop them ____at
least once a month.
A. a note B. a word C. the news D. a line liên lạc
với ai
72. “What I’ve got to say to you now is strictly and most
certainly not for publication,” said the government official to the reporter.
A. beside the point B. for the time being C. by the way D. off the record
off the record: không chính thức, không công bố
beside the point: không liên quan, lạc đề
73. Each year a _______ of ants attacks my apple tree, and brings their aphids there to graze.
A. colony B. swarm C. school D. A & B are
74. Don’t be a wet and dance with other people.
A. mattress B. blanket phá hoại niềm vui C. towel
D. ribbon
75. She is born with fingers. She is great with plants.
A. green good at garden and plant B. red C. yellow D. white
76. My brother is over the with his new bike.
A. sun B. moon rất sung sướng C. star D.

D. rat
Ms Thao Nguyen
77. I was trying to keep the party a secret, but Linda let the ______ out of the bag.
A. dog B. pigeon C. cat vô tình để lộ bí mật

78. If you don't have health insurance, you have to bite the _____ and pay the hospital fees.
A. bullet cắn răng chịu đựng B. dust C. gun D.
79. I don't want my son to be friends with Bobby Smith. Bobby's a ________.
A. white elephant thứ gì đó tốn nhiều tiền nhưng lại không hữu ích B. stale meat
C. big fish: ng có quyền lực D. bad egg: kẻ xấu
80. When I voted for him I was convinced he would win, but I backed the wrong ______!
A. man B. fighting cock C. horse lựa chọn sai D. fish

===THE END!===

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