Haseeb Shaikh - MCV4UI Portfolio

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1) Find the derivative to (e4x)(log5(3x-1)) and simplify (3 marks)

2) The position of items inside a black hole can be

represented by the equation p(t) = (30t12 + 23)5(5t). (not

a) Find an equation to represent the acceleration, the

answer should be in factored form. (6 marks) !!

p(t) = (30t12+23)5(5t)

The derivative of p(t) is equal to v(t) (velocity)

v(t) = 5(30t12+23)4(360t11)(5t) + (30t12+23)5(5)
v(t) = 5(30t12+23)4((360t11)(t) + (30t12+23))
v(t) = 5(30t12+23)4((360t12 + 30t12 + 23))
v(t) = 5(30t12+23)4(390t12 + 23)

The derivative of v(t) is equal to a(t) (acceleration)

a(t) = 5(4)(30t12+23)3(360t11)(390t12+23)+5(30t12+23)4(4680t11)
a(t) = 5(30t12+23)3(4(360t11)(390t12+23)+(30t12+23)(4680t11))
a(t) = 5(360t11)(30t12+23)3((4)(390t12+23)+(30t12+23)(13))
a(t) = 1800t11(30t12+23)3((4)(390t12+23)+(30t12+23)(13))
a(t) = 1800t11(30t12+23)3(1560t12+92+390t12+299)
a(t) = 1800t11(30t12+23)3(1950t12+391)
b)How would you find when the acceleration was the
highest or lowest over a time interval? (2 mark)

I would find the derivative of the acceleration equation, I would then solve for using
the derivative. Then I would test the t values found, and the start and end of the
interval(also t values). To test I will use the original equation. Using the pair of values
of t and a(t) I can see when the acceleration is the highest and lowest and at what
time within the interval.

2) The STOOPIDO company is designing a special gift box

the shape of a cylinder. Each box will use 1 square meter of
cardboard, what dimensions should the box be to maximize
the volume? (9 marks)

Let h represent the box height

Let r represent the radius
Let v represent the total volume of the box

1 = 2πrh+2πr2
-2πrh = 2πr2 - 1
h = (2πr2 - 1)/(-2πr)
V = πr2h


∴The cylinder should have a radius of √(1/6π)m and

a height of 0.461m to maximize the volume.

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