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Speaker Notes for slide 13:

I'll be discussing about how these changes affected the employees’ values,

Employees who were laid off felt that their psychological agreement with
the corporation had been broken because they may have anticipated job
security in return for their dedication and hard work. The surviving
employees might worry about upcoming layoffs and their job security,
which could affect how well they perform for the company.7

With Hudson's Bay's new e-commerce segment, there may be new chances
in the future for the surviving staff members. On the other hand, the
company's once-solid organizational ideals, which its employees related to,
are now beginning to weaken as new divisions of the business are being
added, such as the e-commerce section and Zellers.7
Speaker Notes for slide 14:

Firstly, for Learning: so With Hudson's Bay concentrating on their e-

commerce segment, staff will need to participate in continual learning and
development to obtain the necessary skills and expertise for this new
division. Employees who are opposed to transformation or who believe they
lack the abilities and expertise required to succeed in the new e-commerce
business might also feel less satisfied with their jobs or uncertain about their
futures at the company.7

Secondly for Perception: Employee perceptions of Hudson's Bay after the

layoffs are negative, as the layoffs have caused feelings of job insecurity,
anxiety, and low morale among remaining employees. While individuals
who were not laid off may worry about their own job security and may no
longer have faith in the organisation. Some of the employees complained
that the departmental manager treated them unfairly and harshly and that the
organization did not recognise their contributions.

Motivation: Due to the uncertainty and stress of current circumstances, the

employees who were fired from the organisation may have lost motivation.
Employees who are still employed by Hudson's Bay may feel discouraged or
anxious about the future following a wave of layoffs. Apart from that The
extra hours they were required to put in and the harsh treatment they
received from their superiors and coworkers left the Hudson's Bay
employees feeling severely demotivated. Also, the launch of Zellers can lead
to an increase in employment opportunities and change for the existing
employees if they are being shifted to Zellers or for their ecommerce

Speaker Notes for slide 15:

1. Organizational Cynicism: Some of the employees at Hudson’s Bay felt that

the layoffs were handled poorly or that management did not communicate
effectively, this can lead to erode trust in the organization's leadership and a
further decrease in morale. This can also impact the willingness of
employees to work collaboratively and effectively with their managers. 9
Many of them even complained about the Stressful inconsistent management
styles the company/ manager follows.

2. Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The layoffs may have decreased

organizational commitment among employees. When employees perceive
that their organization is not committed to their well-being or values, their
commitment to the organization may weaken. The layoffs may have created
feelings of mistrust or betrayal, which could reduce employees' commitment
to the organization. This can lead to a partial or complete withdrawal to even
work on the minute tasks.

3. Task performance: After the layoff, some of the employees were asked to
take on additional responsibilities and workload, which lead to stress,
burnout, and decreased job satisfaction. This had negatively impacted
individual level behaviors such as absenteeism, punctuality, and quality of
work. Some of the employees working in Hudson’s Bay found the workload
very atrocious.8 With all of this happening the employees will be somehow
able to accomplish the assigned work at expected standard of quality and
quantity, but they won't be taking initiative to introduce and anticipate new
work patterns that can benefit the organization because of lack of motivation
due to various reasons. (Proactive task performance) Their adaptive task
performance will also be reduced because the layoffs will increase their
workload and the employees will find it difficult to align and support the
new process and work setting.

Thank you. now my colleague aman will be continuing with the presentation

Speaker Notes for slide 37:

Thank you everyone for your time and attention. I/we hope you found this presentation
informative and helpful. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us
after the presentation.

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