Social Activism

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Social activism group task

Step 1 & 2
1. Greta Thunberg- She stood up the world to make sure
nothing like fossil fuels and global warming. (Environmental
and political)
2. Julian Bond (Civil rights)
3. Greg Moriarty (Charity) To help many people in the ADF
and the world as he has donated over 500 thousand dollars
to charities.
4. Malcom X (social and political)
5. Maya Angelou (social)

Step 3: The category we chose for this topic was environment.

This is what Jesus had to say According to the bible says, “Be
fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” “I am establishing my
covenant ... with every living creature.” “The trees of the
hills… will clap their hands.” “The Word became flesh and
lived among us.”
Step 1: How do you define local and global communities? A
global community is a community made up of people from all
over the world whereas a local community is made up of
people who are from 1 area/ location.

Step 2
The local and global community share most of their needs.
This includes basic rights and laws, a good economy, local
businesses, and infrastructure.

Step 3:
I see the need for social action in local and global
communities. Essentially, everywhere you look, there is
need for social action, whether its environmental,
political, social or economical.

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