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WORKSHOP NAMES:__Hilary Garcia 31.176.


Fill inthe blanks with the following connectors as it corresponds in each case. (SO,

1. I was very tired So I went to bed.

2. __ Although he wasn’t very hungry, he ate a big hamburger.

3. I love that film __Because it’s very good.

4. The interview was very difficult __But he got the job.

5. _ Although she likes football, she prefers hockey.

6. His first book is very good _But his second one is even better.

7. We went to the supermarket __Because there was no food at home.

8. They didn’t like the programme __So they turned off the tv.

9. I will go ahead__Although there are many problems.

10. The teacher isn’t going to class early, _So I’m staying a Little bit longer.

Order the words in order to form correct sentences.

1. Bought- because- I- very- it- good- it’s

Respuesta: I bought it because it’s very good.

2. Book- they- gave- to- want- friends- didn’t- so- the-my- me- it

Respuesta: My friends didn’t want the book so they gave it to me

3. Although -is -old- he, runs -very -fast -he

Respuesta: Although he is old, he runs very fast

4. Bad- tomatoes- didn’t-the –so- were- them- eat- I

Respuesta: The tomatoes were bad so I didn’t eat them

5. neighbour -very -my -I -him -he -so -see -often -is

Respuesta: He is my neighbour so I see him very often

6. weather- was- walk- went-although- bad- we- the , for- out- a

Respuesta: Although the weather was bad, we went out for a walk

7. clever -doesn’t -she -hard -but -work -is -very -she

Respuesta: She is very clever but she doesn’t work hard

8. party- they- the- couldn’t- us- to- we- but- invited- go

Respuesta: They invited us to the party but we couldn’t go

Complete the sentences with your own words

1. The meeting was put off because____________________

2. They were listening to music aloud___________I was trying to study.

1. Rellena los huecos de las siguientes frases con el conector más adecuado (SO, BECAUSE,

2. I was very tired so I went to bed.

3. Although he wasn’t very hungry, he ate a big hamburger.

4. I love that film because it’s very good.

5. The interview was very difficult but he got the job.

6. Although she likes football, she prefers hockey.

7. His first book is very good but his second one is even better.

8. We went to the supermarket because there was no food at home.

9. They didn’t like the programme so they turned off the tv.

10. Ordena las palabras para crear frases correctas.

11. I bought it because it’s very good.

12. My friends didn’t want the book so they gave it to me.

13. Although he is old, he runs very fast.

14. The tomatoes were bad so I didn’t eat them.

15. He is my neighbour so I see him very often.

16. Although the weather was bad, we went out for a walk.

17. She is very clever but she doesn’t work hard.

18. They invited us to the party but we couldn’t go.

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