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Chapter 13 Sub Lord - Some Points to Consider Sometimes it happens that the cuspal sub lord of the main house under consideration is not deposited in the star of occupant or of the owner of relevant house or houses. Sometimes Rahu and Ketu are not deposited in relevant house or houses. But the cuspal sub lord, its star lord and its sub lord; also Rahu or Ketu are connected with relevant house(s). In such cases one needs to use common sense before coming to any conclusion Transit At the time of event Sun, Moon or/and joint period rulers are generally found to be transiting in the star or sub of the same joint period ruler or rulers (ie. in the star or sub of the period, sub period, inter period or/and sookshma period ruler.) Moon 1) Moon is the mind. So in the horary map the mind of the querent is shown by the position of Moon and it helps in knowing the nature of the question asked. 2) Generally Moon or its Star Lord or its Sub lord occupies or owns the house under query; or 3) Moon is connected with, or by aspect, from the owner or occupant of that house or from the chief governor (Karaka) of the matter asked. 4) If lord of 6, 8, 12 is connected with Moon, then mind of querent is not clear about question, and if Saturn is connected with Moon, querent is hiding something Cuspal Sub lord 1) The cuspal sub lord of a house under query indicates whether the matter signified by that house is promised or not. 2) The matter is promised if the cuspal sub lord is the significator (ie. in the star of the occupant or the owner) of that house or any one of the houses under consideration 3) In horary the matter is promised if the cuspal sub lord or its sub star lord is direct, if the cuspal sub lord or its sub star lord is retrograde but the cuspal sub lord becomes a strong significator, the matter is promised when they get direct in motion. 4) As each house denotes several particular matters, the chief governor of the matter under query may be taken into account and it should be connected with the star lord of the cuspal sub lord of the house under query Lagna and 11m Cuspal sub lord dD In the horary map the Asc. indicates the efforts of the querent; while the 11" cusp shows the fulfillment of desires or success in general. So if the cuspal sub lord of the Asc. or the 11" cusp be the significator of the matter asked, the querent gets success in general. 40 PRASHNA JYOTISH 2) If the cuspal sub lord of the Asc. or the 11% cusp be the occupant of the house 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 or 11; or if it is in the star of the occupant of the house 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 or 11, the querent gets success, in all undertakings [The Asc. (denotes success in one's efforts); 2n (monetary gain); 3ra (help from others); 6m (being 12 to 7 loss to the other and gain to the querent); 10a (reputation) and 11 (stands for profit). So these houses are beneficial to the querent in general.] Ruling Planet: 1) Note the time and day when a question is put to you or when you take the horoscope for analysis and judgment. The day begins from Sunrise. Sun governs Sunday, Moon governs Monday, Mars governs Tuesday, Mercury governs Wednesday, Jupiter governs Thursday, Venus governs Friday and Saturn governs Saturday. 2) A) The sign lord of the Asc, the star lord of the Asc, at the time of query or judgment. B) The sign lord of Moon, the star lord of Moon at the time of query or judgment. ©) The day lord These five planets are called the ‘Ruling Planets’. 3) A) If Rahu or Ketu is in conj. or aspect with the ruling planet; or B) If it occupies the sign owned by the ruling planet. Rahu or Ketu should be included as the ruling planet. 4) A) Among the ruling planets the Asc's star lord; the Asc's sign lord,, Moon's star lord, Moon's sign lord and the day lord are in order of preference. B) The ruling planet which is in the star or sub of a retrograde planet should be omitted Significator of relevant bhava: Significator of relevant bhava indicate when event will be materialised. Draw table as we discuss in Part-1; chapter 5 page 24 In the star of | Occupant In the star of Owner occupant (3) owner i) “ (c) If star lord or sub lord of above significators are in direct motion then during its joint period one can get desire result. So if any significator is in the star and sub of retrograde planet will be omit as significator. Joint Period: During joint period of above significator one can get desire result when transit agrees. Find out the common planet from significator and RPs. Among these common planets those planets that are significator of Joint cuspal point (Rasi lord -Star lord-Sub lord), relevant cusp's sub lord and Joint period lord then this planet gives result when transit agree. PRASHNA JYOTISH at It is observe that retro planet gives result when it get direct or planet when become direct at same deg. Mnt. Sec as in retro motion at the time of horary map Analysis of retrograde planet depends on individual case and type of Question M™ each case astrologer has to use his own commonsense. Transit: At the time of event, Sun, Moon and joint period lords traveling in the joint period lord's star or sub. Or traveling in the star lord of relevant bhava's significator. 42 PRASHNA JYOTISH Chapter 14 Sub-Sub Sub sub in each Sub Each 'sub' is further divided into nine parts. This sub division is termed as ‘sub sub'. It is based on the following formula :- "Each sub area x Dasa years of each planet - the total number of Vimshottari dasa years = The longitude or extent or area of ‘Sub sub ‘for each planet in each ‘Sub'." Example: The above formula of deriving 'Sub sub’ in each ‘Sub! is illustrated as under 1, The sub area of Ketu is 0° 46' 40". In sub Ketu, Area of sub sub Venus = 00° .46'40" x 20 + 120 = 00°.07'.47" 2. The sub area of Venus is 2° 13' 20". In sub Venus, Area of sub sub Mer — = 02°.13'.20"x 17 - 120 = 00°.18'.53" 3. The sub area of Sun is 0° 40' 00". In sub Sun, Area of sub sub Jup = 00°.40'.00" x 16 + 120 = 00°.05'.20" 4. The sub area of Moon is 1° 06' 40". In sub Moon, Area of sub sub Ketu = 01°.06'.40" * 7 - 120 = 00°.03'.54" 5. The sub area of Mars is 0° 46' 40" In sub Mars, Area of sub sub Moon 6. The sub area of Rahu is 2° 00' 00". In sub Rahu, Area of sub sub Saturn = 02°.00'.00" x 19 +120 = 00°.19'.00" 7. The sub area of Jupiter is 1° 46° 40". In sub Jupiter, Area of sub sub Sun = 01°.46'.40" x 6 +120 = 00°.05'.20" 8. The sub area of Saturn is 2° 06' 40". In sub Sun, Area ofsub sub Rahu = 02°.06'.40" x 18 +120 = 00M9'.00" 9. The sub area of Mercury is 1° 53' 20". In sub Sun, Area of sub sub Mars = 01°.53'.20"x 7 -120 = 00°.06'.37" )0°.46'.40" x 10 +120 = 00°.03'.54" Obtain the arca of ‘sub sub' for all planets in cach ‘sub! in this way For benefit of readers the tables showing A) sub sub area in cach sub and B) Stars, Subs and Sub subs are given on next pages: PRASHNA JYOTISH 43 A. Sub sub area in each sub 1, Sub Ketu Area 2. Sub Venus Area 3. Sub Sun Area Sub Sub D M S$ SubSubD M S$ SubSubD M_ S Ke 00° 02' 43" ve oo° 22' 12" Su 00° 02" 00" Ve 00 07 47° su 00 06 40 Mo 00 03 20 Su 00 02 20 Mo 00 11 07 Ma 00 02 20 Mo 00 03 54 Ma 00 07 47 Ra 00 06 00 Ma 00 02 43 Ra 00 20 00 Ju 00 05 20 Ra 00 (07 «00 au 00 17 47 Sa 00 06 20 Ju 00 06 13° Sa 00 21 O07 Ma 00 05 «40 Sa 00 07 23° Me 00 18 53 Ke 00 02 20 Me 00 06 37 Ke 00 07 47 Ve 00 06 40 00 46 40 02 13 20 00 40 00 4, Sub Moon Area 5. Sub Mars Area 6. Sub Rahu Area Sub sub D M S Sub subD M Ss Sub sub D M oS Mo 00° 05' 33" Ma oo° 02° 43" Ra 00° = 18' 00" Ma 00 03 54 Ra 00 07 00 Ju 00 16 00 Ra 00 10 00 gu 00 06 13 Sa 00 «19 00 Ju 00 08 53) Sa 00 07 23) Me 00 17: «00 Sa 00 10 33 Me 00 06 37 Ke 00 07 «00 Me 00 09 26 Ke 00 02 43 Ve 00 20 00 Ke 00 03 54 ve 00 07 47 Su 00 06 00 Ve 00 07) su 00 02 20 Mo 00 10 00 Su 00 03° 20) Mo 00 03 «54 Ma 00 07 00 01 06 40 00 46 40 02 00 00 7. Sub Jupiter Area 8. Sub Saturn Area 9, Sub Mercury Area Sub sub D M S_ SubsubD M S$ SubsubD M_ S Ju oo° 14" 14" sa 00° 20' 03" Me 00° 16" 02" Sa 00 16 53 Me 00 17 58 Ke 00 06 37 Me 00 15 07 Ke 00 07 23 Ve 00 18 «53 Ke 00 06 13 ve 00 21 07 Su 00 05 40 Ve 00 17° 47) Su 00 06 20 Mo 00 09 26 Su 00 05 20 Mo 00 10 33 Ma 00 06 37 Mo 00 08 53) Ma 00 07 «#23 Ra 00 17) (00 Ma 00 06 «13° Ra 00 19 00 Ju 00 15 (07 Ra 00 16 00) ou 00 16 53 Sa 00 617) 58 01 46 40 02 06 40 o1 53 20 44 PRASHNA JYOTISH B. Stars, Subs and Sub subs 1, Star Ketu : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 00° 00' to 13° 20° 1. Sub Ketu Area 2. Sub Venus Area 3. Sub Sun Area SubSubD M S Sub SubD M_ S_ Sub Sub D M Ke 00° 00' 00" ve oo? 46° 40" Su 03° 00° ve 00 02 43 su 01 08 52 Mo 03 «02 Su 0o0 10 30 Mo o1 15 32 Ma 03) «(05 Mo oo 12 SO Ma Ol 26 39° «=Ra 03 «(07 Ma 00 16 44 Ra ol 34 26 «Ju 0 13 Ra oo 19 27 Ju ol 54 26 «Sa 03 «(19 Ju 00 26 27 Sa 02 12 130 «Me 03 «25 Sa 00 32 40 Me 02 33 20 Ke oe Me 00 40 04 Ke 02 52 13. Ve 03 «33 4. Sub Moon Area 5. Sub Mars Area 6. Sub Rahu Area SubSubD M S _ Sub SubD M S Sub Sub D M Mo 03° 40' 00" Ma 04° 46" 40" Ra 05° 33° Ma 03 45 #33 Ra 04 49 230 Ju o5 51 Ra 03 49 27) Ju 04 56 23. Sa 06 07 Ju 03 59 27 Sa 05 02 36 Me 06 26 Sa 04 08 20 Me 05 09 59 Ke 06 43 Me o4 18 53) Ke os 16 36 «Ve 06 50 Ke 04 28 #419 Ve 05 19 19 Su eres ve 04 32 #13 «Su 05 27 06 Mo o7 «(16 su 04 43 20 Mo 05 29 26 Ma 07 «26 00” oo 20 40 40 00 20 00 20 20" 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7. Sub Jupiter Area 8. Sub Saturn Area 9. Sub Mercury Area Sub Sub D uM OS Sub SubD M s Sub Sub D M Ju o7° 33' 20" Sa 09° 20' 00" Me 1° 26' Sa 07 47 #34 Me 09 40 03 Ke 11 42 Me 08 04 27 Ke 09 58 ol ve ll 49 Ke 08 19 34 Ve 10 05 24 su 12 08 ve 08 25 47 Su 10 26 31 «Mo 12 13 su 08 43 34 Mo 10 32 51 Ma 12 23 Mo 08 48 54 Ma 10 43 24 Ra 12 29 Ma 08 57 47° Ra 10 50 47 Ju 13° 46 Ra 09 04 00 Ju 11 09) «447° «Sa 13 02 PRASHNA JYOTISH s 40" 42 19 12 52 18 55 55 02 45 2. Star Venus 1, Sub Venus Area Area Sub Sub D M Ve 13° 20° Su 13° 42 Mo 130 48 Ma 130 59 Ra 14 (07 Ju 1427 Sa 14 45 Me 15 06 Ke , 15 25 4. Sub Mars Area Sub Sub D M Ma 17? 20° Ra 17 22 Ju 17 29 Sa 17 35 Me 17 43 Ke 17 49 Ve 17 52 Su 18 00 Mo 18 02 7. Sub Saturn Sub Sub D M Sa 21° 53" Me 22 13 Ke 2203 Ve 220 «(38 Su 22«59 Mo 23° 06 Ma 23° «16 Ra 23024 Ju 230 43 46 Ss 00" 12 52 59 46 46 33 04 33 00" Ss 20" 23 21 44 51 cet 44 07 07 2, Sub Sun Area Sub SubD M Su 15° Mo. 15 Ma 15 Ra 15 Ju 1s Sa 15 Me 15 Ke 16 Ve 16 5, Sub Rahu Sub Sub D Ra 18° Ju 18 Sa 18 Me 18 Ke 19 Ve 9 Su 19 Mo 19 Ma 19 8. Sub Mercury Sub Sub D M Me Ke Ve Su Mo Ma Ra Ja Sa 24° 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 Ss 33' 20" 35 20 38 40 41 00 47 00 52 20 58 40 04 20 06 40 Area M Ss 06 40" 24 40 40 40 59 40 16 40 23 40 43 40 49 40 59 40 Area s 00" 00" 16 02 22 39 41 32 47 12 56 38 03 15 20 15 35 22 : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 13° 20' to 26° 40' 3. Sub Moon Area Sub Sub D M Ss Mo 16° 13' 20" Ma 16 «18 = (53 Ra 16 220 «47 Ju 16 32 47 Sa 16 41 40 Me 16 52 13 Ke 17 O01 (39 Ve 17 05 (33 Su 17 16 (40 6. Sub Jupiter Area Sub Sub D M_ S$ Ju 20° 06' = 40" Sa 200 200 «54 Me 2003747 Ke 20° 52 54 Ve 20 59 «(07 Su 21 16 (54 Mo 2100222~«dA Ma 210 3107 Ra 21. 37°20 9. Sub Ketu Area Sub Sub D M s Ke 25° 53" 20" Ve 25 56 03 Su 26 03° «50 Mo 26 06 «10 Ma 26 «1004 Ra 26 #12 «47 Ju 26 «19 47 Sa 26 26 «(00 Me 26 330-23 PRASHNA JYOTISH 3. Star Sun : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 26° 40' to 30° ‘D0’ Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 00° 00' to 10° 00° 1. Sub Sun Area Sub Sub D M_ S Su 26° 40' 00" Mo 26 42 00 Ma 26 45 20 Ra 26 47 40 Ju 26 53 40 Sa 26 59 00 Me 27° 07 «20 Ke 27, 1 00 ve 27 13 «20 4. Sub Rahu Area Sub SubD M § Ra 29° 13' 20" Ju 29° 31 20 Sa 29 47 20 Me 00 06 20 Ke 00 623 «20 ve 00 «630 «620 Su 00 50 20 Mo 00 56 20 Ma Ol 06 20 7. Sub Mercury Area Sub Sub D M = S Me 05° 06' 40" Ke 05 22 42 ve 05 29 19 Su 05 48 12 Mo 05 «53 52 Ma 06 03 18 Ra 06 09 55 Ju 06 26 55 Sa 06 42 02 PRASHNA JYOTISH 2. Sub Moon Area s 00" 33 27 27 20 53 19 13 20 s 20" 34 27 34 47 34 54 47 00 s 00" 43 30 50 44 27 27 40 Sub sub D M Mo 27° 20° Ma 27 25 Ra 27 29 Ju 27 39 sa 27 48 Me 27 58 Ke 28 08 ve 28 12 su 28 23 5. Sub Jupite Area Sub Sub D M Ju or 13° Sa 01 27 Me 01 44 Ke 01 59 ve 02 05 su 02 23 Mo 02 28 Ma 02 37 Ra 02 44 8. Sub Ketu Area Sub Sub D M Ke 07° 00" ve 07 02 su 07 «10 Mo 07 12 Ma 07 16 Ra 07 «#19 Ju 07 26 Sa 07 «32 Me 07 40 03 3. Sub Mars Area Sub Sub D M Ma 28° «(26° Ra 28 «29 Ju 28 «36 sa 28 «42 Me 28 49 Ke 28 «56 ve 28 «59 su 29° «(07 Mo 29° «09 6. Sub Saturn Area: Sub Sub D M Sa 03° 00" Me 03 «20 Ke 03 «38 ve 030 «45 su 04 06 Mo o4 12 Ma 04 23 Ra 04 30 Ju 04 49 9. Sub Venus Area Sub Sub D M Ve 07° «(46° su 08 08 Mo os 15 Ma 08 26 Ra os 34 Ju os 54 Sa 09 612 Me 09 «33 Ke 09 «52 40" 23 23 36 59 36 1g 06 26 47 4, Star Moon : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 10° 00' to 23° 20' 1, Sub Moon Area 2. Sub Mars Area 3. Sub Rahu Area SubSubD M S Sub SubD M s Sub Sub D M s Mo 10° 00'00" Ma 11° 06" 40" Ra 1° 53' 20 Ma 10 05 33 Ra nm 09 «6230 «Ju 12 11 «20 Ra 10 09 27) «Ju i 16 230 Sa 120 27 20 Ju 10 19 27° Sa ll 22 360 Me 12 46 20 Sa 10 28 20 Me ll 29 59 «Ke 13° 03) «20 Me 10 38 #53 Ke ll 36 36 «Ve 13 10 20 Ke 10 48 19 Ve ll 39 19 Su 13° 300«20 ve lo 652 13° Su ll 47 06 Mo 13 «(36 «=«—20 Su 11 03 20 Mo lh 49 26 Ma 130 46 «420 4, Sub Jupiter Area 5. Sub Saturn Area 6. Sub Mercury Area Sub Sub D M S Sub SubD M S_ SubSubD M_ S Ju 13 53' 20) Sa 15° 40' 00 Me 17° 46" 40 Sa 14 07 34 Me 16 00 03 Ke 18 02 42 Me 14 24 27° Ke 16 18 O1 ve 18 09 19 Ke 14 39 34 Ve 16 25 24 su 18 28 12 Ve 144 45 «447 «Su 16 46 31 Mo ig 33) 52 su 15 03 34 Mo 16 52 51 Ma 18 6 43°0:«O«18 Mo. 15 #08 54 Ma 17 «(03 24 Ra 1g 49 #55 Ma 15 #17 47) Ra 17: 10 47) Ju 19 06 «55 Ra 15 24 00 Ju 17 29° 47° «Sa 19 22 02 7. Sub Ketu Area 8. Sub Venus Area 9. Sub Sun Area Sub Sub D M S Sub SubD M S SubSubD M 5S Ke 19 40' 00 ve 20° 26° 40 su 22° 40' 00 ve 19 42 43° Su 20 48 52 Mo 22 42 «00 Su 19 50 30 Mo 20 55 320 Ma 22 45 20 Mo i9 52 50 Ma 21 06 39 ~Ra 22 47 «#440 Ma 19 56 44 Ra 21 14 26 Ju 22 53 40 Ra 19 59 27) Ju 21 34 26 Sa 22 59 00 Ju 20 06 27 Sa 21 52 130 Me 23 05 20 Sa 20 12 40 Me 22 13 20 Ke 23 ll (00 Me 20 20 03 Ke 22 «32 13° «Ve 23 13° «20 48 PRASHNA JYOTISH 5, Star Mars : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 23° 20' to 30° 00' Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 00° 00' to 06° 40' 1. Sub Mars Area 2. Sub Rahu Area 3. Sub Jupiter Area Sub Sub D M S Sub SubD M s Sub Sub D M s Ma 23° 20° 00" Ra 24° 06° «40" Ju 26° «406' 40" Ra 230 «22 «#430 «Ju 24 24 40 Sa 26 #20 «54 Ju 23° «29 43) «Sa 24 40 40 Me 26 37) «(AT Sa 23° 35 #56 Me 24 59 40 Ke 26 «52 «54 Me 23° 43 «#+19 Ke 25 16 40 ve 26 #59 07 Ke 23 49 56 Ve 25 23 49 Su 27 16 «54 ve 23° 52 39 «Su 25 43 40 Mo 27 22 «14 su 24 00 26 Mo 25 49 40 Ma 27 31 =«O7 Mo 24 #02 46 Ma 25 59 40 Ra 27 37° «20 4. Sub SaturnL Area 5. Sub Mercury Area 6. Sub Ketu Area Sub Sub D M S Sub SubD M S SubSubD M_ S Sa 27° ~53' 20" Me 00° 00' 00" Ke 01° =53' 20" Me 28 #13 23) Ke oo 16 02 Ve ol 56 03 Ke 28 #31 #21 ve 00 22 39 Su 02. «03 «50 ve 28 #38 #44 Su oO 41 32° Mo 02 «06 «#410 su 28 59 51 Mo 00 47° 12 Ma 02 10 04 Mo 29 06 11 Ma 00 56 38 «Ra 02 #12 «47 Ma 29° 16 44 Ra Ol 03 15 Ju 02 «#«19°=«47 Ra 29° «24 «#07 Ju ol 20 15 Sa 02 «26 «00 Ju 29° 43 «OT Sa Ol 35 22 Me 02 « 33—«23 7. Sub Venus Area: 8. Sub Sun Area 9. Sub Moon Area Sub Sub D M S$ Sub SubD M S SubSubD M 5S ve 02° 40’ 00" Su 04° 53' 20" Mo 05° =33' «20 su 03 02 #12 Mo 04 55 20 Ma 05 38 53 Mo 03 #08 52 Ma 04 58 40 Ra 05 42 47 Ma 03 #19 #59 Ra 05 Ol oo) Ju 05 52 47 Ra 03 27 46 «Ju 05 07 00 «Sa 06 01 40 Ju 03 47 46 «Sa 05 12 20 Me 06 12 «13 Sa 04 05 33 Me o5 18 40 Ke 06 21 39 Me 04 26 40 Ke 05 24 20 Ve 06 25 33 Ke 04 45 33 Ve 05 26 40 Su 06 #36 40 PRASHNA JYOTISH 49 6. Star : Rahu Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 06° .40' to 20°.00' 1, Sub Rahu Area 2. Sub Jupitierarea 3. Sub Saturn Area Sub Sub D M SS Sub Sub D M s Sub Sub D M s Ra 06° 40° 00 Ju og? 40' 00' Sa le 26" 40 Ju 06 58 00 Sa os 54 14 Me 10. 46 «43 Sa 07 14 00 Me o9 11 O07 ke ll 04 «41 Me 07 33° «00 «~Ke 09 26 14 ve ll 12 «(04 Ke 07) «50 «00 Ve 09 32 27 Su nh3 un Ve 07) 57° «0000=«Su 09 50 14 Mo ll 390 «(31 Su 08 17 00 Mo 09 55 34° Ma ll 50 04 Mo 08 23 00 Ma 10 04 27. Ra llo57) (27 Ma 08 33 00 Ra lo 10 40 Ju 2 16 27 4, Sub Mercury Area 5. Sub Ketu Area 6. Sub Venus Area Sub Sub D M S Sub Sub D M s Sub Sub D M s Me 12° 33' 20 Ke 14” 26° «440' Ve i 613' 20 Ke 12, 49 22 Ve 14 29 23° Su 15 35 32 Ve 12, 55 59 Su 14 37 10 Mo 6 42 2 Su 13° 14 52. Mo 14 39 30 Ma 1 53 «(19 Mo 13° 20 32 Ma 14 43 24 Ra 16 O01 06 Ma 13° 29 58 Ra 14 46 07) Ju 16 21 06 Ra 13° 36 (35) Ju 14 53 07) «Sa 16 438 «653 Ju 13 53 35) «Sa 14 59 20 Me 17 (00-00 Sa 14 08 #42 Me 15 06 43 Ke 17 (1853 7. Sub Sun Area 8. Sub Moon Area 9. Sub Mars Area Sub Sub D M S_ SubsubD M S SubSubD M S Su 17° 26' 40' Mo 1g 06' 40' Ma 19° 13° 20 Mo 17.9 28 «40 Ma 1g 12 13° =«Ra 9 16 03 Ma 17° 32) «000 Ra 1g 16 O07 Ju 19° 23 «03 Ra 17 34 200 Ju 18 26 07. «Sa 19 29 16 Ju 17, 40 20) Sa 18 35 00 Me 19 36 39 Sa 17° 45 40 Me 1g 45 33° Ke 19 43 «16 Me 17° 52 00) Ke 1g 54 59 ve 19 45 59 Ke 17. 57° 40 Ve 18 58 53 Su 19 53 46 Ve 18 00 00) Su 19 10 00 Mo 19 56 06 50 PRASHNA JYOTISH 7. Star : Jupiter : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 20s 00' to 30s 00° Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces 00° 00' to 03° 20' 1, Sub Jupiter Area 2. Sub Saturn Area Sub Mercury Area Sub Sub D M §S Sub SubD M $ SubSubD M_ S Ju 20 00' 00" Sa 21° 46' 40" Me 23° 53’ 20" Sa 20 #14 14 Me 22 06 43 Ke 24 #09 22 Me 20 31 O07 Ke 22 «24 41 ve 24 #15 59 Ke 20 46 14 Ve 22 32 04 su 24 34 «52 ve 20 52 27° Su 22 «53 ll Mo 24 40 32 Su 21 10 14 Mo 22 «59 31 Ma 24 49 58 Mo 21 15 34 Ma 23 10 O4 Ra 24 56 35 Ma 21 24 #27) Ra 23 27) Ju 25 #130 «35 Ra 21 30 40 Ju 23 36 27> Sa 25 28 42 4. Sub Ketu Area 5. Sub Venus Area 6. Sub Sun Area Sub Sub D M Ss Sub Sub D M s Sub Sub D M s Ke 25° 46' 40" ve 26 33' 20" Su 28° «46' 40" Ve 25 49 23 Su 26 55 32 Mo 28 «448 «440 su 25 57 10 Mo 27 «02 12 Ma 28 #52 00 Mo 25 59 30 Ma 27 13 19 Ra 28 #54 20 Ma 26 03 24 Ra 27 «21 0 Ju 29° 00 20 Ra 26 06 OF Ju 27 «41 06 Sa 29° 05 40 Ju 26 13 O7 Sa 27 «58 53 Me 29 12 «00 Sa 26 19 20 Me 28 20 00 Ke 29 17 «40 Me 26 26 43° Ke 28 38 53. Ve 29° 20 00 7. Sub Moon Area 8. Sub Mars Area 9. Sub Rahu Area Sub Sub D M OS Sub Sub D M s Sub Sub D M s Mo 29° 26' 40" Ma oo 33' 20" Ra 01° «20° O" Ma 29 32 #413) «Ra 00 36 03 Ju ol 38 «0 Ra 29° 36 «OF «Ju oo 43 03 Sa ol 54 0 Ju 29 46 #O7 Sa 00 49 16 Me o2 13 °=«0 Sa 29° 55 00 Me 00 56 39 Ke 02 30 «0 Me oo 05 33 Ke 01 03 16 Ve 02 #37':«O0 Ke oo 14 59 ve 01 05 59 Su 02 57 «#0 ve oo 18 #53 Su ol a 46 Mo 03 03 O su 00 30 00 Mo ol 16 06 Ma 03 13 0 PRASHNA JYOTISH 51 8. Star Saturn : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces 03° 20' to 16° 40° 2. Sub Mercury Area 1. Sub Saturn Area Sub Sub D M S Sa 03° =20' 00" Me 03 40 03 Ke 03 «58 O1 Ve 04 05 24 su 04 26 31 Mo 04 32 51 Ma 04 43 24 Ra 04 50 47 Ju 0S 09 47 4. Sub Venus Area SubSubD M S ve 08° 06° 40" su os 28 52 Mo 08 35 32 Ma 08 46 39 Ra 08 54 26 Ju 09 #14 26 Sa o9 32 #13 Me 09 «653 20 Ke jlo 12 13 7. Sub Mars Area Sub Sub D M S Ma 12 =406' 40" Ra 12. 09 23 Ju 12. 16 23 Sa 120 22 36 Me 120 29 59 Ke 12 36 36 ve 12. 39 «#19 su 12 47 06 Mo 12 49 26 52 Sub Sub D Me 05° Ke 05 Ve 05. Su 06 Mo 06 Ma 06 Ra 06 Ju 06 Sa 07 M 26 42 49 08 13 23 29 46 02 5. Sub Sun Area Sub SubD M Su 10° Mo 10 Ma 10 Ra 10 Ju 10 Sa 10 Me 10 Ke 10 Ve 10 8. Sub Rahu Sub Sub D Ra 12° Ju 13, Sa 13 Me 13 Ke 14 Ve 14 Su 14 Mo 14 Ma 14 20' 22 25 27 33 39 45 51 53 Area M 53" UL 27 46 03 10 30 36 46 Ss 40" 42 19 12 52 18 55 55 02 Ss 00" 00 20 40 40 00 20 00 20 20" 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3. Sub Ketu Area Sub Sub D M S$ Ke 07? 20 00 Ve 07 «22 «43 Su 07 300-30 Mo 07 «320 «50 Ma 07 360 44 Ra 07 39°27 Ju 07 46027 Sa 07 5240 Me 08 00 03 6. Sub Moon Area Sub Sub D M Ss Mo. 11° 00' 00 Ma HM 0533 Ra 11 09 (27 Ju ll 19 27 Sa 11 28 (20 Me 11 38) 53, Ke i 48 19 Ve 52 13 Su 12 03 20 9. Sub Jupiter Area Sub Sub D M_= S$ Ju 14° 53' 20 Sa 15 07 (34 Me 15 24 (27 Ke 15 39 (34 Ve 15 45 (47 Su 16 03 34 Mo 16 08 54 Ma 16 17 47 Ra 16 24 00 PRASHNA JYOTISH 9. Star Mercury: Cancer, Scorpio. Pisces 1. Sub Mercury Area Sub Sub D M Ss Me 16° 40' 00" Ke 16 56 02 ve 17° 02 «39 su 17° 21 «32 Mo 17° 27 «12 Ma 17 (36 «(38 Ra 17) 43:«i15 Ju 18 00 15 Sa 18 #15 22 4, Sub Sun Area SubSubD M S su 21° + 33' 20 Mo 21 #35 20 Ma 21 #38 40 Ra 22 41 00 Ju 21° 47 00 Sa 21 52 20 Me 21 #58 40 Ke 22 04 20 ve 21 06 40 7. Sub Rahu Area SubSubD M S Ra 24° 06' 40" Ju 24 24 40 Sa 24 40 40 Me 24 #59 40 Ke 25 16 40 ve 25 23 40 Su 25 43 40 Mo 25 49 40 Ma 25 59 40 PRASHNA JYOTISH 2. Sub Ketu Area Sub SubD M s Ke 18° 33' 20" ve 18 36 03 su 18 43 50 Mo 18 46 10 Ma 18 50 04 Ra 18 52 47 gu 18 59 47 Sa 19 06 00 Me 2s oo 5. Sub Moon Area Sub SubD M s Mo 22° 13' 20" Ma 22 18 53 Ra 22 22 «47 gu 22 32 «47 Sa 22 41 40 Me 22 52 13 Ke 23 01 39 ve 23 05 33 su 23 16 40 8. Sub Jupiter Area Sub SubD M$ Ju 26° 06' 40” Sa 26 20 54 Me 26 37° «47 Ke 26 52 54 ve 26 59 07 su 27°16 «54 Mo 27° 22 «414 Ma 27 31 #07 Ra 27 37° «20 16° 40° to 30° 00° 3. Sub Venus Area SubSubD M 5S ve 19° 20' 00 Su 19 42 12 Mo 19 48 52 Ma 19 #59 59 Ra 20 O07 46 Ju 20 27 46 Sa 20 #45 33 Me 21 06 40 Ke a #628 «633 6. Sub Mars Area Sub Sub D M = S Ma 23° 20° 00" Ra 23° 22 «443 Ju 23° 29 «43 Sa 23° #35 «56 Me 23° 43 «19 Ke 23° 49 «56 ve 23 52 39 Su 24 00 26 Mo 24 02 46 9. Sub Saturn Area Sub Sub D M s Sa 27° 53' 20" Me 28 13 23 Ke 28 31 21 ve 28 #38 #44 su 28 #59 51 Mo 29 06 11 Ma as i 4 Ra 29° 24 07 Ju 29° 43° «07 Explanation Suppose a planet say, Moon occupies in the area between 0° degree and 13°.20' Aries or Leo or Sagittarius, it may be said that Moon is in the star of Ketu If Moon occupies any degree in the area between 00°.46'.40" to 3° Aries or Leo or Sagittarius, it may be said that Moon is in the star of Ketu and in the sub of Venus. (see Table 12 of Stars, Subs and Sub subs) (Please refer page no. 45.) If Moon occupies 02°.50'.00" Aries or Leo or Sagittarius it may be said that Moon is in the star of Ketu, in the sub of Venus and in the sub sub of Mercury. (see Table 12 of Stars, Subs and Sub subs) (Please refer page no. 45.) The above ‘Tables of Stars, Subs and Sub subs' showing the star lords, the sub lords and the sub sub lords should be understood as explained above. Importance of Sub subs 1)This Sub sub is very useful in finding out the day or hour or minute of an event, 2) Saturn takes about 13 months to move from one star to the other. It remains in one ‘Sub’ for about weeks. So the exact day can be noted with the help of ‘Sub sub‘. Example: From 19-9-1978 to 4-10-1979 Saturn traveled in Leo 13°.20' to Leo 26°.40'. It may be said that Saturn was in the star of Venus From 19-9-1978 to 8-10-1978 Saturn traveled in Leo 13°.20' to Leo 15°.33'.20". It may be said that Saturn was in the star of Venus and sub of Venus. It means that Saturn travel in Venus sub for three week. From 19-9-1978 to 21-9-1978 Saturn traveled in Leo 13°.20' to Leo 13°.42". It may be said that Saturn was in the sub sub of Venus From 21-9-1978 to 23-9-1978 Saturn traveled in Leo 13°.42’.12" to Leo 13°.48' It may be said that Saturn was in the sub sub of Sun From 23-9-1978 to 24-9-1978 Saturn was in sub sub of Moon From 24-9-1978 to 25-9-1978 Saturn was in sub sub of Mars From 25-9-1978 to 27-9-1978 Saturn was in sub sub of Rahu From 27-9-1978 to 01-10-1978 Saturn was in sub sub of Jupiter. From 01-10-1978 to 04-10-1978 Saturn was in sub sub of Saturn From 04-10-1978 to 07-10-1978 Saturn was in sub sub of Mercury. From 07-10-1978 to 08-10-1978 Saturn was in sub sub of Ketu In this way we can fix time of event up to day with the help of sub sub 2) Moon takes about 24 hours to move from one star to the other. It remains in one ‘Sub’ for about three hours. So the exact hour or minute can be noted with the help of ‘Sub sub’ Example: On 17-5-1981 05.30 AM Moon was traveling in Libra 10°.38' and on 18-5- 1981 5.30 AM Moon was traveling in Libra 22°.31'. It means that on 17-5- 1981 Moon was in Rahu star. On that day Moon's daily motion was 11°.53'. So on 18-5-1981 at 130 AM Moon remained in Rahu star 54 PRASHNA JYOTISH On 17-5-1981 05.30 AM Moon was traveling in Libra 10°.38'. lt may be said that Moon was in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. Saturn's strb-arbais 02°.06'.40". Libra 10°.26'.40" to 12°.33'.20" is Saturn's sub area. So on 17-5- 1981 5.30 AM to 9.23 AM Moor, was in the sub of Saturn in Libra 10°.38'.00" to Libra 12°.33'.20". ij os iceaaan From 5.80 AM to /5.49 AM Moon sw in Saturn sub sub, Libra 10°: 38.00" to! Libra. 10:.46'427. [Saturn's suli'Sttbj duration was 19 minutes ! il Moon was in Mercury sub sub up to Libra 11°.04'.41" till 6.25 AM, Mercury's sub sub duration was 36 minutes Moon was in Ketu sub sub up to Libra 11°.12'.04" till 6.40 AM, Ketu's sub sub duration was 15 minutes Moon was in Venus sub sub up to Libra 11°.33'.11" till 7.22 AM, Venus's sub sub duration was 42 minutes. Moon was in Sun sub sub up to Libra 11°.39',31" till 7.35 AM, Mercury's sub sub duration was 13 minutes Moon was in Moon sub sub up to Libra 11°.50'.04" till 7.55 AM, Mercury's sub sub duration was 20 minutes Moon was in Mars sub sub up to Libra 11°.57'.27" till 8.10 AM, Mars's sub sub duration was 15 minutes Moon was in Rahu sub sub up to Libra 12°.16'.27" till 8.49 AM, Rahu's sub sub duration was 39 minutes. Moon was in Jupiter sub sub up to Libra 12°.33'.20" till 9.23 AM, Jupiter's sub sub duration was 34 minutes dn this way we can find out the day or hour or minute of an event. 3) Ascendant takes about two hours to move from one sign to the other. It remains in one star for about 52 minutes. It remains in one sub for about 5 to 8 minutes. So the exact minute can be noted with the help of the Sub sub Details explanation is given in next chapter Mystery of Ruling Planets under Birth time rectification. 4) When two planets are in the same sign and/or have the same star lord and the same sub lord, it happens that the period and sub period of one proves fortunate, while that of the other planet is not fortunate. In such cases the ‘Sub sub' of these two planets will help us in knowing which of the two planets will be fortunate. PRASHNA JYOTISH 55 Example : Natal Chart Gender: Male; Date of Birth: 07-07-1912 Sunday; Time: 08.42 PM IST Long/Lat: 23° N 02‘; 72° E 35' JupiterR} Ma Venus Me Saturn Ve Rahu Ju Ketu Me A) In example horoscope Sun is in Gemini 22°.34" and Venus is in Gemini 23°.00', both are in the star of Jupiter and sub of Saturn. Sun is in the sub sub of Venus Venus is in the sub sub of Sun now check both's sub sub. Sun's sub sub Venus is owner of 5-10 and Venus’s sub sub lord Sun is owner of 8. Hence it is clear that dasa and bhukti of Sun gives good result and dasa and bhukti of Venus does not gives good result B) Mercury and Jupiter are in the star of Saturn and sub of Rahu Mercury is in the sub sub of Rahu and Rahu is occupant of 2, during bhukit-antra of Mercury native get good financial gain. 56 PRASHNA JYOTISH Jupiter is in the sub sub of Mercury Mercury is owner of 6h. This bhukit and antra does not give good result to native against Rahu 1) In Vimshotari dasa birth Moon's — star indicate dasa lord, sub lord indicate Bhukti lord and sub sub lord indicate antra lord. In above horoscope Moon is in Pisces 21°.49', thus Moon is in the star of Mercury and sub of Sun and sub sub of Jupiter. So it is indicate thai native born in Mercury dasa, Sun bhukit and Jupiter antra. PRASHNA JYOTISH 87 1. 1) a) °) co) °) 3) a) b) c) d) 4) 58 Chapter 15 Mystery of Ruling Planets Ruling Planets (RP) & Rectification of Birth time We can find out whether time of birth is correct by help of Ruling planet (RP). Note down the ruling planet at the time of judgment Omit the RP which are in retrograde star or sub Generally birth ascendant's Rasi lord, Star Lord, Sub lord and Sub Sub Jord will be tally with RP or RP of birth time will be tally with RP of time of judgment. When a native has two birth times use the following method to find out his correct birth time. - Note down the ruling planet at the time of judgment Omit the RPs which are in retrograde star or sub Note the sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord of the Ase for both the birth times. Tally both the birth times with ruling planets. That time, for which the sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord of the Asc tally with the ruling planets, is considered the correct time. Drop other one In cases where the approximate interval of birth time viz. 2 AM to 3 AM 10 AM to 12 noon; 7 PM to 8 PM and so on is given, proceed as under; Note the ruling planets at the time of judgment According to the date of birth, you should fix the probable sign of the Asc in which birth could have taken place. Generally the sign owned by any one of the ruling planets will be rising in the Asc; or the sign occupied by Rahu or Ketu if it is a ruling planet, will be rising in the Asc. Then select the star lord and sub lord etc., suitable to this sign from the ruling planets. Bear in mind the order of preference among the tuling planets, also the importance of Rahu or Ketu Find out the sensitive degree of this sign on which the sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord operate jointly. This degree will show the exact position of the Ascendant at the birth. The time when this degree rises in the Asc. should be considered as the correct time of birth. When the time was recorded correctly, or corrected as per above method, in that case the following situation holds. When you try to check again you find that the sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord of the Asc tally with the ruling planets or the sign Jord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord of the Asc found in the star or sub of ruling planets. Or The sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord of the Asc is conjoined or aspected by the ruling planets. Secondly we find that the ruling planets at the birth tally with the ruling planets or ruling planet at the birth found in the star or sub of ruling planets. Or ruling planets at the birth is conjoint or aspected by ruling planets. PRASHNA JYOTISH Example 1 : Male. Birth 7-7-1912, Sunday; 8-42 PM IST; 23° N 02!, 72° E 35' Ruling planets at the birth: Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day: Sunday Sun — — Ase: Capricorn 12°.40° as Sat Moo Jup Mer: Moon: Pisces 21°.49' a Time of Judgment: 8-9-1969, Monday, 7-45 AM IST; 23° N 02', 72° E 35! Ruling planets at the time of judgment: Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day: Monday Moo - = om Asc: Virgo 08°.41' - Mer Sun Moon: Cancer 09°.58' - Moo Sat At this moment Rahu is in Aquarius. So it represents Saturn. Ketu was if Leo. So it represents Sun. Hence the ruling planets are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Ase. at the birth is Capricorn 12°.40', Asc sign lord is Saturn, star lord is Moon, sub lord is Rahu and sub sub lord is Saturn The ruling planets at the birth tally with the ruling planets at the time of judgment. For example in birth chart day lord Sun, in ruling planet Sun is star of Asc. in birth chart Moon is Asc star lord and, in ruling planet Moon is Moon's sign lord. Asc sign lord is Saturn and in ruling planet Saturn is star lord of Moon. In birth chart Moon's sign lord is Jupiter (Rahu was in Pisces: So it represents Jupiter), in birth chart Asc star lord Mer and in ruling planet Asc sign lord is Mer. The joint rulers of the Asc at the birth also correspond to the ruling planets at the time of judgment. So the birth time is correct Example-2 : Female. Birth 24-5-1921, Tuesday; 12-45 PM or 1-00 PM IST; 22° N 00', 73° E 30' Ruling planets at the birth: For birth time 12-45 PM Sign lord — Star lord Sub lord Ase: Leo 13°.00' Sun Ket Mer For birth time 01-00 PM Sign lord Star lord Sub lord Ase: Leo 16°.26' Sun Ven Moon Time of Judgment: 10-9-1969, Wednesday, 1-07 PM IST; 23° N 02', 72° E 35° PRASHNA JYOTISH 59 Ruling planets at the time of judgment: Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day: Wednesday Mer = Ase: Scorpio 24° - Mar Mer Moon: Leo 7° - Sun Ket At this moment Ketu is in Leo. So it represents Sun. Hence the ruling planets are Sun, Mar, Mercury and Ketu vor birth time 12-45 PM, Asc. was Leo 13°.00'. Asc sign lord was Sun, Star lord Ketu and sub lord Mercury. All these three planets are in the ruling planets at the time of judgment. But for birth time 01-00 PM, Asc. was Leo 16°.26'. Asc sign lord was Sun, Star lord Venus and sub lord Moon. Venus and Moon are not in the ruling planets at the time of judgment. So the correct birth time is 12-45 PM Example -3 Male. Birth 15-6-1944, Thursday; 9-0 AM IST (New) or 9-0 AM IST Old); 22° N 44', 72° E 29" At this time due to the 2" world war, the Indian Standard Time was made faster by one hour and it was called the New Indian Standard Time. The birth time was 9-0 AM, but it was not certain whether it was recorded according to the new or the old IST. For birtt time 09-00 AM IF, (New), Sign lord Star lord Sub lordSub sub lord Asc. Gemini 28°.07' Mer Jup Ven Sat For birth time 09-00 AM IST (Old), ‘Sign lord Star lord Sub lordSub sub lord Ase. Cancer "11°48 =~ Moon Sat Moo Rah Time of judgment: 31-7-1970, Friday; 10-30 PM IST; 23° N 02', 72° E 35" Ruling planets at the time of judgment , Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day: Friday Ven - - Ase: Pisces 15°.23° - Jup Sat Moon: Gemini 27°.49° - Mer Jup Thus the ruling planets are Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord of the Asc Gemini 28°.07' for 9-00 AM IST (New) agree with the ruling planets at the time of judgment. So take 9-00 AM IST (New) as the correct time of birth and reject 9-00 AM IST (Old). 60 4 PRASHNS IYOTISH Example -4: Male. Birth 23-11-1911, Thursday; 22° N 46', 73° E 40° It was said that the ascending sign at the time of birth is Gemini and the approximate time is between 7-30 PM IST to 8-30 PM IST Time of judgment. 31-1-1970, Saturday; 4-15 PM IST; 23° N 02', 72° E 35" Ruling planets at the time of judgment Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day: Saturday Sat - - Ase: Gemini 19°.17' = Mer Rah Moon: Libra 28°,07' - Ven Jup At this time Rahu is in Aquarius. So it represents Saturn. Hence Rahu may be preferred to Saturn. Thus the ruling planets are Mercury, Rahi, Jupiter and Venus. At the time of judgment the Asc is Gemini. So it is certain beyond doubt that the ascending sign at the time of birth is Gemini. Now we have only to fix the degrees and minutes in Gemini Out of the ruling planets Mercury has already become the ‘sign lord, So we have now to select the star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord out of Rahu, Jupiter and Venus. In Gemini Mars, Rahu and Jupiter can become the star lords. Mars is not the ruling planet. So it is to be rejected. Hence the selection is to be made out of Rahu and Jupiter. Rahu or Ketu is to be considered stronger than any planet. So take Rahu as the star lord In selection from RP we have to follow as per bellow; Lagna star is first, then Lagna sign lord, then Moon star, then Moon sign lord and lastly day lord Keeping above in mind, out of Jupiter and Venus we have to select the sub lord. Jupiter is the star lord of Moon, while Venus is the sign lord of Moon So select Jupiter as the sub lord. Venus automatically becomes the ‘sub sub lord Now find out the degree and minute in Gemini on which all these ruliig planets viz. Mercury, Rahu, Jupiter and Venus operate jointly Gemini 9°.32'.27" to 9°.50'. 14" is the area on which all the ruling planets operate jointly viz. Mercury becomes the sign lord. Rahu the star lord, Jupiter the sub lord and Venus the sub sub lord. (See table No; 6 Page 44) On the date of birth, the time at which this degree of Gemini rises on the Asc. should be taken as the correct time of birth On 23-11-1911, Thursday; 22° N 46', 73°E 40' at 7-57 PM IST. Gemini 9°.33' rises on the Asc. So this time should be taken as correct time of birth. Re-verification: On 13-7-1970, Monday; at 05-45 PM IST., 23° N 02', 72° E 35' PRASHNA JYOTISH 61

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