Case Study On Story

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1 you may think you've heard it all before the notorious Killers, the gruesome

details, the heart-stopping twists but this case takes it to a whole new level

2 this pint-sized Predator is like nothing you've ever seen before.... a child who
seems innocent on the surface but hides Darkness within that is all tooreal

1 welcome to the first episode of mystery minds today we're delving into a case
that surely chills down your spine

2 we are unfolding the case of the world's youngest killer and he's not just the
world's youngest killer he's also a serial killer this means that he must have
killed at least three
people to earn that title ......intrigued?

let's get into it


1 the village pf Musahar was home to a lot of people were

struggling to make ends meet they worked
long hours in a scorching heat of India
but still their wages were barely enough
to support their families
it was a tough life but there was one
thing that kept them going
the children

2 The Village was teeming with little ones

and they brought a sense of joy and
light to the community they played
together and their games were a welcome
distraction for the hard-working
villagers who had little else to look
forward to the families in this Village
were closely connected and most of them
were related they banded together to
support each other through tough times
but it was the children who truly made a

1 the Sada family was spread out across

the village
they had lots of cousins uncles and
aunts who were their neighbors they
didn't need to go far to see their

2 in this close-knit community the

Sada family thrived they knew that they
were never alone and their family and
friends were always there to support
them and so despite their hardships they
lived a joyful life in the village that
they called home


1 the children of the Sada family love

nothing more than playing together in
the streets and amongst them was a sweet
six-year-old girl one day she headed out
for her usual play time with her cousins
but after the games were over she didn't
return home

2 days passed and still there was no sign

of her The Villages took notice but they
didn't want to intrude on the Family's
privacy assuming that they had the
situation under control

1 this was the way of the village where

people respected each other's boundaries
and didn't pry into their personal
affairs not long after The Disappearance
the family was blessed with the arrival
of another baby girl everyone was

2 but soon after her birth this

little girl also disappeared
the family was devastated and the whole
village was in shock how could this
happen again the mother had carried this
precious newborn for nine months but now
she was gone

1 it was hard to believe that

this could just be a coincidence but
someone took away her new Ray of Hope
there seemed to be no explanation
regarding the strange things happening

2 the Sada family did not say anything

that anyone regarding the case the
family remained tight-lipped about the
whole Affair refusing to divulge any
information to other villagers

1 as if she
had just been erased from their family
her disappearance seemed not to matter
to them to onlookers it was a baffling
situation how could anyone be so
nonchalant about The Disappearance of
one of their own children there were no
visible signs of grief for mourning no
tears shed and no story share about the
two young girls

2 it was as if they had

never existed in the first place they
began to wonder what was happening and
why they behave this way two young girls
just disappeared from the face of the
and no one was saying anything about it
fate had other plans and tragedy struck
the village once again in 2007.

1 this infant was a six-month-old baby girl

however this time the victim was not a
member of the Sada family but a sweet
innocent baby girl named kushboo
khuhbu's mother had dropped her off at
the Village Primary School thinking it
was a safe place for her to be while she
went to work it was meant to be a safe
heaven a place of security and love

2 but when her mother returned to pick her

up she was met with a nightmare kushbob
was nowhere to be found
snatched away in the blink of an eye


1 as soon as the mother realized her

daughter was missing she had to find her
baby no matter what it took

2 without a moment's hesitation she sprang into

action running frantically around the
village and asking anyone she met if
they had seen her little girl

1 she was desperate for any clue any hint of

wherever daughter might be
but no one seemed to have any

2 the staff at the primary

school where her daughter was last seen
was just as confused and worried as she
was they had no idea how the child could
have disappeared without anyone noticing

1 desperate to find her missing daughter

kushboo's mother scoured the entire
Village for any leads no one seemed to
know anything about the little girl's

2 just when all hope seemed

lost she stumbled upon a member of the
Sada family as she cored her heart out
explaining what happened to kushboo the
family members seemed to have an inkling
of what might have taken place

1 without hesitation they accompanied the mother

to the police station to report the
missing child there they shared all the
details they had about kushboo and
provided the police with a possibe suspect
2 it was a glimmer of hope in an
otherwise hopeless situation with a
sense of urgency the authorities took up
the case and made their way to the small
Village to confront the prime suspect

1 the two of them took the police toward a

group of children who gathered each day
at the same spot to play

2 they singled out one particular boy and called him

out of the crowd the seemingly innocent
child bewildered and unsure rushed over
to meet the police

1 the officials asked

the little boy if he knew anything about
kushboo's disappearance the boy without
said yes


1 the villagers held their breath as the

little boy stood before the police
hoping that he would provide some
helpful insight into kushbo's
disappearance they were expecting to
hear about her last known whereabouts or
if anyone had seen her leave the village

2 with the boy told the officers left

everyone stunned with the determined
look in his eye the boy spoke with
unwavering conviction he looked the
officer dead in the eye and told him
that kushboo was not missing
but she was dead and the reason that he
knew that
was that he killed her himself

1 the villagers stood Frozen in disbelief

struggling to come to terms with what
they had just heard the confession wa
beyond anyone's wildest imagination
initially the police dismissed the
little boy's claims believing that he
was just playing some sort of cruel joke
of her

2 they thought that he was just

trying to waste their time by saying
bizarre in outlandish things however
their skepticism quickly turned up poor
when the boy LED them to the exact spot
where he had tried to hide the body of
the young child

1 their fears were quickly confirmed as

they arrived at the location the
officers could feel their stomachs
churned the sight before them was too
much to bear there was a shallow grave
where the little boy had buried the
innocent baby

2 the little boy's story was

no longer a twisted prank or figment of
his imagination the boy then began to
tell them the chilling story of how he
had taken Kush buff from school and
nobody had noticed him leaving with her

1 he carried her to a secluded area where

he intended to satisfy his Twisted
desires of killing he started by strangling the
baby hoping to elicit a reaction of fear
or desperation from her but as the baby
continued to cry the boy grew frustrated
that his efforts weren't enough to make
him feel powerful

2 determined to prove
his dominance he grabbed a stone from
the ground and began striking the
helpless baby with it until her body
gave out
the officers couldn't believe the horror
that they were hearing

1 the boy told the

police while laughing I killed her by
repeatedly hitting her with a brick this
innocent seeming boy was describing the
senseless murder of a helpless baby who
had done nothing wrong to anyone

2 what was more disturbing than that was the

fact that the person telling the story
was a little boy himself
the story checked out he was not making
up a story out of his imagination he was
not boasting in front of his friends
this actually happened

1 the police realized the seriousness of the

situation and immediately took the young
boy to the police station this was the
youngest criminal that the police had
ever seen and he was sitting right in
front of them except he did not look or
act like a criminal

2 the little boy kept

quiet most of the time he remained
seated swaining his feet in the chair
and smiling at the officers whenever
they looked at him to inspector chatrug
and Kumar it was baffling how this young
boy could be capable of such a monstrous

1 the boy even demanded biscuits as if

he had no idea the gravity of his
actions it was almost as if he couldn't
comprehend the concept of death or the
irreversible consequences of his actions

2 the officer kept looking for a reason

asking the boy why did you do it but the
boy had no answer
he simply just kept smiling


1 this little boy was eight-year-old

amrajeet Sada he was born in 1998 in
bagustarai Bihar to a poor family his
father was a laborer with very low pay

2 when an average he was seven years old

his baby sister was born bringing the
family to a total of four children with
so many mouths to feed and repeated
pregnancies it became difficult for the
family to manage their income and so in
hopes of finding a job that could be
sufficient for the family they moved to
the Village of musahar

2 where the incidents occurred as a child amerjeet was

quiet and reserved he seemed like a
normal kid so how come a member of his
own family suspected emerging had
something to do with the missing

1 The Disappearance of two girls

from the Sada family was not a mere
by now it was clear they were ruthlessly
murdered by none other than amerjeet

2 in 2006 his six-year-old cousin had gone

missing and at the time Amarjeet was seven
years old and as Amarjeet committed his
crimes it was uncovered that he killed
his own cousin in the same brutal way he
killed baby khusboo

1 amarjita had taken his cousin to a secluded area where he

strangled her while enjoying the fear
that took over her body this little girl
fought for her life ...Kicking and
Screaming but just as she was about to
lose her life and Reggie let go of her

2 she grasps for air and tried to

catch her breath but amrajeet wasn't
done yet he grabbed a nearby Rock and
smashed her head with it until she
passed away

1 it seems like there's a disturbing

pattern aversion here this young boy had
a cruel streak and took pleasure in
causing suffering to those he killed

2 soon after the murder his family found

out about him as Amarjeet did not keep
his sins a secret
when asked about it he immediately

1 the truth came out in front of

his whole family including the father of
the girl his uncle and what did the
family decide to do about it

2 keep quiet yes sadly the family considered it a

family matter and so they thought they
should keep this information to
themselves and not get any third party

1 they chose to protect the boy

2 they may have thought that Amarjeet was
too young to fully grasp the idea of
death so he didn't really understand
what happened his family talked to him
and tried to help him understand and
then they all tried to move on from the
side of it

1 they hoped that amrajeet had

learned from what happened and wouldn't
do anything like that again a decision
that they quickly regret it because it
led him to becoming the youngest serial
killer in the world

2 unfortunately a few
months later something very disturbing

1 despite his family's efforts Amarjeet

once again showed signs of his dangerous
Behavior this time he turned his
attention to his own home
his own blood
his own family
his little sister

2 amrajeet's mother had put his newborn

baby sister down for a nap seeing her
sleep so peacefully amberjeet went over
to her he took her out of the house to
an isolated area and repeated the same
thing with her the same cruel act
within six months the boy had caused the
death of two innocent people

1 when the family realized the two were

missing they went to talk to amrajit and
he immediately admitted to killing him
without trying to hide it but the family
stood by his side and kept the whole
instant a secret

2 at the time when

kushboo died the circumstances were
different this was not a member of the
family so he could not count on them to
keep the family's lips shut

1 the mother was not going to back down

she wanted answers she wanted Justice
for her baby word got out police got
involved and the boy was taken into


1 there are lots of speculations regarding

the family's decision to sweep
everything under the carpet

2 some say the

reason why the Sada family did not
report the boy who killed their
daughters was to Shield him as in
certain families boys are seen as
valuable assets while girls are deemed
to be burdens

1 had the boy murdered male

members of the family they may have
reported it is a regrettable reality and
of course there is a possibility of him
being subjected to severe abuse by his
family throughout his life until that

2 which might have been the source of his

sadistic Tendencies after all where does
such a young boy learn of such heinous

1 according to the laws in India

amrajeet was too young to be held
accountable for his crimes when he
committed murder as a result he was sent
to a juvenile home where he was isolated from others

2 medical experts who treated aerogene discovered that he enjoyed

hurting others and suffered from abehavioral disorder called conduct disorder

1 the condition can cause kids tobecome anti-social and can lead to
Violent acts such as murder assault or sexual crimes

2 the hope is that the years of treatment and therapy that emerging
received while in the Juvenile Home helped them out

1 when he turned 18 he was allowed to leave after his time in the

juvenile hall amrajeet was released with a new identity and nobody knows where he
is now

2 it's possible that he's still living in India but he's likely using a
different name and living a different life seeing that he was born in 1998 amrajeet
would be turning 25 in 2023.

1 would you consider the rehabilitated 25 year old amrajeet as the same person who
committed those heinous acts all those years ago we can only hope that he has grown
and changed since then Amarjeet
sada's case is considered to be one of the most shocking and disturbing case of
juvenile crime in India the case is heartbreaking reminder of the importance
of early intervention and mental health support for children who exhibit concerning
Behavior although his crimes were heinous and his actions unforgivable we can't
help but wonder
what could have led a child to commit such atrocities whatever the case may be one
thing is for sure amrajeet Sada will go down in history as one of the most
infamous serial killers of all time let's just hope that we never have to encounter
anyone like him again thanks for tuning in to Mystery Minds that was the case of
amarjeet Sada.

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