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Written test (Apti+Tech)


 Number Series
 Time and work
 Speed and Distance
 Ratio and Propotion
 Logical questions
 Pipes and cisterns


C Questions

1. Output of programs
2. Outputs (Pre increment, Post increment, Pro decrement, Pro decrement)
3. Outputs ( Strings)

1.Which of the following is not true

a) In a java file, package declarations are optional.

b) In single java file import statements are optional.
c) Java file cannto contain more than 2 subclasses.

2. Which of the following are java keywords

a) Null
b) String
c) Default
d) Long
e) Throws

3. Which of the following is correct in respect to exception handling

a) Try – Catch – Finaly

b) Try1 – Try2 – Catch 1 – Catch2 – Finally
c) Catch1 – Try1 – Catch2 – Try2 – Finaly

4. Which of the following is illegal

a) statie int a;
b) abstract int t;
c) final object {J ={ 1* 1}
1st ROUND - SIMPLE Quanti apti + Technical 20

2nd ROUND – They will ask choices of subject either C or Java

 In C they will ask from basics like data types, structures unions, processor
directives diefference b/w structures and unions
 simple pattern program

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 Sorting programs
 Deleting and displaying of nodes in linked list

3rd Round – Fully on linked list they will give on array and ask us to do the
sorting operations wing linked list. And some puzzles.

4th ROUND – Again on linked list joining two linked list, merge sort using linked list.

 Final year subjects

 Final year project
 And some questions on operating system

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