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1 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 2

Chapters Weeks Lessons
1. Vegetables and fruits
2. Piramyd food
Week 01 3. Count and nouncounts
1 4. Either, neither,

5. What would you like to eat?

6. It’s fantastic!
Week 02 7. Let’s read
8. Song!

1. This is my town
2. Is there...?
Week 03 3. How much ... how many...
4. Present Perfect
2 5. For and since
6. A letter to a friend
Week 04 7. Let’s Read
8. Exam

1. Exciting place
2. Conjuctions - Modals Verbs can/should
Week 05 3. Health problems
4. You should take an aspirin
3 5. You can do it
6. It’s still raining
Week 06 7. Let’s read
8. Song

1. The world!
2. The biggest and the best
Week 07 3. It’s the biggest country
4. How?
5. A change for the better
Week 08 6. I’ve grown mustache
7. Let’s read.

3 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 01
Lesson 1
Fruits and Vegetables
1. Listen to your teacher and Repeat.

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 4

2. Listen and watch the next video.

5 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 01
Lesson 2
Food pyramid
1. Look and read

2. What foods do you like?

What foods don’t you like?
Make a list

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4. Write the number in the correct position.

5. Join the link and send the capture to your teacher

7 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 01 Lesson 3
How much food do we need?
1. Look, Read and Repeat
Countable - Uncountable

2. Complete the conversation with some or any

Amanda: The store doesn’t have _____________ potato salad.
Adam: Well, we have lots of potatoes. Let’s make _________!
Amanda: OK. Do we have ___________ mayonnaise?
Adam: No. We need to buy ____________.
Amanda: We need ____________ onions, too.
Adam: Oh, I don’t want ____________ onions. I hate onions!
Amanda: The let’s get _____________ celery.
Adam: No, I don’t want ___________ celery in my potato salad.
But let’s put ___________ apple in it.
Amanda: Apples in potato salad? That sound awful!
3. Complete the chart with foods.
Count Noncount

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9 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria
4. What do you need to make these food?
What don’t you need? Write sentences.

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6. Answer the questions.
a) What foods are good for you?
b) What foods are bad for you?
c) Which foods do you usually eat?
d) Which foods don’t you eat?
7. Complete these statements with is or are.
Then rewrite them with your own information.
a) Carrots ______________my favorite vegetable.
b) I think mangoes __________delicious.
c) Broccoli _____________ very good for you.
d) Strawberries ___________my favorite fruit.
e) I think yogurt _________ awful.
8. Read the conversation and practice.
Adam: What do you want for the barbecue?
Amanda: Hmm. How about chicken and hamburgers?
Adam: O.K. We have some chicken in the freezer,
but we don’t have any hamburger meat.
Amanda: And there aren’t any hamburger rolls.
Adam: Do we have any soda?
Amanda: No, we don’t. We need some. Oh, and let’s get some
lemonade, too.
Adam: All right. And how about potato salad?
Amanda: Oh, yeah. Everyone likes potato salad.
9. Complete this conversation with some or any. Then
compare with a partner.
Amanda: Hmm. Let’s not buy_________potato salad.
Let’s make_________ at home.
Adam: O.K. So we need________potatoes.
Is there __________ mayonnaise at home?
Amanda: No, we need to buy__________
Adam: O.K. and we need ____________ onions, too.
Amanda: Oh, I don’t want ____________ onions in the salad. I hate onions!
11 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria
Chapter 01 Lesson 4
I don’t like broccoli... Neither do I
1. Look, Read and Repeat

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 12

So and too

2. Complete the sentences. Use: either, neither, nor

13 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

2 Write : and so do I / and neither do I
but I do / but I don’t

2. complete the sentences with:

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15 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria
Chapter 01
Lesson 5
What would you like to eat?
1. Look, Read and Repeat

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2. Read the items in each line, circle the one that doesn’t

Look and Read

3. read the dialogue and fill in the blanks.

17 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

6. Choose the correct reponse.

5. Read the descriptions and unscramble the words.

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Chapter 01 Lesson 6
It’s fantastic!
1. Skim the restaurant review. Match the numbers of stars.

19 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

1. Look and read.

2. Write two reviews of your favorites restaurants.



Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 20

Chapter 01 Lesson 7
Let’s Read
1. Read

21 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 01 Lesson 8
1. Listen and Complete
Radio Ga - Ga

I’d sit alone and watch your light We watch the shows, we watch the stars
My only ______ through teenage ______
And everything I had to know On videos for hours and hours
I heard it on my radio
We hardly _______ to use our ears
You gave them all those old time _____ How _______ changes through the years
Through wars of ________ invaded by Mars Let’s hope you never leave, old ______
Like all good _______, on you we depend
You made ‘em laugh, you made ‘em cry So stick around, ‘cause we might miss you
You made us ______ like we could fly
So don’t become some background noise When we grow _______ of all this visual
You had your time, you had the _______
A backdrop for the ______ and ______ You’ve yet to have your finest hour
Who just don’t know, or just don’t care
And just complain ______ you’re not there Radio (radio)
All we hear is radio ga ga
You had your ______, you had the power ______ goo goo
You’ve yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio) Radio ga ga
All we ______ is radio ga ga
All we hear is ______ ga ga Radio goo goo
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga Radio ga ga
All we ______ is radio ga ga
All we _______ is radio ga ga Radio blah blah
Radio blah blah Radio, what’s new?
Radio, what’s new?
Radio, ________ still loves you Someone still _______ you
You had your time, you had the power
You’ve yet to ______ your finest hour
Radio (radio)

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Chapter 02 Lesson 1
This is my town!
1. Look and Read

23 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

2. Match the words and the definitions. then practice
asking the questions with a partner.

3. Write definitions for these places.


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Chapter 02 Lesson 2
Is there a restaurant?
1. Look and Read

2. Write questions with “Is there a ... ?” or

“Are there any ... ?”

1. A: I need a haircut. Is there a barbershop

B: Yes, there’s one on Elm Street.
near here?
2. A: I want to check my email. _______________ near here?
B: No, there aren’t, but there are some near the university.
3. A: I want to mail this package. ________________ around here?
B: Yes, there’s one next to the laundromat.
4. A: I need to make a phone call. ________________ around here?
B: Yes, there are some across from the library.
5. A: We need some gas. ________________ on this street?
B: No, there aren’t, but there are a couple on Second Avenue.
6. A: We need to make a reservation for a trip. _______________ _
near here?
B: Yes, there’s one near the Prince Hotel.

25 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

3. Write questions about these places in the
neighborhood map below.

Answer these questions about your city or neighborhood.

1. Are there any cheap restaurants around the school?

2. Is there a police station near the school?

3. Are there any nice coffee shops in your neighborhood?

4. Is there a karaoke bar close to your home?

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 26

Chapter 02 Lesson 3
How much crime is there in your neighborhood?
1. Look and Read

2. Write answers to these questions about your


3. Take turns asking and answering questions about places

like these in your neighborhood.
a bookstore drugstores a karaoke bar a music store
coffee shops a gym a library a park
dance clubs an Internet café movie theaters restaurants

27 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

4. Write questions like those in Exercise 2 about
these topics. Then ask and answer the questions.

cafés crime parks pollution public transportation schools

traffic lights
5. Look and Read

6. Now write a “roommate wanted” ad. Use your real

name at the end, but you can use a false phone num-
ber or e-mail.


Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 28

7. Look and Read

8. Read the article. Then write the number of each

paragraph next to its main idea.

9. Check the things you can find in Astoria.

29 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 02 Lesson 4
Have you ever ridden a camel?
1. Look and Read
Present Perfect

2. Answer the following questions with your own

information. Give long answers. Then ask follow up
questions in simple past.

a) Have you ever ridden a horse?

b) Have you ever swum in the ocean?
c) Have you ever baked a cake?
d) Have you ever traveled in Europe?
e) Have you ever caught a fish?
f) Have you ever gone ice-skating?
g) Have you ever fallen in love?
h) Have you ever played tennis?
i) Have you ever run in a race?
j) Have you ever written a poem?

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 30

3. Complete these conversations using the present
perfect. Then practice with a partner.
a) A: Have you done much exercise this week?
B: Yes, I ________ already ________ to aerobics class four times. (be)

b) A: Have you played any sport this month?

B: No, I ________ ________ the time. (have)

c) A: How many movies have you been to this month?

B: Actually, I ________ ________ any yet. (see)

d) A: Have you been to any interesting parties lately?

B: No, I ________ ________ to any parties for a while. (go)

e) A: Have you called any friends today ?

B: Yes, I ________ already ________ three calls. (make)

f) A: How many times have you gone out to eat this week?
B: I ________ ________ at fast food restaurants a couple of times. (eat)

4. Take turns asking the questions above.

Give your own information.
5. How many times have you done
this things in the past week?

31 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

6. Look and Read

7. Complete these conversations. Use the present

perfect and the past tense of the verbs given and
short answers. Then practice with a partner.
a) A: _________ you ever _________ skiing? (go)
B: Yes, I _________. I _________ skiing once in Colorado.

b) A: _________ you ever _________ something valuable? (lose)

B: No, I _________. But my brother _________ his camera in a trip once.

c) A: _________ you ever _________ a traffic ticket? (get)

B: Yes, I _________ . Once I _________ a ticket and had to pay $50.

d) A: _________ you ever _________ a body-building competition? (see)

B: Yes, I _________. I _________ The National Championship this year.

e) A: _________ you ever _________ late for an important appointment?

B: No, I _________. But my sister _________ 30 minutes late for
her wedding!

8. Take turns asking the questions above. Give your

own information.

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 32

Chapter 02 Lesson 5
I’ve lived here for six months
1. Look and Read
For and Since

2. Complete these sentences with for or since.

1. Damien has lived in Hong Kong _______ 2001.
2. I have been a nurse ______ several years.
3. Masayuki was an exchange student in Spain ______ a whole semester.
4. I’m so sleepy. I’ve been awake ______ 4:00 this morning.
5. Mr. and Mrs. Chang have been married ______ nearly 40 years.
6. Maggie has had the same hairstyle ________ high school.
7. How are you? I haven’t seen you ________ your wedding.
8. Where have you been? I’ve been here ___________ over an hour!
9. I haven’t had this much fun __________ I was a kid.

3. Write sentences. Use already and yet.

33 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria
Chapter 02 Lesson 6
A letter to an old friend
1. Look and Read

2. Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen for a

long time. Include three things you have done since
you last saw that person. Then exchange letters with
a partner and write a response to it.


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Chapter 02 Lesson 7
Let’s read!
1. Read

In which story or stories did the writer(s) do these

things? Write 7, 2, or 1 and 2.
__ stayed in the mountains __ spent time on a boat
__ lost a wallet __ waited for help
__ enjoyed the view __ went swimming
__ got no exercise __ had a terrible day

C Write about a terrible day you have had. What

happened? What went wrong?
35 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria
Chapter 03 Lesson 1
It’s a very exciting place!
1. Match each word in column A with its opposite in
column B. Then add two more pairs of adjectives to
the list.

2. Choose two places you know.

Describe them to your partner using the words
in part 1.


Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 36

3. Look and Read

4. Choose the correct words to complete the


a. The cost of living is very high in New York City.

Everything is pretty ____________________________there.

b. Rome is a beautiful old city. There are not many 25

_____________________ buildings. (big/modern/small)

c. My hometown is not an exciting place.

The nightlife there is pretty __________________________.

d. Some parts of our city are fairly dangerous. They´re not very
__________________________late at night. (hot/interesting/safe)

e. Athens is a very quiet city in the winter. The streets are never
______________________________ at that time of the year.

5. Write sentences describing some famous city.


37 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 03 Lesson 2
1. Look and Read

6. Choose the correct conjunctions and rewrite the

a. Taipei is very nice. Everyone is extremely friendly. (and/but)
b. The streets are crowded. It´s easy to get around. (and/though)
c. The weather is nice. Summers get pretty hot. (and/however)
d. Shopping is great. You have to bargain in the markets. (and/but)
e. The food is delicious. It´s not too expensive. (and/though)
f. It´s an amazing city. I love to go there. (and/however)
g. Paris is a very busy place. The streets are always crowded. (and/but)
h. Sapporo is a very nice place. The winters are terribly cold. (and/though)
i. Marrakech is an exciting city. It´s a fun place to sightsee. (and/however)
j. My hometown is a great place for a vacation. It´s not too good for shopping.
k. Our hometown is somewhat ugly. It has some beautiful old homes. (and/

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Modal Verbs Can and Should
3. Look and Read

4. Complete these sentences. Use phrases from the list

1. You _______________ the new zoo. It’s very interesting.

2. You _______________ near the airport. It’s too noisy.
3. You _______________ the museum. It has some new exhibits.
4. You _______________ a bus tour of the city if you like.
5. You _______________ alone at night. It’s too dangerous.
6. You _______________ a taxi if you’re out late.

5. Complete this conversation with should or shouldn’t

and I or you.
A: I’m taking my vacation in Indonesia. What _______________ do there?
B: ____________________ miss Yogyakarta, the old capital city. There
are a lot of beautiful old buildings. For example, ______________ see the
temple of Borobudur.
A: Sounds great. Bali is very popular, too. ______________ go there?
B: Yes, _________________. It’s very interesting.
A: _________________ take a lot of money with me?
B: No, ________________. Indonesia is not an expensive country to visit.
A: So when _______________ go there?

39 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 03 Lesson 3
Health Problems!
1. Look and Read

2. Look at these health problems.

Choose several pieces of good
advice for each problem

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Chapter 03 Lesson 4
You should take an aspirin!
1. Look and Read

1. Give the appropriate advice using should or

shouldn´t and the cues.
Example: Ray wants to play the guitar well. (practice) He should

a. I have a sore throat. (talk too much)

b. He isn´t feeling well. (go to bed)

c. Tim has insomnia. (drink coffee at night)

d. Now Ray is thirsty. (drink something)

e. My cousin has a toothache. (eat cold food)

f. The doctor doesn´t know the answer. (ask a specialist)

g. Ray didn´t hear the doctor. (listen carefully)

h. Rose has a fever. (get out of bed)

i. His TV doesn´t work. (fix it)

j. My uncle has the flu. (exercise a lot)

41 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria
1. Look and Read
2. Complete the thoughts using must and the cues.
Example: You´re sick. (stay in bed)
You must stay in bed.
a. You have a test tomorrow. (study tonight)
b. You don´t know the dialogue. (memorize it)
c. You don´t have a license driver. (drive)
d. You forgot the page numbers. (remember them)
e. You are really sick and it is raining a lot. (go out)
f. You feel bad. (go to bed)
g. You will stay in bed all day. (phone the teacher)
i. You are learning English. (speak Spanish)
j. You lost your books. (find them)
k. You have a headache. (take an aspirin) 28
l. You are pregnant. (smoke)

2. Complete the word map with medicines from the list.

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3. What should these people buy? Give advice. Use the
containers and medicine from part 3.
1. Joe has very tired eyes.
He should buy a bottle of eyedrops.

2. Mary has a bad cough.

3. David has a terrible earache.
4. There may be mosquitoes where Ed’s camping.
5. Manuel has dry, itchy skin.
6. Susan has a cut on her hand.
7. Jin-sook and Brandy got sunburned at the beach.
8. Mark’s shoulders are sore after his workout.
4. Check the correct sentences to make a conversation.

43 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 03 Lesson 5
You can do it!
1. Look and Read
Modals Verbs “review”

2. Exercise. Choose the correct one Could or Couldn’t.

1. When I was young, I _____ play the guitar: it was too difficult for me!
2. Her grandmother was bilingual: she ___ speak both English and Spanish.
3. Yesterday, Peter ___ do that exercise alone. So, he called me for help.
4. In 1950, people ___ use mobile phones.
5. When his mother was young, she ___ skate but she can’t do it any longer.
6. We ___ open the door: it was locked from the inside!
7. In 1900, people ___ watch TV.
8. Mary’s grandfather ___ play chess and he was the best!
9. In 1945, people ___ play video games.
10. But they ___ play chess!
11. Peter ____ play tennis last Monday: he had broken his arm!
12. When Ann was a teenager, she ____ watch a horror film: it was too
frightening for her!
13. Last Sunday, we ___ take any photos in the museum: it was forbidden.
14. Mozart ___ play the piano when he was 5.

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3. Make the follow sentences in negative.
I might see you tomorrow.
It looks nice, but it might be very expensive.
It’s quite cloudy. It might rain today.
Está bastante nublado. Podría llover hoy
The weather might be better tomorrow.
Ceci might know her results soon.
We might go to the cinema tonight.
4. Complete the sentences with should and shouldn’t
1. You ……………………. smoke so much.
2) Maria ………………………eat less to become fit.
3) We ……………………protect our environment.
4) You……………………watch too much TV.
5) I think she ……………………attend classes on time.
6) We ……………………..pollute environment.
7) Julia ……………………… late for the classes.
8) Babies………………………be left lonely at home.
9) I think you …………………use your computer carefully.
5. Complete the sentences using can, can’t, should,
should, may and might
1. A: I ___________ decide where to go on my vacation.
B: You __________ go to India. It’s my favorite place to visit.

2. A: I’m planning to go to Bogotá next year. when do you think I ________ go?
B: You __________ go anytime. The weather is nice all year.

3. A: __________ I rent a car when I arrive in Cairo? What do you recommend?

B: No, you ___________ definitely use the subway. It’s fast and efficient.

4. A: Where _________ I get some nice jewelry in Bangkok?

B: You _________ miss the weekend market. It’s the best place for bargains.

5. A: What ____________ I see from the Eiffel Tower?

B: You ___________ see all of Paris, but in bad weather you ________ see

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Chapter 03 Lesson 6
It’s still raining
1. Look and Read
Still - already - yet - not ... anymore

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47 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria
Chapter 03 Lesson 7
Let’s Read
1. Look and Read

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Chapter 03 Lesson 8
1. Listen and Complete
Just the way you are
Bruno Mars
Oh, her eyes, her eyes If perfect’s what you’re searchin’ for, then just stay
Make the _______ look like they’re not shinin’ the ________

Her hair, her hair So don’t even bother askin’

Falls perfectly without her _______’ if you look ______
She’s so ________ and I tell her everyday
Yeah, You know I’ll say
I know, I know When I see your ________
When I compliment her, she won’t believe _____ There’s not a thing that I ______ change
‘Cause you’re amazing
And it’s so, it’s so Just the way you are
Sad to think that she don’t see what
I _______ And ________ you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a ________
But every time she asks me, “Do I look ____?” I say
‘Cause girl, you’re _______
When I see your _______ Just the way you are
There’s not a thing that I would _______
‘Cause you’re ________ The way you are
Just the way you are The way you are

And when you ________ Girl, you’re amazing

The whole world _____ and stares for a while Just the way you are
‘Cause girl, you’re _______
Just the way you are When I ______ your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Yeah ‘Cause you’re ________
Her lips, her lips
I could ______ them all day Just the way you are
if she’d let me And when you smile
Her laugh, her laugh The whole world stops and
She hates, but I think it’s so sexy stares for a __________
She’s so __________ and I tell her everyday
‘Cause girl, you’re _________
Oh, you know, you know Just the way you are
You know I’d ______ ask you to change Yeah

49 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 04 Lesson 1
The world!
1. Label the picture with words from the list.

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2. Circle the correct word.
1. This is a stream of water occurring when a river
falls from a high place.
a. waterfall b. ocean c. hill
2. This is a large area of land that has lots of trees on it.
a. desert b. forest c. river
3. This is a low area of land between mountains or hills.
a. valley b. river c. beach
4. This is an area of water with land all around it.
a. lake b. ocean c. island
5. This is a mountain with a hole on top. Smoke and
lava sometimes come out, and it can be dangerous.
a. hill b. canyon c. volcano
6. This is a dry, sandy place. It doesn’t rain much here,
and there aren’t many plants.
a. desert b. sea c. volcano
3. Complete the names. Use words from the box.

1. Grand _______
2. Amazon
3. ________ Superior
4. ________ Fuji
5. Mediterranean ________
6. Angel ___________
7. Pacific ___________
8. Sahara ___________

51 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 04 Lesson 2
The biggest and the best!
1. Look and Read

2. Answer the following questions, and then compare your answers.

a) What do you usually do on vacation?

b) Who do you usually spend your vacation with?

c) Where would you like to go on your next vacation?

d) What are three nice places to go in your country?

e) Describe the places using the following vocabulary.

3. Complete the chart

1. busy busier the busiest
2. noisy __________ __________
3. cool __________ __________
4. old __________ __________
5. friendly __________ __________
6. safe __________ __________
7. heavy __________ __________
8. small __________ __________
9. nice __________ __________
10. wet __________ __________

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 52

4. Complete the sentences with comparative forms.
a) Boston is _________ (old) Los Angeles.
b) Los Angeles is _________ (modern) Boston.
c) The climate in Boston is _________ (extreme) in Los Angeles.
d) UCLA is _________ (cheap) MIT.
e) Pamela is _________ (intelligent) her classmates.
f) Simon is _________ (young) his brother.
g) The weather today is _________ (good) yesterday.
h) Sam is _________ (tall) Steve.
i) Luisa is _________ (beautiful) Sara. 40
j) English is _________ (easy) Spanish.

5. Look at the sentences above. Then make similar

sentences with the places you talked about in
exercise 3.


53 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

6. Complete these sentences. Use the comparative or
the superlative of the words given.
a. Canada and Russia are _____________(large) countries in the world.
b. Russia is _____________ (large) than Canada.
c. _____________ (high) waterfall in the world is in Venezuela.
d. The Suez Canal joins the Mediterranean and Red seas. It is 190
kilometers (118 miles) long. It is _____________ (long) the Panama Canal.
e. The Atacama Desert in Chile is place in the world. _____________ (dry)
f. Mount Waialeale in Hawaii gets 1.170 centimeters (460 inches) of rain a
year. It is the _____________ (wet) place on earth!
g. _____________ (hot) capital city in the world is Muscat, in Oman.
h. The continent of Antarctica is _____________ (cold) any other place in
the world.
i. The Himalayas are some of _____________ (dangerous) mountains to
j. Badwater, in California´s Death Valley, is _____________ (low) point in
North America.
k. Mont Blanc in the French Alps is _____________ (high) the Matterhorn
in the Swiss Alps.
l. The Pacific Ocean is _____________ (deep) the Atlantic Ocean. At one
place the Pacific Ocean is 11,033 meters (36,198 feet) deep.
7. Write comparatives about a country.


Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 54

8. Read.

9. Read about Artantica. Check False or True.

55 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 04 Lesson 3
It’s the biggest country!
1. Answer the next quiz

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1. Look and Read

Answer the questions.

1. According to the text, what is the biggest desert on Earth?


2. How many types of deserts are there? What are they?


3. Give some examples of animals and plants in the Sahara desert.


57 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

2. Answer the next questions.

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 58

Chapter 04 Lesson 4
1. Look and read.
Questions with How

59 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

2. Look and read.

3. Use the words in the box. Write questions about

the pictures. Then circle the correct answers.

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 60

4. Answer

61 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 04 Lesson 5
A change for the better!
1. Look and read.
Describing people

2. How have you changed in the fast five years?

Check the statements that are true for you.

3. Write five sentences describing

other changes in your life. Then compare in groups.
Who in the group has changed the most?

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 62

4. Choose the correct responses.

5. Complete the sentences. Use the information in the

box and the present perfect.

63 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

6. Describe how these people have changed.
Use the present or the past tense.

7. Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say

each sentences using the words given.

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 64

Chapter 04 Lesson 6
I’ve grown mustache.
1. Look and read.

2. Answer and share with the class your answer.

Which of these events are important changes?

Which are small changes?

Have any of these things happened to you recently?

What other things bring about change in our lives?

3. Write a biography about you and say to your class

the most important things or memories that you

65 Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria

Chapter 04 Lesson 7
Let’s Read!

Toth Academia Multidisciplinaria 66

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