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D Vocabulary. Encouragement and discouragement. Listen and practice.

encourage someone (to do something) discourage someone (from doing something)/

My mother always encouraged me to become a talk someone out of (something)
dancer. When I was a child, she took me to dance I wanted to quit school, but my mother discouraged mne
classes and predicted that I would be a star from doing it (OR talked me out of it). She thought it was
one day.
important for me to complete my studies.

cheer someone up / lift someone's spirits let something get to you/ let something get you down
It really cheered me up (OR lifted my spirits) when My boss has been very critical of my work recently. I try
my friends visited me in the hospital. I smiled for the not to let it get to me (OR let it get me down), but I am
first time in weeks. still upset by his conmments.
keep at it/ stick with it / refuse to give up feel like giving up / feel discouraged
At first, I could speak only a few words of French. I I've been a car salesman for six months, but I haven't
kept at it (OR stuck with it OR efused to give up), sold a single car. It just makes me feel like giving
however, and after some hard work, I was finally able
up (OR feel discouraged).
to speak with some fl1uency.

E Listening Comprehension. Listen to the people

discussing problems. Then listen again and circle the
statement that best characterizes each person's advice.
1. He's telling his friend . *********
a.) not to let it get to her
b. to cheer her son up
2. She's
(a.) encouraging him to get the job done
on time
b. trying to talk him out of it
3. She thinks he .
a. shouldn't let it get him down
(b) should discourage his sister from doing it
4. She doesn't think her friend should. her son out of it Pryuncian

b. feel discouraged ooster

Vowel reduction

CONVERSATION STARTER Now empathize and give encouragement.

Pair Work. On your notepad, discuss and list Career problems: 2 boss who doe sn't give
typical examples of each type of problem. enough vecognition for employees' achierements

Role Play. Role-playa conversation in which Career problems:

you encourage your partner to overcome a
difficulty. Use the Conversation Snapshot on
page 30 and ideas from your notepad as a
Academic problems:
guide. Use clauses with no matter
Money problems:
Group Work. What kinds of difficulties do you
face or want to overcome? Give each other Family problems:
advice and encouragement.
Health problems:

Describe how people confront adversity
AReading Warm-up. Are you familiar with Helen Keller's story? What do you know about herlite

BGReading. Read the article. What obstacles did Helen Keller have to face in herlife

For the first eighteen months of her ite,
Helen Keller was anormalinfantwho had learnmed
torecognize the voices of her parents and take
joy in looking at their faces. Then illness closed
hereyesand ears and plunged herinto a world of
darkness and silence. The illhess erased not only
hervisionand hearing but also, as a result, her
Keller'slife thereafter becamea triumph
overcrushing adversity.In time,she overcame her
disabilitiesand was afulland happyparticipantin
life.Shelearnedto see and hear in herownway,
making use ofhersenses oftouch and smell,
eventuallysheeven learnedtotalk.She realized
goals nosimilarly handicapped person had ever
achieved universitystudy,success as awriter,
worldwide recognition asa great humanitarian.
Although Keller wasabletocopewith some Helen Keller playing chess with.her teacher, Anne Sullivan
ofherlimitations,her earlychildhood wasfilled
with frustration. Shehad to hold the handsof herself, hadtlearned to communicate with the W-a-t-e-r meant the wonderful cool somethiny
other people.tolearn what they were doing, and deaf and blindthrough a hand alphabet. She that was flowing over my hand. That living wou
came to live in the Keller home.
shewas only able to recognize her parents andShe Keller'sfirst lessonswerefar from
awakened my soul, gave it
light, hope, joy, e
their friends by feeling theirfaces and lothes. it free. There were
barriers still, it is true, but
with her family; Using encouraging.When Sullivan first arived, Kellr barriers that in time could be
wasableto communicate what for candy in her bag. When she found swept away.
signs she had invented toletthem know she looked Kellers progress from then on was
none, she kicked and screamed. No matter how ama
wanted. For example, she would pretendto
cut She and Sullivan became
0ften Sullivan used the hand alphabet, Keller could lifelong companio
breadwhen she wantedto eatbread.However, not understand, which only made her frustrated
touring the world together. Keller worked
Communication with her family was one-sided. tirelessly for the blínd and inspired many otur
She wanted to communicate. in the same way and angry. disabled people to similar
that her family did but was unable to talk. She
One day Sullivan had an idea. She took accomplishmen0.
Keller once remarked, "1 seldom think
her student, who was not quite seven at the
expressedthisfrustration in outbursts of anger about my limitations, and
they never maken
who time, to the water pump and placed one of her
andbad behavior"a wild, unruly child"
how she hands under the spout while she spelled the
sad. Perhaps there is
just a touch of yearnin9
:kicked,scratched, and screamed was at times, but it is
word "water into the other. Later Keller wrote vaque, like a breeze amon9
later describedherself. flowers. The wind
parents were losing hope until they about this experience, "Somehow the mystery of passes, and the flower
H are content."
Anne Sullivan, partly blind language was revealed to me. I knew then that
found herateacher.
yöirnng a
a d desire tar
somthing om

Information source: Alden Whitrman, "Triumph Out of Tragedy" The New T

32 UNIT 3
DISCUSSION BUILDER Now discuss the nature of heroism.
Step 1. Pair Work. On your notepad, discuss and write a definition of heroism.
Use words from the chart in Exercise A.

Heroism is..

Step 2. Discussion. Read the :iree ofles. Would you call each of these
Why or why not? people à hero?

alden Mills, whichmakesfleece, a fabric usei n swzaters and jackets, zech playwright and poet
VLburned to the ground in 1995. Aaron Feuerstein, the owner of Maiden AVácdav Havel was a leader
Mil, spent millions of of the movement to establish a
dollars of his own money to democratic Czechoslovakia. In
keepall 3,000 employees 1968, after opposing the Soviet
On the payroll with full invasion of Czechoslovakia,
Havel's plays were banned, his
benefits for three months
until Malden Mills could passport was taken away, and
he was imprisoned three
be rebuit. Feuerstein, a times
-spending atotal of almost
generous man who believes five years in prison. In
that his responsibility of this, Havel remained
goes beyond just making activist, and when the Soviets
money for investors in his left in 1989, he was
company, said, "I have an president of the Czech Republic.
Havel has spent his entire
equal responsibility to the life
Community" He added,"
Sspeaking the trutn, evern at gredt Václav
personal risk. Havel
think it was a wise
business of opposed Soviet rule
and led the
decision, but that sn't why of Malden Mills to the
struggle for democracy.
did it. Idid it The 1995 fire that burned most
because it was ground could have put 3,000 people out of work. But
the right that happen.
thing to do owner Aaron
feuerstein refused to let

On October 11,2004, while and killed by

camping in Queensland, another
Australia, Alicia Sorohan awoke of the
group, the member
to the sound of
someone Sorohan's arm in crocodile
screaming Rushing out of and was mouth
her tent,
she came across her the water.dragging her into
friend Mike Kerr in the Sorohan and Kerr
both survived
mouth the
of a 14-foot (4.2 m)
saltwater though both had incident,
crocodile. The 60-year-old injuries. serious
grandmother immediately the Famly members of
jumped on the back of the giant
victims, in shock
the horrible after
crocodile, which dropped Kerr attack, said that
Sorohan's bravery
year-old hero Alicia Sorohan rescued her friend from and attacked her,
biting her astonishing. had been
"She deserves
W S Or a
giant saltwater crocodile like this one. the face and arm. When in an award of
Wayne Clancy,some
kind," said
Step 3. Writing.
riting. Choose one of the people in this lesson. Explain how the
ons experiences and actions make him or her a hero.


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