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Track Order

Track Order screen:

Main screen of the track order menu should show the current order status, the
order status should be order accepted, on the way, and arrived.
Display an estimation of arrival time.
Display driver details, such as: driver ID, driver name, and driver plate number.

Gps Icon:
The screen should show a map of the driver's current location.

First the customer would select the track order option from the main menu
screen, which will display the track order screen. In the track order screen, there
will be the current status of the order, which should be order accepted, on the
way, and arrived. It should also show the estimation of the arrival time, as well as
driver details, such as driver ID, driver name, photo, and driver plate number.

Additionally, should the application allow a single user to have multiple deliveries
at once, the customer should be able to tell which order is being sent to which
location. This could be done by labelling each order instance, with a name like
order #1, order #2 and so on.

A chat button could be in the main track order screen as well. This chat button
would act like a messenger app for the driver and the customer, which ccan be
used by the driver to ask for directions to the customer, just in case the driver
gets lost. The customer can also tell the driver where to leave the order when the
driver arrives.

There should also be a gps icon which you can click, which would show the user
a map of the driver’s current location.

After the delivery arrives, the customer should get a notification on their phone,
which tells the customer to pick up their delivery. The app will prompt the user,
asking if they have received the order item or not, to confirm that the customer
have received the order.

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