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Meeting Agenda

Location: [Address or Room Number]

Date: [Meeting Date]

Time: [Meeting Time]

a. Introduction and Welcome

Introduce the workshop facilitators and speakers
Provide an overview of the workshop objectives and agenda
Share any important logistical information or housekeeping details
Session 1: Fundamentals of Programming
Explain the basics of programming languages and their importance
Introduce key concepts such as variables, data types, and control structures
Demonstrate simple coding examples and encourage participants to follow along
Provide opportunities for participants to ask questions and clarify doubts
Hands-On Activity 1: Coding Exercise
Assign a coding exercise related to the concepts covered in Session 1
Provide guidance and support as participants work on the exercise
Encourage participants to collaborate and discuss solutions with each other
Session 2: Object-Oriented Programming
Discuss the principles and advantages of object-oriented programming
Explain classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism
Illustrate how these concepts are implemented in popular programming languages
Show real-world examples and use cases of object-oriented programming
Hands-On Activity 2: Object-Oriented Programming Exercise
Assign a coding exercise that focuses on applying object-oriented principles
Provide assistance and guidance as participants work on the exercise
Encourage participants to share their solutions and discuss different approaches
Session 3: Web Development Basics
Introduce the basics of web development and its components
Explain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and their roles in creating web applications
Demonstrate how to create a simple web page using these technologies
Discuss web development frameworks and libraries
Hands-On Activity 3: Web Development Exercise
Assign a web development exercise that involves creating a basic web page
Guide participants through the process of choosing appropriate HTML elements, styling with
CSS, and adding interactivity with JavaScript
Provide resources and references for participants to explore further
Q&A and Discussion
Allocate time for participants to ask questions and seek clarifications
Encourage discussion and exchange of ideas among participants
Address any specific topics or challenges raised by the participants
Closing Remarks
Summarize the key takeaways from the workshop
Provide additional resources, references, or recommended next steps for further learning
a. Express gratitude to the participants for their active participation and interest

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