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Revamp of Ghari Deteregent : Rejuvenation of a

Mass Brand
In a multi agency pitch, WOW! Design won the mandate to revamp the Rs. 2000 Cr. FMCG
brand, on the sheer basis oI the best Design Strategy proposed and in-depth consumer
The Brand is a perIect example oI how you don`t always need big celebrity endorsements to
build a brand. Its really interesting to see how Ghari Detergent, a Kanpur based brand with low
advertising and promotional activities managed to deIeat brands such as Tide and Nirma.
The Background
There`s only Hindustan Unilever Ltd`s (HUL`s) Wheel detergent that`s ahead oI Ghari, with
estimated sales oI Rs 2,500 crore. As oI December 2010, Ghari had almost doubled its market
share, taking it up to 13.5 in the Rs 12,000-crore detergents segment. Wheel still leads with
over 17, but the gap is slowly but surely narrowing.
To better understand Ghari`s position here are some numbers: LiIebuoy soap had an estimated
sales oI Rs 1,400 crore in the last Iiscal year, Lux (Rs 1,400 crore), SurI (Rs 1,400 crore) and
Colgate (Rs 1,250 crore). (Source: ET, May6, 2011)
The Brief
The one line brieI was to give the Ghari Brand a total makeover. There was no clear vision as to
how much or how little the brand should change.
Our Understanding
Ghari targets housewives in small town and villages, who are extremely value conscious buyers
and willing to switch brands. The only USP is the Value Ior Money proposition. Hence the brand
must remain approachable Ior the consumers.
For a brand which operates in the economy zone and yet clocks sales oI over Rs.2,000Cr. its very
much a volume game and hence any drastic change in the brand can be Iatal. More so because
it`s a brands Ior the lower SECs, who might not welcome their brand going Ior a complete
relook, overnight. Also in the market in which it operates there is also the risk oI the new brand
look being thought as counterIeit.
Hence WOW! Design strongly proposed a very subtle change in the Brand Design which just
crosses the threshold oI consumer`s ability to spot a change in the Brand.
The Design Solution
First and Ioremost the Brand Logo was tweaked. A bevel eIIect was rendered to it along with a
modern look. The Font and Colours were retained. However the black colour was eliminated to
simpliIy the logo. The Iact that Ghari is a detergent brand was reinIorced by bringing the words
Deteregent Powder` close to the logo and giving it the logo colours thus Iorming a tight lockup.

The biggest challenge was to revamp the packaging oI Ghari detergent and yet retain most oI the
existing design elements. When you are dealing with such huge volumes you can`t take the risk
oI changing your brand completely overnight and lose out on the loyalists. It`s the only pack
among the top selling detergents in India which has a predominantly white pack. Most
competitors are either Blue or Yellow. Research showed that the housewives recognized the
Brand by the White and Blue packaging. WOW! Design believed that Ghari should leverage this
unique property.
A dipstick research conducted with the existing Ghari pack, showed that the consumer did
recognize the blue wave on the pack however they were not happy with the rendition oI the
same. The Wave was given a more liIe-like rendition, without those sharp edges in the existing
pack. The same was created by interspersing bands oI diIIerent shades. The existing pack has the
wave running horizontally. The same was given a little tilt adding more action to the pack;
aIterall a wave is supposed to be more dynamic and Iull oI energy.

The Result
The outcome was a new reIreshed look Ior the Brand, yet not losing out on the Iamiliarity in the
minds oI the consumer. A perIect example oI where Less is More`.

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