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YAB1063 Material and Energy Balance

A binary liquid stream containing 65 mass percent Benzene and the rest Toluene entering at
45ºC and 1 atm flowing at a rate of 5 kgmol/ sec will be distilled to ultra pure distillate and
bottoms streams. The type of condenser to be used is total condenser. There are no pressure
drops in the condenser and the whole process is run at 101.3 kPa. A refux ratio of 3 and a
distillate flow rate of 3500 kgmol/hr are required. In order to achieve the ultra pure distillate
stream that is needed, it has been estimated that the column needs 23 trays with the feed
entering at 7th tray from the top. (10 Marks)

a. Use the Peng-Robinson Fluid Package
b. Name the material streams to Feed, Distillate, and Bottoms.
c. Name the energy streams to condenser energy, and reboiler energy.
d. Temperature estimates for the top stage, condenser, and re-boiler can be ignored
e. Select Regular Hysy reboiler for Reboiler Type Selection, and select the Once-through


a. Take screen shots of the following:
i. Components list
ii. Each Step of the Distillation Column Set-up (Distillation Column Input Expert)
iii. Feed Stream Set-up
b. Show the results.
i. In the Column property window, go to the Performance tab. On the Summary sheet take
screen shots of the flowrates and compositions of the feed and product streams.
c. What are the compositions and flowrates of the Products Streams?
d. Take Screen Shots of Column Profiles sheet

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