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All the intellectually disabled have one

thing in common which is the disability Teacher Toolbox

they have. However, they differ in every Providing the proper expectations,
other aspect. interventions, and supports can
help individuals with special needs
The main characteristics of the to succeed and learn the skills
intellectually disabled fall under 5 they need to lead productive lives.
criteria's which are: While this material is based on
techniques that have proven
Physical characteristics effective for special needs, the
An underdevelopment in physical growth tips may be of value for
Average weight and height usually less individuals with a range of other
than normal peers of the same disorders that result in behavior,
chronological age social, and learning problems.
Physical deformation
Retarded movement and balance

Mental characteristics Intellectual Disabilities

Less-than-average I.Q. Adaptive Curriculum
Underdeveloped speech and language
+Poor: memory, attention, perception,
imagination, thinking, computing and

Social characteristics Information for

Underdeveloped ability of social
adjustment Teachers
Lack of interests and orientations
Aloofness PREPARED BY
Low self-esteem

Emotional characteristics
Emotional imbalance
Excessive movement
Evidence of premature or late reactions Tel: 468-3076
Definition: Tips to Assist Makaton is a language programme
using signs and symbols to help people
Intellectual disability is
a disability characterized by significant Try these tips for working with students
with an intellectual disability:
limitations both
in intellectual functioning (reasoning, •Use concrete items and examples to
learning, problem solving) and in adap- explain new concepts and provide practice in
tive behavior, which covers a range of existing skill areas.
everyday social and practical skills. •Role model desired behaviors, and clearly
This disability originates before the age identify what behaviors you expect in the
of 18. classroom.
•Plan ahead with your class activities.
Use appropriate communication methods
such as Makaton signing for pre verbal
students or those with beginning
language. Other students may enjoy tasks such as
writing up a class activity into a book using a
•Do not overwhelm a student with multiple
program such as PowerPoint. Photos can be
or complex instructions.
inserted and combined with a short sentence
•Use strategies such as chunking, backward or key words about the action in the photo.
shaping and role modeling as helpful Skills and writing styles which can be
People with an intellectual disability teaching approaches. developed include:
have difficulties in: •Be explicit about what it is you want a
student to do. •report writing
•Understanding complex information. •Learn about the needs and characteristics •instructional writing
of your student, but do not automatically •creative writing
•Using logical thinking to plan ideas and assume they will behave the same way today •descriptive writing (especially using key
solve problems. as they did yesterday. words)
•Ask for their input about how they feel •use of adjectives and verbs
•Following directions and instructions, they learn best, and help them to be as in •naming of people and places
particularly those which involve multiple control of their learning as possible. recall of important events
steps or complex information. •Put skills in context so there is a reason
for learning tasks. Website help
•Using judgment and abstract thought. Involve families and significant others in Clicker communicator
learning activities, planning and special days,
as well as in informing you about the needs
of their young person.

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