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632 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->

13:55:21.637 INFO GCLog - QuickGame: isSupportQuickGameQuery() is not support,
13:55:21.643 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=2de869b8-125c-4947-9261-13d05799dad0
13:55:21.678 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end not login
13:55:21.684 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[CO], uSit[CO]
13:55:21.689 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:CO,lastCountryCode:
13:55:21.695 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
13:55:21.772 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:21.895 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit
preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
13:55:21.900 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
13:55:21.906 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GCDownloadInstallServiceStartHelper
execute() invoked from is: XDownloadInstallHelper UniteCountryCodeFinishEvent,
param isForceUpdate is: false, isContinueAllDownload is: false
13:55:21.912 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init
13:55:21.915 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
13:55:21.923 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
13:55:21.934 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
13:55:21.936 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
13:55:21.987 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
13:55:21.991 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
13:55:21.995 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
13:55:21.998 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:55:22.000 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:21.934 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
13:55:22.010 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:55:22.028 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:55:22.053 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
13:55:22.061 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
13:55:22.084 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from loadFrameDataFile() load time=184
13:55:22.087 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
13:55:22.132 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:55:22.133 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:22.146 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
13:55:22.167 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:55:22.190 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:55:22.382 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
13:55:22.392 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init() apk fileSha256 success.
13:55:22.411 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:55:22.412 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:22.414 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:55:22.415 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:55:22.408 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
13:55:22.423 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
13:55:22.458 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
13:55:22.542 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
13:55:22.545 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 5bb7d38d-
13:55:22.591 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:55:22.593 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:22.594 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:55:22.596 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:55:22.735 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
13:55:22.738 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:55:22.739 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
13:55:22.742 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = 08a9a18c-a617-41e8-97a0-719793a69aea
13:55:22.747 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:22.750 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:55:22.758 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:55:22.760 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
13:55:22.907 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
13:55:22.910 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = 81474bb7-2abb-4b4f-8806-04a4dec81810
13:55:22.943 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.bu_base.reserve.ReserveHelper:
query reserve online info token is null
13:55:22.967 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
13:55:22.969 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:false
13:55:22.971 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:disable return
13:55:23.173 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
13:55:23.178 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:55:23.181 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:23.184 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:55:23.186 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:55:23.242 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
13:55:23.248 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
13:55:23.396 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:55:23.398 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:23.400 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:55:23.402 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:55:23.420 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
13:55:23.424 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = f6f5e1a7-
13:55:24.528 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:55:24.529 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:55:24.532 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:55:24.533 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
13:55:24.534 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
13:55:24.535 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:55:24.536 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
13:55:24.538 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
13:55:24.544 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
13:55:24.546 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
13:55:24.568 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
13:55:24.589 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:55:24.590 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:55:24.592 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
13:55:24.596 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
13:55:24.598 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
13:55:24.600 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
13:55:24.601 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
13:55:24.654 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:55:24.675 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:24.709 INFO GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: saveFrameDataFile
13:55:24.725 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
13:55:24.792 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
13:55:24.957 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
13:55:25.308 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
13:55:25.469 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:55:25.471 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:55:25.474 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:55:25.475 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:25.476 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:55:25.478 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:55:25.492 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get start
13:55:25.494 INFO GCLog - http_request: ****************h/v1/get traceName =
13:55:27.330 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:55:27.333 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:55:27.513 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:55:27.517 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:55:27.519 INFO GCLog - AppStartHelper: syncSwitchStateToService:
agreeAmsUpdateSwitch = false
13:55:27.522 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:55:27.524 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:55:27.525 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:55:27.527 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:55:27.538 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
13:55:27.541 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = a574ba21-
13:55:29.564 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:55:29.567 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:57:24.354 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
13:57:24.358 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
13:57:24.554 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
13:57:24.556 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:24.558 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:57:24.559 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:24.561 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:24.580 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
13:57:24.588 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
13:57:26.628 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
13:57:28.668 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:57:28.674 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:57:31.565 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
13:57:45.027 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
13:57:45.029 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
13:57:45.303 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
13:57:45.307 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:45.308 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
13:57:45.310 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:45.312 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:45.333 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
13:57:45.342 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
13:57:47.382 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
13:57:49.421 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:57:49.428 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:58:15.557 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
14:02:28.334 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
14:02:28.339 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
14:02:28.547 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
14:02:28.549 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
14:02:28.551 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
14:02:28.552 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
14:02:28.554 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
14:02:28.570 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
14:02:28.579 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
14:02:30.641 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
14:02:32.686 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
14:02:32.691 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
14:22:45.042 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
14:22:53.526 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
14:22:53.527 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
14:22:53.895 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
14:22:53.913 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
14:22:53.917 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
14:22:53.919 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
14:22:53.921 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
14:22:53.982 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
14:22:53.991 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
14:22:56.065 INFO GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: Request appLst was successful.
14:22:56.070 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, respondCode = 200 respondMsg =
14:22:56.080 INFO GCLog - SilentUpdateHelper: autoUpdateAppSetting closed
14:23:47.750 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
14:24:05.626 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
14:24:05.628 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
14:24:08.397 INFO GCLog - NetConnectChangeReceiver: onReceive action is:
14:24:09.198 INFO GCLog - NetConnectChangeReceiver: onReceive action is:
14:24:10.945 INFO GCLog - NetConnectChangeReceiver: onReceive action is:
14:24:10.996 INFO GCLog - NetConnectChangeReceiver: onReceive action is:
14:24:13.043 INFO GCLog - XDownload: continueAll start
14:24:13.052 INFO GCLog - XDownload: continueAll end
21:54:36.529 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=f2d63279-4ed1-4cb4-a5f1-37651ccd4858
21:54:36.603 INFO GCLog - GameAssistantImpl: udid is agree for SDK: 1
21:54:36.606 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: AmsServiceImpl
getUdidSignStateByGameAssistant state=1
21:54:36.610 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController appStartInit() invoked
by GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit, boot hasReady: -1
21:54:36.612 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController startupBoot() invoked
from: BootController appStartInit()
21:54:36.615 INFO GCLog - RegisterReceiverUseCase: Register user receiver execute
21:54:36.618 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: checkSignLoginState from
BootController startupBoot()
21:54:36.618 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:36.621 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit
21:54:36.629 INFO GCLog - QuickGame: isSupportQuickGameQuery() is not support,
21:54:36.836 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end not login
21:54:36.846 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:CO,lastCountryCode:
21:54:36.848 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[CO], uSit[CO]
21:54:36.862 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:36.878 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
21:54:36.908 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
21:54:36.909 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
21:54:36.912 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
21:54:36.915 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
21:54:36.920 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
21:54:36.923 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
21:54:36.924 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
21:54:36.925 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
21:54:36.928 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:36.929 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
21:54:36.931 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:36.933 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:54:36.939 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GCDownloadInstallServiceStartHelper
execute() invoked from is: XDownloadInstallHelper UniteCountryCodeFinishEvent,
param isForceUpdate is: false, isContinueAllDownload is: false
21:54:36.943 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init
21:54:36.945 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:36.951 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
21:54:36.953 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
21:54:37.102 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:37.103 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:37.104 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:54:37.112 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:37.210 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:37.214 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:37.230 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:54:37.233 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit
preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
21:54:37.238 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:37.247 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:37.256 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:37.274 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:54:37.279 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
21:54:37.287 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:37.329 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init() apk fileSha256 success.
21:54:37.350 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:37.352 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:37.353 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from loadFrameDataFile() load time=101
21:54:37.356 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:54:37.360 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:37.370 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
21:54:37.659 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
21:54:37.662 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
21:54:37.666 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
21:54:37.667 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
21:54:37.669 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
21:54:37.671 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
21:54:37.676 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = 08707dbe-a8ec-41c1-98e0-5893ff02460c
21:54:37.680 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 80b70bb0-
21:54:37.690 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
21:54:37.693 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = f18db741-7abd-49f5-b69a-363129c4d1a7
21:54:37.797 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
21:54:37.845 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
21:54:37.983 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.bu_base.reserve.ReserveHelper:
query reserve online info token is null
21:54:37.994 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
21:54:37.996 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:false
21:54:37.997 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:disable return
21:54:38.061 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:38.063 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:38.064 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:54:38.066 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:38.096 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
21:54:38.099 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = c3dad917-
21:54:38.310 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
21:54:38.312 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:38.313 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:38.315 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:54:38.316 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:38.351 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
21:54:38.383 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
21:54:39.775 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:54:39.779 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:54:39.782 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:54:39.790 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
21:54:39.792 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
21:54:39.794 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:54:39.797 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:54:39.799 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
21:54:39.803 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
21:54:39.805 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
21:54:39.810 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
21:54:39.813 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
21:54:39.815 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:54:39.861 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
21:54:39.891 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:39.892 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:39.943 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
21:54:40.014 INFO GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: saveFrameDataFile
21:54:40.023 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
21:54:40.085 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
21:54:40.086 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
21:54:40.089 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
21:54:40.091 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
21:54:40.092 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
21:54:40.143 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:54:40.146 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:54:40.157 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:40.171 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:40.197 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:54:40.204 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:40.230 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get start
21:54:40.234 INFO GCLog - http_request: ****************h/v1/get traceName =
21:54:40.443 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
21:54:42.288 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:54:42.291 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:54:42.293 INFO GCLog - AppStartHelper: syncSwitchStateToService:
agreeAmsUpdateSwitch = false
21:54:42.296 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:42.298 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:42.300 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:54:42.302 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:42.314 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
21:54:42.316 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = e6a07980-
21:54:42.490 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:54:42.492 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:54:44.367 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:54:44.371 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:54:47.591 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
21:54:47.593 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
21:54:47.900 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
21:54:47.903 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:54:47.905 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:54:47.906 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:54:47.908 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:54:47.928 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
21:54:47.936 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
21:54:49.973 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
21:54:52.024 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:54:52.027 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:54:56.983 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
21:55:10.361 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
21:55:10.362 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
21:55:10.760 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
21:55:10.763 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:55:10.770 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-ES
21:55:10.772 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:55:10.775 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:55:10.801 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
21:55:10.810 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
21:55:12.862 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
21:55:14.879 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:55:14.885 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname

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