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You can't teach art in the same way you can teach French, French exists, whether you do it or

not. But when you're doing art, the center of doing art is in yourself. Most of the literate subjects
do not ask that often. So this develops an entirely different realm of skill.

Creativity is critical thinking. And without it, how are you going to really open up and ask harder
questions? And art opens all of those kinds of passages and possibilities, to think beyond what
we already know,

in a child's education, that doors need to be open to other universes, other modes of thinking.
And art is a non prescribed, dangerous world full of possibility. And I think that's a vital space for
children to have in their formative years of their education.

From a top down

level, you don't have innovation, if you don't have arts.

doesn't matter if you're going to study history or geography or science, you still need to be
creative. Because the people who are the outliers in those fields are the most creative people to
have art in schools be eroded, which is happening at the moment is disastrous Britain, I think,
because our best industry is the creative industry.

art and cultural production is at the very center of what makes us society what it is. And for an
entire new generation not to know what is the cultural and Visual History of ourselves is kind of
denying our own identity.

Art is a reflection of the society that we are the kind of mirror that art holds up the ways that art
helps define the identity of a nation that you can trace that back historically, it's deeply
embedded in humanity.

What are the question does to people who are not going to be artists is giving them the
opportunity to build certain aspects of themselves that otherwise will be either ignored on
develop or repress

But you can be whatever you want to be is something that art certainly taught me. It can access
a part of your brain or the spirits mind that nothing else can.

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