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Lecture Two
1-Define the Objective of your Segment

■ Clearly identify the purpose and objective of your

television segment. Determine what message or story
you want to convey and the target audience you're
aiming to reach.
2-Identify Your Target Audience

■ Before diving into research and writing, it's crucial to

identify your target audience for the television segment.
Determine who you are trying to reach, their
demographics, interests, and preferences. This will guide
your content decisions and ensure that your segment
resonates with the intended viewers.
3-Brainstorm Ideas and Concepts
■ Once you know your target audience, brainstorm ideas and
concepts for your television segment.
■ Visual Review is very Crucial in this Step!!
■ Conduct thorough research on the topic or subject matter of
your segment. Gather information, facts, and data that will
support your narrative. Brainstorm creative ideas and
angles that will make your segment unique and engaging.
4-Develop the Concept
■ Based on your research and brainstorming, develop a
concept that encapsulates the essence of your segment.
This includes determining the tone, style, and format of your
segment. Consider whether it will be informative,
entertaining, or a combination of both
5-Create an Outline
■ Outline the structure and flow of your segment. Divide it into
segments or acts, if applicable, and determine the key
points or segments you want to include. This will help you
establish a clear narrative structure.
6-Craft a Compelling Hook

■ Start your segment with a strong and attention-

grabbing hook that will captivate the audience right
from the beginning. This could be an intriguing
question, a surprising fact, or an enticing teaser.
■ Check Lecture one for more ideas.
7- Develop Unique Visual and Audio
■ Develop Unique Visual and Audio Elements: Identify the
visual and audio elements that will enhance your segment.
This may include graphics, animations, music, sound
effects, or any other creative elements that align with your
concept and enhance the viewer's experience.
8-Write a Treatment

■ Write a comprehensive treatment that outlines all

the key elements of your segment. Include a brief
synopsis of the segment, the main story or message,
the visual and audio elements, and any special
requirements such as locations, props, or talent.
9-Create a Storyboard or Mood Board
■ Visualize your segment by creating a storyboard or
mood board. This will help you visualize the
composition of shots, visual transitions, and overall
aesthetic. It can also serve as a reference for the
production team.
10-Refine and Revise
■ Review your treatment and seek feedback from
others, such as colleagues or mentors. Refine and
revise your treatment based on the feedback
received. Make sure the treatment aligns with your
initial objectives and captures the essence of your
11- Present and Pitch

■ Present and Pitch: Once you're satisfied with your

treatment, prepare a compelling presentation to
pitch your segment to relevant stakeholders, such as
producers or executives. Clearly communicate the
unique selling points, the target audience, and the
overall value proposition of your segment.
Importance of a Treatment

■ A treatment serves as a roadmap for your segment,

outlining its concept, structure, and key elements.
■ It helps you organize your ideas and communicate
them effectively to the production team
Treatment Elements
■ Title: Choose an attention-grabbing title for your segment.
■ Logline: Craft a concise one or two-sentence summary of
your segment's concept and main objective.
■ Overview: Provide a brief summary of the segment's
content, including key points, structure, and visual/audio
Example Treatment
■ Title: "Exploring Wildlife: Journey through the Rainforest"
■ Logline: Join our host on an adventure through the lush
rainforest to discover its unique wildlife and conservation efforts.
■ Overview: This segment will take viewers on a visual journey
through the rainforest, highlighting its diverse trees and animals.
Through expert interviews and stunning visuals, we will explore
the challenges faced by the rainforest ecosystem and the
importance of conservation efforts
■ Treatment Worksheet:

■ Title: _____________________

■ Treatment:

■ 1. Title:
■ - Choose an attention-grabbing title for your segment.

■ 2. Logline:
■ - Craft a concise one or two-sentence summary of your segment's concept and main objective.

■ 3. Overview:
■ Provide a brief summary of the segment's content, including key points, structure, and visual/audio elements
■ A)Suggested Topics.
■ B) Visual Reference.
■ C) Suggested Story Board.

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