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Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, are
increasingly being recognized as crucial alternatives to fossil fuels. Solar energy,
derived from sunlight through photovoltaic cells, is abundant and environmentally
friendly. Similarly, wind power harnesses the energy of wind turbines to generate
electricity. Hydroelectric power utilizes the force of flowing water to produce
electricity, often through dams and turbines.

Renewable energy offers several advantages over traditional fossil fuels. First, it
helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thus mitigating climate change. Second,
renewable sources are sustainable and inexhaustible, unlike finite fossil fuel
reserves. Third, they promote energy independence by diversifying energy supplies
and reducing reliance on imported fuels.

Despite these benefits, challenges remain in the widespread adoption of renewable

energy. Variability in solar and wind availability requires improved energy storage
solutions to ensure consistent supply. Moreover, initial setup costs for renewable
infrastructure can be high, although long-term operational savings are often


What are examples of renewable energy sources mentioned in the passage?

A) Coal and oil
B) Solar, wind, and hydroelectric power
C) Natural gas and nuclear power
D) Geothermal and biomass energy

What is one advantage of renewable energy sources compared to fossil fuels?

A) Higher greenhouse gas emissions
B) Limited availability
C) Sustainability and inexhaustibility
D) Lower energy independence

What is hydroelectric power mentioned in the passage?

A) Uses wind turbines
B) Derives energy from sunlight
C) Relies on flowing water
D) Generates electricity through coal
What is a challenge in the widespread adoption of renewable energy mentioned in
the passage?
A) Consistent supply due to variability
B) Lower initial setup costs
C) Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
D) Increased reliance on imported fuels

Why are renewable energy sources considered beneficial for the environment?
A) They increase fossil fuel consumption
B) They promote energy independence
C) They reduce greenhouse gas emissions
D) They are less sustainable

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