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Timing of Events - KP style

The following guidelines helps in predicting events:
1. Find the significators related to the query, by using the house grouping for
that event, such as 2,7,11 for marriage, 2,6,10,11for service or
employment etc. Planets in the stars of occupants are greater in strength,
occupants, thenplanets in the stars of the bhava lord,andfinally the bhava
lord represents a particular bhava.
2. Find the Ruling Planets. In increasing order of strength the ruling
planets are Ase star lord, Ase lord, Moon star lord, Moon sign lord
andfinally the Day lord. Note the day lord should be considered
according to the Hindu calendar i.e. from sun rise to sun rise.
3. Find the common significators among the significators of the matter
under question and the RulingPlanets.
4. Reject the significators which are in the star of retrograde planet (or) in the
subof retrograde planet. Significators,which are themselves retrograde but
in the star and sub of direct planets, will give result when the significator
comes in direct motion.
5. Reject the significators which are also inimical/ detrimental to the bhavas
in the question. 12th bhava from any bhava negates the result of that
bhava (10th bhava negating the 11th bhava is no exception to this rule).
8th from any bhava shows disappointments and troubles related to that
6. The matter will fructify during the DBAS of the significators when the
transit also agrees.

Transit agreement rules

If the event is likely to happen:

• within next 24hours, Lagna should come to the sensitive point of Sign,
Star and Sub represented by the significators.
• within days, then Moon should come to the sensitive point of Sign, Star
and Sub represented by the significators.
• in next few months, then Sun should come to the sensitive point of
Sign, Star and Sub represented by the significators.
• in next few years, then Jupiter should come to this sensitive point
and should be in the Sign, Star and Sub of significators.

\\hen selecting the date as per the above transits, ensure on that particular day

the significators are in direct motion themselves.


Handy rules on when an event will fructify


The fructification of an event in normal course of time (or) after a delay can be
found fron1 the 11th cusp and the planets o,vning/ occupying/ aspecting the 11th

1. Fast moving planets, Moon and Mercury, owning or occupying or

aspecting 11th cusp indicates matter happening soon.
2. Medium speed planets, Sun/ Mars/ Venus/ Rahu/ Ketu, owning
or occupying or aspecting 11th cusp indicates normal course of
3. Slow moving planets, Saturn and Jupiter (Uranus and Neptune can
be considered based on the astrologers choice), owning or
occupying or aspecting 11th cusp indicates event happening after
4. Saturn occupying or aspecting 11th cusp shows delays and frustration.
5. Similarly 11th cusp lord (bhava lord) in the fruitful signs of Cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces shows event happening soon.
6. 11th cusp lord in Semi-fruitful signs of Taurus, Libra, Saggitarius
and Capricorn shows events happening in normal course.
7. 11th cusp lord in balance sign of Aries, Gemini, Leo and Virgo shows
events happening after delay.

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