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Time allowed : 2 hours 15 minutes

Candidate’s Name ……………………………………………

Candidate’s Signature…………………………………………

EMIS No ………………………………stream …………

Read the following instructions carefully; FOR EXAMINERS’ USE ONLY

1. This paper has two sections: A and B.
Section A has 40 questions and section B QN. NO. MARK
has 15 questions.
1 - 10
2. All the working for both sections A and B
must be shown in the spaces provided. 11 - 20

3. All working must be done using a blue or 21 - 30

black ball-point pen or fountain pen. Any
work done in pencil other than graphs, 31 – 40
pictures and diagrams will not be marked.
41 – 43
4. Unnecessary changes of work and any
handwriting that cannot easily be read 44 – 46
may lead to loss of marks.
47 – 49
5. Do not fill anything in the boxes
indicated:“For Examiners’ Use Only” and 50 – 52
boxes inside the question paper.
53 - 55


Questions 1 to 40 carry one mark each
1- Write E.A.L.A in full
2- Mention the first group of Europeans to reach the coast of East Africa.
3- Give a reason why prefects are voted for by pupils in a school.
4- Mention any one economic activity carried out in the rift valley.
5- What influenced the early man to live a settled life?
6- How important is Lake Magadi to the social life of Kenyans?
7- Why do deciduous trees shed their leaves during the dry season?
8- State one advantage of Universal Primary Education to the people of Uganda.
9- How was Lake Tanganyika formed?
10- Identify one problem facing land especially in urban areas.
11- How important are the voluntary organizations to the governments of East
12- Mention one way a P.7 pupil may help the police to perform its duties.

13- How are game parks important to a country like Uganda?
14- Identify any one traditional means of transport.
15- Name the original homeland of the Ngoni who came to Tanzania
16- State one positive contribution of missionaries to East Africa.
17- What do you understand by the term Great Trek?
18- Which natural landform covers the biggest part of East Africa?
19- Give a reason why some local rulers in East Africa accepted colonial rule.
20- What is population explosion?
21- Why were most European travelers sent to West Africa?
22- Give one way of caring for social service centres like hospitals.
23- Give a reason why prisoners wear uniforms.
24- State one economic advantage of a high population to a country.
25- Mention one problem people meet when carrying out economic activities.

26- Name the mineral mined at Witwatersrand
27- Give a reason why people migrate from rural areas to urban areas.
28- What is horticulture?
29- Give one reason why the LEGCO was formed in 1921.
30- Which type of climate is experienced in Karamoja sub-region?
31- How do nimbus clouds promote the activities of crop growers?
32- Why was Daudi Chwa made the Kabaka of Buganda at an infant age?
33- Give one reason why there are few roads in mountainous districts of Uganda.
34- Name any one member of the local council one executive committee.
35- In which way do waterfalls promote economic development?
For questions 36-40, answer either the Christian or Islamic question
but not both. No marks shall be awarded to a pupil who attempts both
alternatives in a particular number.
36- Either: On which day do Christians have general prayers?
Or: On which day do Moslems have general prayers?

37- For both: Give any one local voluntary organization in Uganda.
38- Either: Give one important event that took place on Holy Thursday.
Or: Why is it important to dress properly for prayers?
39- For both: State one similarity between Christian and Islamic beliefs.
40- Either: How did Saint Stephen meet his death?
Or: How did Sumayah meet her death?
Questions 41 to 55 carry four marks each.
41- What is tourism?
(b)Mention any two tourist attractions in Africa.
(c)Give one problem faced by tourism industry in Africa.
42- What is mining?

(b)Give two examples of non-metallic minerals.

(c)Give one reason why some resources are not exploited in East Africa.
43- Study the map of Uganda and use it to answer questions that follow.

(a) Name the river marked B

(b) Give one reason why the mountain marked Y is snowcapped throughout the
(c) How is the formation of lake F different from that of lake H?

(d) Name the physical feature marked M
44- Give any two reasons why the colonialists used indirect rule.
(b)State any two ways Africans benefited from indirect rule.

45- Mention any two departments of the East African Community that survived
after its collapse.
(b)Give any two reasons why the East African Community was formed in 1967.
46- What do we call the sudden increase of people in an area?
(b)State any two advantages of a high population in a country.
(c)Mention any one reason why urban areas are densely populated.
47- In which one way are natural forests different from planted forests?
(b)Name any two products got from soft wood timber.

(c)Mention any one tree species found in natural forests.
48- What role was played by Sir. William Mackinnon towards the transport sector
in Uganda?
(b)Why was Imperial British East Africa Company formed?
(c)State any two reasons why Imperial British East Africa Company ran bankrupt.
49- What is a government?
(b) Identify the two systems of government.
(c)State any one role of the clerk to the parliament.
50- What name is given to crops which were originally grown for food but are now
grown for food and sale?
(b) Mention any two examples of the above crops.
(c)State any one reason why the government of Uganda is encouraging the
growing of the above mentioned crops.

For questions 51 to 55, answer either the Christian or Islamic question
but not both. No marks shall be awarded to a pupil who attempts both
alternatives in a particular number.
51- Either: (a) Mention any one form of suffering.
(b)State any two causes of suffering among Christians.

(c)In which one way did Jesus Christ share in the suffering of others.
Or: (a) Mention any one form of suffering.
(b) State any two causes of suffering among Muslims.
(c)Which one way did Prophet Muhammad share in the suffering of others?
52- Either: (a) What is religion?
(b)State any two examples of world religions.
(c)Mention any one reason why people should respect other’s religion

Or: (a) What is marriage?
(b)State any two types of marriage.
(c)Mention any one reason why people marry.
53- Either: Which sacrament;
(a) Initiates a person into Christianity?
(b) Strengthens Christians faith?
(c) Is the food for the soul?
(d) Unites a man and a woman as a husband and wife in the church?
Or: Which pillar of Islam;
(a) Initiates a person into Islam?
(b) Promotes a person into Islam?
(c) Promotes brotherhood between the rich and the poor?
(d) Is performed by going to Mecca by able Muslims?
54- Either: (a) Mention two parts of the Bible.

(b)Name any two examples of law books in the Bible.
Or: (a)Mention any two surahs in the Qur’an.
(b)Where was the Qur’an revealed to Prophet Muhammad?
55- Both: (a) Write any two similarities in beliefs between Muslims and Christians.
(b)Identify any two differences in practice between Islam and Christianity.


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