001 - Myp - WL

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No. : 001/SMS/MYP/WL/11/2022
Date : 22 November 2022

This letter serve as warning letter to :

Surat ini sebagai surat peringatan kepada
Student’s Name
Kelas MYP 2

Kind of Warning Letter Jenis Peringatan

☐ Oral Warning Letter Peringatan Lisan
☐ 1st Written Warning Letter Surat Peringatan Pertama
☒ 2nd Written Warning Letter Surat Peringatan Kedua
☐ 3rd Written Warning Letter Surat Peringatan Ketiga
☐ Termination Surat Terminasi

Violation Pelanggaran
Please describe the chronology of the violence (including time, date, venue, people involved)
Mohon jelaskan kronologi kejadian pelanggaran tersebut (termasuk waktu, tanggal, tempat, tempat kejadian, dan orang-orang yang terlibat)
Tuesday, November 22nd 2022 at around 11 am, Erlangga (SMA 3) and Griffin (MYP 3) were involved in a quarrel
around the circular area of the rear exit towards the sports hall. Several people including the teacher and staff tried to
intervene, but they both refused to be separated.
Then Mr. Ahuat (Staff) informed the Principals and directress then they went straight to the spot area. Erlangga was
summoned to the directress's room while Griffin was called to Mr Aniruddha's room.
Erlangga was very emotional and so was Griffin.

The root of the problem started from the chat through Fb Messenger a day before, where Erlangga tried to give advice
to Grifin about personal matters and Grifin didn't want to accept it and tried to argue with Erlangga which ensued into
a fight.
Erlangga also mentioned that Grifin had borrowed Erlangga's guitar before and that the guitar was broken. This also
made Erlangga even more emotional when Grifin refused to be advised.

Then parents were called and together with directress and principals investigated the root cause and solved the
Meeting with parents and children finished around 4 P.M.

Reference Document / Policy Dokumen / Peraturan Referensi

Please state the documents or reference rules that were violated Mohon cantumkan dokumen atau kebijakan yang menjadi referensi
Doc Ref Student Handbook 2022-2023, page 52 (EN), page 52 (IN) for Behaviour Policy
Student Handbook 2022-2023, page 55 (EN), page 55 (IN) for Behaviour Guideline
Policy Ref Policy reference: Code of Conduct Policy for Behaviour Policy Level Two
(Harassing behaviour)
Behaviour Guideline:
5.a. All students must refrain from quarrelling, bullying, fighting or being
accomplices to misconduct on and off campus
Action to be taken Tindakan Peringatan yang diberikan
- Calling the parents,
- Investigation of the root cause
- Resolved the problem
- Giving 2nd Warning Letter

Resolve Penyelesaian
- Erlangga and Grifin resolved at the end and they realized their mistake and promised not to repeat anymore.
- Erlangga and Grifin to submit the Statement Letter contain the chronology, commitment and reflection to
- Erlangga and Grifin to deliver their statement and asking forgiveness to other friends during morning assembly
with MYP and SMP at Wednesday, 23 Nov 2022.
- Grifin discussed with friends involved in guitar damage, and looked for solutions to repair the guitar. Solutions will
be submitted at least on Friday 25 Nov 2022
- Erlangga and Grifin committed to limit handphone usage, especially at night. 10 PM will be closed for handphone
- Erlangga and Grifin will be friends but not too close for having a very good relationship.
- Erlangga and Grifin will take disciplinary action in the form of cleaning the school area including classrooms,
toilets and circular areas for 1 week in the morning and afternoon (dismissal time)
- If both of them do not finish their punishment, or not doing their disciplinary action so they will continue to extend
their punishment.
- The Disciplinary action will start from 24th November till 1st December 2022

Issued by Diterbitkan oleh

Issued by : _____________________ Sign __________________ Date _________
Students’ : _____________________ Sign __________________ Date _________

Acknowledged by Diketahui oleh

Homeroom : _____________________ Sign __________________ Date _________
National Principal : _____________________ Sign __________________ Date _________
International Principal : _____________________ Sign __________________ Date _________
Parent / Guardian : _____________________ Sign __________________ Date _________

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