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Matter: Changes in Materials that are Useful or

Harmful to Our Environment

Changes in materials are happening every day. They could be useful or harmful to the environment. Human
beings are responsible for these changes. Being aware whether the changes are good and bad will help greatly
our environment.

Remember these:

➢ There are varied kinds of materials that are found in our environment. These materials may bring good and
bad changes to one’s environment.

➢ Useful Change: These materials are recyclable and serviceable for another purpose:
 plastic bottles shaped into plant pots
 a piece of log formed into chair
 a piece of cloth made into
 a piece of cloth made into a face mask
 a tire being shape into plant pot

➢ Harmful Change: These materials are hazardous to human health and can bring damage to our
 burning of rubbers and plastics
 Throwing of garbage materials in the river
 Cutting down of trees
 Industrial and chemical waste
Effects of harmful and useful changes in materials to the environment

➢ Polluted Land/ Soil – is the effect of the harmful change. In the environment as the dumping area of
garbage such as: toxic or human waste, plastic bottles and harmful materials. The place may serve as the
breeding area of flies, mosquitoes, rats and cockroaches which carry germs that causes diseases. Plants may not
also grow in a polluted land.

➢ Polluted Water in the River is the result of harmful change in the environment in which the place was
made as the dumping area of different kinds of wastes from residences, chemical and industrial waste. The river
becomes polluted and hazardous to our health especially when we drink or take in the contaminated water.
Polluted water can also damage the lives of the living organism such as water, plants, fish and etc.

➢ When the environment is covered with smoke from factories, motorized vehicles and other form of
transportation, ashes and other dust particles, the air becomes polluted. Polluted air causes skin diseases, lung
infections cancer and other respiratory diseases.
➢ Burning of plastic garbage, rubber and other wastes materials may cause air pollution for it will released
dangerous toxic chemicals. The smoke and toxins that enter the air contribute to the greenhouse effect and
global warming. Waste segregation helps prevent minimizes the effect of burning the garbage so let us manage
our garbage or waste well.

➢ Another change that is harmful to the environment is the Cutting Down of Trees. It affects the quality
of air that we breathe in. Rapid change in temperature rises which will make us uncomfortable because of the
weather. When trees are cut down, rain levels are severely affected. Soil Erosion is also the cause of cutting
down trees. It affects the habitat of many wild animals. Let us help prevent minimize the effect of this harmful
change in the environment by doing reforestation or planting trees which is the only solution.
Changes in materials can also have good effects in the environment

➢ Composting is the breakdown of left-over food and other decaying materials and it produces fertilizer.

➢ Recycling changing waste into reusable materials like plastic, Styrofoam and paper, it also lessens garbage.

➢ Technology gives man made materials like clot, shelter and transportation. Farmers benefited from this
because they have better harvest and healthier animals.
Ways to prevent harmful change in the materials to the environment

5R’s of Responsible Waste Management

• Buy items in refillable containers
• Use cloth bag / eco bag / paper bag / native baskets instead of plastic bag when
buying groceries
• Avoid buying disposable items or single use products such as batteries, razors,
utensils, plates, cups, etc.
• Donate or sell reusable item
• Use both sides of paper when printing and re-use as scratch paper, gift wrappers,
• Consider the potential life span or durability when buying new products
• Buy durable food / storage containers and reuse them instead of using foil, plastic
bags /wrap.
• Do not throw away used newspaper or used writing pads. Sell them or bring them
paper to paper mills which can turn them into usable paper again.
• Used bottles, tin cans, rubber tires, can be recycled into useful materials.
• Have the old furniture reupholstered or refurbished instead of buying new ones.
• Have appliances, office equipment, lighting fixtures and automotive parts repaired
instead of buying new ones.
• Make a compost pit / bin in the yard for the biodegradable materials such as fruit
and vegetable peelings, coffee grinds

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