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Modals of
Learning Objectives
1. Express permission, obligation, and
prohibition using modals
2. Students will be able to accurately
and appropriately express
permission, obligation, and
prohibition using modals in both
written and spoken communication.
Modals of Prohibition
• Grammatical
constructs that
express the act of
forbidding or denying
certain actions or
Modals of Prohibition
• Used to communicate
prohibitions, or the
lack of permission in
different contexts and
Modals of Prohibition
• It is important to
understand the various
modals of prohibition in
order to enhance one's
English language skills
and effectively convey
ideas and intentions.
Examples of Modals of Prohibition
Understanding the usage of modals of prohibition through examples

1 Can't

The modal 'can't' is used to express the speaker's strong

perspective about a prohibition or impossibility of performing
an action. Example: You can't smoke in this area.

2 Mustn't
The modal 'mustn't' indicates a strong prohibition
or requirement to avoid certain actions. Example:
You mustn't go beyond this point.
Presenting Different Modals of Prohibition
Exploring a range of modals of prohibition

1 Shouldn't
The modal 'shouldn't' suggests a recommendation to avoid
something, indicating that it is not advisable.

Example: You shouldn't eat too much sugar.

2 Ought not to
The modal 'ought not to' conveys a moral or practical obligation to
avoid certain actions.

Example: You ought not to speak rudely to others.

Presenting Different Modals of Prohibition
Exploring a range of modals of prohibition

3 May not
The modal 'may not' expresses a possibility of prohibition or lack
of permission for certain actions.

Example: You may not bring outside food to the event.

4 Don’t
The modal 'don't' is a general prohibition or instruction to not
perform a particular action.

Example: Don't touch the exhibits in the museum.

Usage and Placement of Modals of Prohibition
Understanding where and how to use modals of prohibition

1 Usage in Imperative Sentences

Modals of prohibition are often used in imperative sentences to
command, instruct, or advise someone to avoid a particular action.

Example: Keep quiet in the library.

2 Usage in Questions
Modals of prohibition can also be used in questions to seek
clarification or inquire about restrictions.

Example: Can't I use my phone during the break?

Usage and Placement of Modals of Prohibition
Understanding where and how to use modals of prohibition

3 Placement in Sentences

Modals of prohibition are generally placed before the main verb in

a sentence.

Example: You shouldn't disturb others while they're studying.

Common Mistakes to Avoid
Identifying and avoiding common errors in using modals of prohibition

Using 'Can' Instead of 'Can't' Incorrect Placement

A common mistake is using 'can' Another common mistake is incorrect

instead of 'can't', which changes placement of modals of prohibition,
which can lead to confusion or
the meaning from prohibition to
Example: You shouldn't touch the
Example: You can bring outside exhibits in the museum (correct) vs.
food (incorrect) vs. You can't You shouldn't the exhibits touch in the
bring outside food (correct). museum (incorrect).
Practice Exercises for Modals of Prohibition
Enhancing understanding through practice exercises

1 Exercise 1
Identify the correct modal of prohibition for each given scenario.

You smoke in this area.

2 Exercise 2
Rewrite the following sentences using a different modal of

You mustn't touch the exhibits in the museum.

Practice Exercises for Modals of Prohibition
Enhancing understanding through practice exercises

3 Exercise 1
Construct a sentence using a modal of prohibition to communicate
a restriction or prohibition in your daily life.

Example: You shouldn't eat junk food every day.

4 Exercise 4
Create a dialogue between two people where a modal of prohibition
is used to express a restriction or instruction.

Example: Person A: Can I smoke here?

Person B: No, you may not smoke here.
Summary of Modals of Prohibition
Key points to remember about modals of prohibition

Types of Modals Common Mistakes

Usage and Placement
There are several Common mistakes
types of modals of Modals of prohibition include using 'can'
prohibition, are commonly used in instead of 'can't' and
including 'can't', imperative sentences incorrect placement
'mustn't', 'shouldn't', and questions, and are of modals of
'ought not to', and generally placed before prohibition.
'may not'. the main verb in a
What language tools
and strategies can be
employed to effectively
communicate and
navigate social
interactions in diverse

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