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super G afery TAMILNADU oo n 155213 YS Deeg /— Hemcara NEVETIA ' "BANGALORE MR. APARAMESHW "ARAN t 67 years, residing i gb argee DOCUMEN' Not RARPOF 2010 cmmnmen OF EO wy BOOK shan CONTAINED ln SHEE Hv Sok seeenboo SHEET ieee ye Prosionted in the nition of (he Sub Rogisteor of Thyvallur and foes of REL i otwoor the hours yhoo os eke ay oben LerT THUMB ri , eins + [WE 7 T i Ahab Y CHE Oe kode tla Suatt Neveh™ Bizoty Vee hes Hutle. 76Y kar TE pata & & Panvancort Sbowe + PaasPevt We HABSBO LEFT c A nan (Vv CeNIVACAN) Gow OF venient enmiw Noe, Guevpesseo fO7S , Dose nou aNPPrAvenwe , Astet nein, cytennnt beset S Blenms® ; JOR C08 3H6F AR eo oF Oneal CHE MLATA REVEDA) Aa A 302 VARS MOTT NG de ist manger Cnet. LOND: wee sidiperG afterng TAMILNADU HEMLATA NEVETIA Rs 20 oop f BANGALoRE ! x Mrs. GeetagBhaskaran, Wife cf Late Mr. V. A. Bhaskaran, aged about 61 years, residing at M-296, Sector -25,Noida 20301, represented herein by her duly constituted §ttorney, Mr.V.Stinivasan (hereinafter refered to as the “Vendor No.3”, which expression shall unless repugnant jo thé context herein, mean and include herBheits, successors in interest, legal representatives, executors and administratops) of THE THIRD PART . Mr-Vivek Bhaskar, son of Late Mx. V. A. Bhaskaran, sehr 36 years, cesiding t98,7518 138" StceetSurtey British Columb&t, V$W/1S1,Canada, represented herein by his duly constituted attorney, Mr.V.Stinivasan (hereinafter referred to ag the “Vendor No.4”, which expression shall unless repugnant to the “ context hetlin, mean and inclide her heirs, successors in intetest, legal cepresentativgs, executors and administrators) of THE FOURTH PART (Hereinafter, Vendor No.1, Vendor No.2, Vendot No.3 and Vendot No.4 shall be collectively eo to as the “Vendors”) 6 Hemlota-® é Ls | Document No.LAebea 1016 H Pago ited 2 ' ~— Tapenaadl N Wo V: SRINWAsAy Lore oy Rama SRINVASH a a Ws h me? fe Neyan: th da, Gs BEEN eS aca Shon nn lab Covinsoned apn, q Walticpaldaan : Otenud £6 oir RATS, Smee 2 mobltah Registered as Nol@AL2 ot aia pf Book,..2, ° Day oftcienabarcdo lo afer A TAMILNADU 8) ye Pe Suni k wevet'e ino 21/62 oy $Me, Awe! God Kecembakkan GHENNAI-600 024. 7 a The Part of the Vendor No.1 Mrs.SHANTHA, Wife of Mr. Venkataraman, represented herein by duly constituted attorney, Mr.V,SRINIVASAN, (vide Power of Attorney registered as Doc.1554 of 2008, Book IV, Dated 06.10.2008, at * the Office of the Sub Registrar of VADAVALLI, Kovai.) Vendor No2 ® Mr.V.APARAMESHWARAN, Son of Late Mr.V.P.Anantha Narayanan, « represented herein by duly constituted attomey, Mr.V.SRINIVASAN, (vide Power of Attomey registered as Doe.720 of 2008, Book IV, Dated 23.08.2006, at the Office of the District Registrar of Salem) Vendor No.3 Mrs.GEETA * BHASKARAN, Wife of Late Mr.V.ABhaskaran, represented herein by duly ® constituted attomey, Mr.V.SRINIVASAN, (vide Power of Attorney registered as £ Doc.1553 of 2010, Book IV, Dated 27.09.2010, at the Office of the Sub Registrar _ of Thiravallur) Vendor No4 Mr.VIVEK BHASKAR, Son of Late “ Mr¥.A.Bhaskaran, represented herein by duly constituted attorney, © Mir.V.SRINIVASAN, (vide Adjudication registered as Doc.2404 of 2010, Book 5 1V, Dated 27.08.10, at the Office of the Sub Registrar of Saidapet Joint ID. Beas i AND oot , Ohplile tage» io” : 5 lg Hemlatra vevet'o Ca Tees rr Me: yee Sido pr afrerrg TAMILNADU pererpeD fv svar Fy fps2-a-08 Rs looed/- HEMLATA NEVETIA BANG ALoRE i ‘ ie ' Mrs.HEMLATA NEVETIA, wife of Mr. Sunit Nevetia, aged about 39 years, and MR. SUNIT NEVETIA, son of Mr. Vinod Kumar Nevetia, aged about 41 years, bpth residing at A-302, Vars Notting Hills, 1" Main, TC Palya Road, Ramamurthy Nagar, Bangalore 560016 (hereinafter-‘refecred to as the ‘Purchfsers”, which expression shall unless repugnght to the context herein, mean and include theic heirs, successors in interest, legal representatives, executors and adnfinistrators) of THE LAST PART The Vendors and the Purchasers shall hereinafter be individually referred to as "Party'fand collectively as“Parties". wHeErkas 1. All dat piece and parcel of the property more fully described in the Schedule heregader and hereinafter referred to as “Schedule Property” originally belonged to Late Mrs. Parvathy Ananthanarayanan, wife of late V. P. Anaffhanarayanan, having purchased the same, vide, a tepistered Sale Deed dated 25/7/1964, xegistered io the Sub-Registcar of Thinavallur, as DOCUMENT Mond atte: Bee ea — A 585014 Cr A 585132 enubigtt siOipprG atertg TAMILNADU Rs to oob/ HEMLATA NEVETIA | 1 BANGALORE re fi a { 5° Documefit No.2502 of 1964 in Book I, volume 977 pages 15-17. Mrs. Parvathy Ananthanprayanan, during her lifetime sold a poztion of the Schedule Property and she demiged intestate on 17/1/2006, Upon her demise, the balance portion of the Schedule {Property which comes to 4690 (Four Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety) Square Feet devolved upon the Vendor No.1, Vendor No 2 and Mr V. A Bhaskara (husband of Vendor No.3 and father of Vendor No.4). Upon the death of Mr. Vy A. Bhaskaran on April 4" 2009, Mx. V. A. Bhaskatan’s share in the Schedule Property devolved upon Vendor No.3 and Vendor No.4. 2, The Yendors thus became the joint and absolute owners of the Schedule pale measuring 4690 Sq. Fr. and are now entitled to all income, profits, capitaappreciation and benefits of all kinds and description accruing, arising, and fldwing rom of in relation to the Schedule Property. 3, Pursuant to negotiations and discussions between the Parties, the Vendors have @zteed to sell and transfer to the Purchasers, the Schedule Property and the Puschasers have agreed to purchase the Schedule Property, for an aggregate CUMENT MAPYoar 2010) sl SOD TG afreratgy TAMILNADU Ai Tuy. 9 A 585119 B.Qeodirysh me oe ey TN ee? ap bepovsdaginnt a juseonenurn Ma Pep ahieke sens ane i ap [0303 cas 4 i _ i tes of Rs.12,89,750/- (Rupees Twelve Lakhs Highty Nine Thousand Seven Hundzed & Fifty Only) in the following manner, the receipt and satisfacfion whereof is hereby acknowledged by the Vendors: Che§ue bearing No.720714 dated 20" Aug, 2010 for a sum of Rs.8,60,000- (Rupees Eight Lakhs and Sixty Thousand Only) in favour of Mr. V. Srinivasan dulysconstituted attorney of Vendors, drawn on ICICI] Bank Ltd, Cox Town Branch, Bangalore; Chedue bearing No.720715 dated 31" Oct2010 for a sum of Rs.429750/- Qupees Four Lakhs Twenty Nine Thousand & Seven Hundred & Fifty Only) in fAvour of Mr. V. Srinivasan duly constituted attorney of Vendors, drawn on ICIGl Bank Ltd, Cox Town Branch, Bangalore; =e B Ter od A 585120 Rs (oov0d HEMLATA NEVETIA b BawGp Lore ‘ ; ite Co fi.2o.G Vo ve ' os i 1 : 4 NOW SHEREFORE THIS DEED WITNESSETH AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED AMONGST THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS In consideration of the Purchasers having paid this day, to the Vendoss, the aggdbgate sale consideration of Rs.12,89,750/- (Rupees Twelve Lakh Righty NG Thousand & Seven Hundred & Fifty only), in the mannes detailed abo i Feceipt and satisfaction of which is duly acknowledged by the Vendors, v ae do hereby SELL, CONVEY, TRANSFER and ASSIGN, unto the Pappa ABSOLUTELY AND FOREVER all their right, title, and interest in the Schedule Property and the Purchasers hereby agrees to purchase the samg, free of all encumbrances, and together with all rights, easements and privileges appurtenant thereto and upon the other terms and conditions herein progded. 2 ‘ThevVendors hereby covenant with and assure the Purchasers:~ thatjthe Vendors have good, absolute and sole right, title and interest over the Schedule Property and that it has the fall power and authority to sell, convey, fer and assign the Schedule Property, to the Purchasers, in pursuance of this Deed, without the consent or concurrence oF any other third patty: fn laabb EN 0 1 A ‘ 7 SUlpperG ahertg TAMILNADU RS (oodod HEMLATA NEVE TIA ypc of fis manne 2-208 HG ¥ BANGA toRe a a i -8- a b) th§t the Schedule Property is not subject to any mortgage, charge, len, attachments, claims or other encumbrances or impediments whatsoever and thét the sale of the same to the Purchasers will be free of any such Se etc, and that the Purchasers shall be put to possession of the S edule Property and the Purchasers shall have this day, got full, absolute and enpurmbered tile thereto; thar all the revenues, tents, taxes and other outgoings payable in respect of the Sqhedule Property has been paid upto date and that the khata/patta in respect offthe Schedule Property stand in the name of the Vendors; that the Purchasers will have absolute and unrestricted right, title and interest offer the Schedule Property, without any let or hindrance from the Vendors o any person claiming through; under or in trast for the Vendors and that the Phichasers have been handed over the originals of all tide deeds pertaining to the Schedule Propesty & Sa WAN TN fy A585121 STIS i UUs sibip 5m wferng TAMILNADU [ity 9— F 546634 Rs Soop/-HEM LATA NeveTIA Bi Glgosinad 4 on cen BANGALORE YAANIDIIN.2. O1.08.03-2008 Byardrast, giiipenG a, (9306 & . t a ; i ) that fr Vendors have not assigned or transferred or agteed to assign or transfer any right, title or interest in ot parted with possession of the Schedule Propgety or any part thereof or agreed to assign or transfer or part with possession of the same to any person or patty other than the Purchasers and that ij has not, at any time, done or knowingly suffered ot been patties or privy to any act, deed or thing (either individually o: jointly), whereby the Vendors are of can be prevented from selling, assigning or transferring the Schedule Property absolutely to the Purchasers and putting the Purchasers in possession there & -G- ) that the Vendors will, at its own cost and expense, do such further acts deeds or things or execute such further documents and assurances, if any, as may be calle upon by the Purchasers or as may be necessary, to perfect and clear the unengumbered and absolute, sight, title and interest of the Purchasers to the Schedule Property; i Olonlatan AAG INDIA NON JUDICIAL sulioerG afeerrg TAM fh F 546635 Rs Sooo/4HEMLATA NEVETIA edith, BANGALORE gins t f to _§ that the Vendors hereby indemnify and keep indemnified, the Purchasers, frorn and peninst all and any claims, demands, proceedings, costs and consequence of of relating to any breach of any of the above covenants of the Vendors, the Wendors or any person claiming through, under or in trust for the Vendors, The Vendors further covenant with the Purchasers that in case the Purchasers is deprived of the whole or any part of che Schedule Property hereby sold by eas of any defect found in the title of the Vendots ot any encumbrance of any charge in the same to which this sale is not subjected, the Vendors shall pay to the Purchasers by way of damages or otherwise, twice the sale price paid in cespgct of the Schedule Property and all the consequential losses and damages. cuba» 4 » () { 0 Yow yon? sliopr® aferrg TAMILNADU RS Seed HEMLATA NEVETIA ys jonigntay freee AR IG INDIA NON JUDICIAL pa THOUSAND RUPEES ere ee 546636 ' B.Q eprint - NC POIBNOG? CH ¢ BANGACERE fusousreash, grt 1 by (820T ega. or q 4 -\\- i SCHEDULE 4 Description of “Schedule Property” All thd piece and parcel of the propecty in the registration district of Chengulpatiu, Thirwvallur Sub-Registration District, in Thiruvallur ‘Taluk i» Kaklallie village, beating Site No. 222, in SF.No.224 (dry acre 18.49), having # total extent of 9380 Sq.ft. (of avhich 4690 has already been alienated and the cemainibg postion of the land is admeasuring 4690 Sq.ft.) and bounded on: EastByl SF, No.221; West By. 4690 Sq, ft of the alienated portion of the Site No.222 North By: SiteNo.175 & 177; and South fy Common Road. OC! i » No. [ade a 4 - ie. 1a/ silo pmG ahrrng TAMILNADU ae een F QS Fooof-HENLATA NEVETIA 8 Oeantugs ae i BANGALORE 4 i olde IN WHENESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement 3 Bangaloge, the day and year fisst above written Signed fpr and on behalf of Mrs. Shanta VendorlNo.1 aforesaid, By her duly constiruted attorney Mr. V. $sinivasan Pa \Q Unite GOCUMENT LBA Rtcar 2010 Toial 8 siliggm@ afters TAMILNADU Rs l000/-KEMLATA NEVET IA Ly, aaah saben zutste sfdessamunr arn BAN GARE Meron s,2713/B/25 Sap). 12-8-05 104056 a prseisies’ satipns@ j oe 184s aap L2G Lore 4 - 13> Signed for eden veealior Mr. V. A. Parameshwaran Vendor pe By his duly donstituted attorney a Ms: V. Siinivasan i wr oe Membocta 4 .) G 468185 TAMILNADU F G 468186 RS 1000/-HEMLATA NEVETIA pBANGproRE 4 oy a OAS — tues LEB Love { i ah 4 Signed for agd on behalf of Mrs.Geeta Bhaskatan, Vendor No.g aforesaid, By her duly constituted attorney {) Q mone Mr. V Sriniyasan Memticte. hy Slipper wertg TAMILNADU ~ van yk 002593 Re (S00/-HEMLATA NEVETIA vena crinssen BANG AL eRE is ‘ P\a= Signed for and on behalf of MiVivek Bharat, fendor No.4 aforesaid, By his duly constituted attorney ae ow" Me. V Ssinivasan 5 an Sl J Blo psmG afrerrg TaMiLNaDU SS ~y 988510 Rs t00/- HEMLATA NEVE TIA ieee rarer : Bang Acore _ Signed, and Delivered by Mrs. Hemlata Nevetia + Mr. Sunit Nevetia chasers” aforesaid, 0, we Kemble fer’ dx operty Market Value Rs.14,07,000/- 2 { In the presence of z Ae eck Ae | wi of N. Grtivaton nes aes +e hate ee 3 BORGER x els Arison cae Spore oa 32h oe So» Arosa) Govino Mien Cheol $6 coraseg at: N V, SATHIYAM RTHY DOCUMENT WRITER Licence No: A/SICH (S)/ 2008

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