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Proba te Case No. 08/22.

Ruben Tudu Pe titioner.

De puty Commissioner, Giridih,... Opposite party.
Humble petiti on in the ebove case on

behalf of 1. Umesh Marandi S/o. Late

Roman Marandi, reside nt of Pashupal an

Gali, Chhoti Daulatpur, Munger, Bihar

and Prem Prakash Mar andi S/o. Gamali
Palhass?8 1687/I 28 Meb6203596123
Marendi, resident of village Caychand ,

Jamtara, the only legal re presentaive/

heir of Ila Rani Marandi, since de cease

-d U/O, I Rule 10. (2) read with Section

151 of the C. P. Code.

Most Res pectfully She we ths

1. That, the bove Prcbate Case is coming on for

dis pos el before this honourable.

in tiRe a
2. That, the pe titioner in the above case
obtaining de ath
fraudulent manner and fr audulently
claiming himself
Certificate of Ila Rani Marandi and
executor of an alleged wILL dated 07-1O-2016 which is
fraudulent/fabrica ted filed the above case.

3. That, actually, the petitione rs are the executors

of WILL dated 03-04-2017, the last #ILL executed/ma de

by the Testator, Ila Rani Marandi.

4. That, the petitioners have already filed Pro bat

Case No. 01. of 2023 which is pending before this Hon'ble


5. That, actually, the Petitioners are the. only legal

Representative/he ir and success or-in-interest of Ila

Rani Marandi Since de ceased died on 30-03-2018 at

G. D, Bagaria Sewa Sadan Boro, Giridih.

6. That, for better appriciat ion the Genealogical

Tabl is being given which is as follows -

Gene a logical Table on next paga..

Gomai Marandi Gobind Marandi

Baijnath Kalo Nar Kumar Raman Ruben
Marandi Marandi Marandi Mar andi Marandi
Died Died
Iss ue less Unmarried

Ila Rani Umesh Marandi

(Die d Unmar ried )

Gamaii Marandi Kamal Marandi

(Died issueless )
. Prem Prakash Marandi

7. That, apparently, the petitioners are the only

legal re presentative/heir/successors~in-jnterest of the
estate self behind by Ila Rani Marandi coupled with

the fact that the petitioners are the exe cutors of the

last will made by said Ila Rani Marandi.

8. That, re centlY, the petitioners got informati on on

the basis of geneal notice publis hed by this honourable

ftom He ngamani Murmu of Jh itri, Taratand , Giridihan

MRgA agreenent holder of cne of the pro perties left behind

by saiu Ila Rani Marandi and hence the present petition.

contc. ..P/4
That, the petitioners have got the ir detertine

case and are

interest in properties involved in the a bove

necessary parties.

It is the refore , prayed that
kind enough
honourable court would be

to implead the petitions as part ie s

above case
the oroceeding so that the
to law.
of f according
Ray be disposed

the petitícners shall ever
And for this

Filed on be half
of pe titi one rs.


Dated 18/03/2024.
page .
Affidavit on ext
I, Prem Prakash Marandi, Son of Gama 1i. Marandi,
resident of villege Gaychand, Jamtara, P.S. & Dist.
Jantara, do hereby solemnly declare and affirm as foll ows ;

1.. That, I am aged about S years.

2. That, I am one of the pe titioner in this case.

3. That, the statements made above pe tition has been

dr af ted on Ay ins truction and on ins truction of other
petitioners and weré read over and explained to me/us
in Hindi which are found true and cOrrect to

the best of my/our knowledge, informaticD

and belief.

I, Prem Prakash Marandi, dc hereby verify that the
contents of this affidavit are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge, belief and informaticn
SncIn and $igned at Gir idih dated/% /c3/2024.

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