LTE Final (Nanda)

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A. Make three questions for each type of six intended tests which covers four
skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) in your language test!

These following tests are suited for the 2nd grade of Senior High School
students in Indonesia based on KTSP curriculum. The testing format involves
both receptive and productive skills which have been adapted and developed
from high school text book “Developing English Competencies for Grade XI
of Natural and Social Science Program” by the writer.

1. Receptive Skills

Story is taken from “Developing English Competencies for grade XI of Natural and Social Science Program (BSE)”, p.14

 True of False (reading)

Give your checklist mark (√) of which appropriate statement (true/false)
based on the text above!

Statement True False
Lightning refers to the occurrence of flash
1. of light with not extremely high … …
Lightning is preceded by thunder on it
2. … …
One of lightning process is electricity
3. … …
charge in cloud.
 Matching (Vocabulary)
The following words are taken from the text “What Are Thunder and
Lightings?”, match them to the appropriate synonyms on the right side
based on the text!
Words Synonym
1. Expand widen, enlarge, spread
2. Static stuck, stable, consistent
3. Charge entrust, store, burden

 Multiple Choices (Listening)

(Teaching material in the text book related to expressing request on page
Answer the questions based on the conversation you will hear, listen

Telephone Messages

Woman: Good morning, Parker Industries.

Man: Hello. May I speak to Ms. Graham, please?
Woman: I’m sorry. She’s not in. Would you like to leave a message?
Man: Yes, please. This is Man.
Woman: Is that G-A-L-E?
Man: No, it’s K-A-L-E.
Woman: All right.
Man: Please tell her the meeting is on Friday at 2:30.
Woman: Friday at 2:30.
Man: And would you ask her to phone me this afternoon? My number is
Woman: 555-4040. Yes, Man. I’ll give Ms. Graham the message.
Man: Thank you. Goodbye.
Woman: Goodbye.
Dialogue is taken from

1. What does the man intend of making a phone call?

a. Make an appointment
b. Cancel appointment
c. Postpone an appointment
d. Asked for appointment

2. What is possibility of the woman’s job?

a. Officer
b. Secretary
c. Operator
d. Manager

3. What is the man’s name?

a. Graham
b. Abraham
c. Gale
d. Kale

2. Productive Skill
 Fill in the Blanks (test the Grammar)
(Teaching material in the text book related to response of warning on
page 34)
Listen the dialogue carefully and fill the blanks based on what you have
Note: the bracket words are the missing words
1. While Driving a Car

Andrew: Look out. There’s a tree across the road.

Susan: Oh! We…(had) it. I almost drove over it.
Andrew: Watch out. The electric wire has…(snapped)
Susan: Don’t worry, I am not going that far.
Andrew: It is …(drizling). Be careful. Don’t get wet. You might catch a
Susan: Oh, it’s a light drizzle.

2. Between Friends

Brian: Mind your purse. There are a lot of pick …(pockets) in the city.
Hana: Oh, none can reach my pocket.
Brian: You had better not …(carry) large sums on you.
Hana: I know this city very well.
Brian: I should be careful, if I …(were) you.

3. At the Office

Mr. Chen: Mrs. Kimberly, who …(typed) this letter?

Kimberly: I did it, Sir.
Mr. Chen: There are many …(mistakes) in this letter.
Kimberly: I’m sorry I …(typed) it in a hurry. I shall be more careful.
Mr. Chen: You ought to be. Mind your spelling in more than anything
Dialogues were taken from

 Short Responses (Speaking)

(Teaching material in the text book related to giving opinion on page 85)
1. What do you say if your parent forbids you to use cell phone in a
2. What do you think about the impact of internet for yourself?
3. What is your opinion about Jakartas’ governor as blasphemy suspect?

 Tasks (writing)
1. (Teaching material in the text book related to narrative text on page
Please, rewrite the story “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” based on
your own words!

Taken from “Developing English Competencies for grade XI of Natural and Social Science Program (BSE)”, p.37
2. (Teaching material in the text book related to poster on page 18)
Work in pair, please make a poster used the picture below!

Picture is taken from

3. (Teaching material in the text book related to hortatory exposition on

page 54)
Please work in pairs, search information about the use of ICT in
learning and write your own texts based on them. Follow the outline
below to make the writing more organized.
 Title
 General ideas of ICT in learning
 Why ICT is important in learning I
 Why ICT is important in learning II
 Suggestion to use ICT in learning.

B. Writing Task
Please ask three students to do a task (writing), choose the appropriate
rubric score based on expert then analyze the result with the chosen rubric.
Reply this letter!
Dear son/ daughter,

How are you, son/ daughter? I dreamed about you last night. Do you have a
trouble? Or what happen to your health? I hope you always okay. Allah
always blessed you. Love you son/ daughter.
Your Dad

Accomplishing the task:

1. The author chose high school students as the target of the task.
2. Asked permission from an EFL teacher in SMA 2 Makassar (author’s
fellow) to administer writing task to three students.
3. The task accomplished by students had been analyzed through rubric score
by Heaton (1989) in consideration that it covers 5 indicators in writing
(content, organization, vocabulary, language use and, mechanic) and the
standard in term of criteria is available for High School Students.


1. Content

Score Level Criteria

Knowledgeable  Substantive  thorough
22 – 25 Very good
development of thesis  relevant to assigned topic
Some knowledge of subject  adequate range 
18 – 21 Good limited development of thesis  mostly relevant to
the topic, but lacks detail
Limited knowledge of subject  little substance 
11 – 17 Poor
inadequate development of topic
Does not show knowledge of subject  non-
5 – 10 Very Poor substantive  not pertinent  OR not enough to

2. Organization

Score Level Criteria

Fluent expression  ideas clearly stated/ supported
22 – 25 Very good  succinct  well-organized  logical sequencing 

Somewhat choppy  loosely organized but main

18 – 21 Good ideas stand out  limited support  logical but
incomplete sequencing
Non-fluent  ideas confused or disconnected 
11 – 17 Poor
lacks logical sequencing and development
Does not communicate  no organization  OR not
5 – 10 Very poor
enough to evaluate
3. Vocabulary

Score Level Criteria

Sophisticated range  effective word/ idiom choice
22 – 25 Very good and usage  word form mastery  appropriate

Adequate range  occasional errors of word/ idiom

18 – 21 Good
form, choice, usage but meaning not obscured

Limited range  frequent errors of word/ idiom

11 – 17 Poor form, choice, usage  meaning confused or
Essential translation  little knowledge of English
5 – 10 Very poor vocabulary, idioms, word form  OR not enough
to evaluate

4. Language use

Score Level Criteria

Effective complex constructions  few errors of
22 – 25 Very good agreement, tense, number, word order/
function, articles, pronouns, prepositions

Effective but simple constructions  minor

problems in complex constructions  several
18 – 21 Good errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/
function, articles, pronouns, prepositions but
meaning seldom obscured

Major problems in simple/ complex

constructions  frequent errors of negation,
agreement, tense, number, word order/
11 – 17 Poor
function, articles, pronouns, prepositions and/
or fragments, run-ons, deletions  meaning
confused or obscured
5 – 10 Very poor Virtually no mastery of sentence construction
rules  dominated by errors  does not
communicate  OR not enough to evaluate
5. Mechanic

Score Level Criteria

Demonstrates mastery of conventions  few errors
22 – 25 Very good of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,

18 – 21 Good capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not

Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,

11 – 17 Poor capitalization, paragraphing  poor handwriting 
meaning confused or obscured
No mastery of conventions  dominated by errors
of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
5 – 10 Very poor
paragraphing  handwriting illegible  OR not
enough to evaluate

(Heaton, 1989-146)


Score of Each Component of Writing

No Students
C O V LU M Total
1 A 22 22 19 19 18 100
2 B 23 22 20 21 20 106
3 C 19 18 18 18 17 90
Total 64 62 57 58 55 296
Mean 21.3 20.6 19 19.3 18.3 98.6

Student A: Riska Aulia Nur
Student B: Alivio Maulidya R
Student C: Surya Pratiwi M

The table above shows the score of students toward each component of

writing (content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanic). Dealing

with content, the mean score is 21.3 which are classified as good. In organization,
the mean score is 20.6 which are classified as good. Concerning with vocabulary,

the mean score is 19 which is classified as good. Students’ language use, the mean

score shows 19.3 which is categorized as good. Toward mechanic, the mean

score is 18.3 which are categorized as good. Thus, it could be concluded that the

writing skill of three students’ in SMA 2 Makassar as good.


Author scored the students task based on consideration, as follows:

First, Student A has answered every question on the father’s letter
appropriately. Those question were how are you, do you have a trouble and what
about your health. First question, student A expressed the question “how are
you?” by saying “I’m pretty fine here. Long time no see, dad. How about you?”.
Exactly, expression “I am pretty fine” was to answer the question “how are you”.
Then, expression “long time no see, dad” was kind of greeting politely. The
expression “How about you? Is your job alright?” means student A took her turns
that suppose to do when someone greets you then you should greet back. The
second question, student A expressed the question “Do you have a trouble?”
appropriately by saying “look, I know you have been worried about me too
much…”. The third, student A expressed the question “what happen to your
health??” by saying “I know I’ve been going through a lot this week… ” which
confirmed her condition indirectly to her father.
Besides the way student A answer all the questions, the content in A’s letter
was delivered in such well understanding in term of having some knowledge of
writing a letter and relevant to the topic. In organization, he was adequately
organized, write with logical order but still lack of technical words to jump to
other sentence in paragraph and still confuse to decide a new paragraph but her
ideas stand out. In vocabulary and language usage, she was in adequate range,
having occasional errors of idiom form like “out of money” but the vocabulary
properly chosen, simple constructions sentence, misusing grammar role in line 9,
the words “I’ve been stay strong” suppose to be ““I’ve been staying strong” and
“go” suppose to be “going”, but the meaning not obscured. In mechanic one,
student A doing misuse punctuation in some point, such as misused of dot (.)

twice in line 7 and 8 in the word “.And” which suppose to be “and”. Misusing
paragraph, comma and capitalization in line 9 in the word (now) which suppose to
be (Now,) but it is not as new paragraph.

Next, student B has answered every question on the father’s letter

appropriately. Those question were how are you, do you have a trouble and what
about your health. First question, Student B expressed the question “how are
you?” by answering directly in her first words without so much greeting “to be
honest, I’m not really fine”. Then she moved to answer the second question, “Do
you have a trouble?” appropriately by saying “I felt horrible on my first day at
Uni. Everyone looked smart…Also, I felt in the corridor and everyone was looking
at me”. After confirming the second question directly, she answer question about
“what happen to your health??” by saying “as for my health, I’m fine… ” which
told her condition to her father then he also confirmed her father condition by
saying “How about you, dad?”
Besides the way Student B answer all the questions, the content in A’s letter
was delivered in such well understanding in term of having some knowledge of
writing a letter and relevant to the topic. In organization, he was adequately
organized, write with logical order having technical words to jump to other
sentence in paragraph by saying “Also…, So…, and Though…”, but there was
misused of conjunction (and) in line 6 in the word “you and mom, and how you
cheered me on, and support me..” and properly deciding a new paragraph and her
ideas in the letter stand out. In vocabulary and language usage, she was in good
range the vocabulary properly chosen like “inferior…, horrible…,
embarrassment…, trouble, catch…” simple construction sentences, misusing
grammar found “Is everything’s fine?” which suppose to be “Is everything fine?”
but no obscured meaning. In mechanic one, Student B doing misuse of comma (,)
in line 10 in the word “Though” which suppose to be “Though,”.
Last, Student C has answered every question on the father’s letter. First
question, Student C expressed the question “how are you?” by answering “I am
fine here.” But preceded by greeting like “How are you dad, I hope you always be
healthy. I really miss you…”. Then she moved to answer the second question, “Do
you have a trouble?” by saying “Now, I don’t have any trouble…”. After
confirming the second question, she answer question about “what happen to your
health??” with relating to her father’s nightmare by saying “just believe in her I
am fine… ”.
Besides the way Student C answer all the questions, the content in A’s letter
was delivered in well understanding in term of having adequate knowledge of
writing a letter and still relevant to the topic. In organization, he was adequately
organized, write with logical order but still poor of technical words to jump to
other sentence in paragraph, misused of connector in line 6 by saying “so, that,…”
that suppose to be “then”, many conjunction needed to put in her sentences, but
her ideas in the letter stand out. In vocabulary and language usage, she was still
lack of vocabulary, simple construction sentences, misusing grammar found
“about your dreamed …?” which suppose to be ““about your dream …?” in line
7 “I will strong...” which suppose to be “I will be strong…”, and in line 9 “you
really miss and worried about me.” Which suppose to be ““you really miss me
and you are worried about me.” but no obscured meaning. In mechanic one,
Student C doing misuse of quotation mark in the second line “How are You dad,”
which suppose to be ““How are You dad?”” misuse of comma (,) in line 6 in the
word “So, that,” which suppose to be “So,”. That is all about author’s
consideration in giving score.


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