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Pensamiento Lógico


Campos Bobadilla, Isabel Cristina
Delgado Baca, Elim Cielo
Huacay Yacsahuanga, Fiorela Koraly
Leon Paredes, Nayeli Sandra
Loredo Gonzales, Waleska Paola

Jose Antonio Avila Carrasco

Perú – Chimbote 2024

Mental operations are the cognitive processes our brains use to understand and
interact with the world. They involve tasks like thinking, remembering, problem-
solving, and decision-making. These operations allow us to perceive information
from our senses, organize it in our minds, and use it to make sense of our
experiences. Mental operations also include abilities like attention, perception,
memory, and reasoning, which help us process information efficiently and
effectively. In essence, mental operations are the fundamental functions that
enable us to navigate our daily lives, learn new things, and adapt to different

Mental operations

They are “the set of internalized, organized and coordinated actions, based on which we carry
out the processing of the information we receive” (Feuerstein, 1980). According to Piaget (as
cited in Herrera, 2009) mental operations are “the internalized action that modifies the object
of knowledge and that is constructed and grouped in a coherent way in the constant exchange
between thought and external action.” Children’s knowledge gradually develops from the
simple to the complex. In the beginning the child focuses on himself and then is able to carry
out formal operations. The set of mental operations forms the structural structure of a person.
Elementary operations allow us to gradually reach the most complex and abstract ones.
Furthermore, social interaction supports the achievement of complex mental operations.
Tébar Belmonte (as cited in Cedillo, 2010), defines mental operations as internalized or
externalized actions, an action model or a behavioral process. Through which people elaborate
and process stimuli, they are the result of combining our capabilities, according to the needs
they experience, in a certain orientation. It is becoming aware of how we are thinking or
acting. Operations are categorized into description, definition, division.
1. 1. Evocation: Ability to recall Example: During the first wave of coronavirus, hospitals
a previous experience. were quickly overwhelmed and medical staff were working
at the limit of their strength. Many doctors have not yet
recovered and fear a new wave after Christmas.

2. 2. Identification: It is Example: The national police have arrested A.G.H., 33, for
recognizing the essential an alleged crime of theft of two bicycles that are parked,
and transitory characteristics and with a security padlock, in a garage. Thanks to the
that define objects. Lexical video surveillance cameras in the car park, it was possible
richness conditions our to identify the alleged perpetrator, who had stored the bikes
identification, as well as the in a house in a village in the region, where they were
search and relationship recovered by the police.
between all the parts of the
element we study.
3. 3. Comparison: It is to relate Example: According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
objects, elements or any and Prevention (CDC0), fully vaccinated people who
data, to find their similarities contract COVID-19 can transmit the virus, but are less likely
and differences. We seek to to develop severe illness, be hospitalized, or die, unlike
form spontaneous people who don't get vaccinated.
comparative behavior that
explores all traits in order to
compare them in a
systematic way.
4. Differentiation: It arises from
the activity of comparing.
Discover in that relationship
the uncommon traits, both
relevant and irrelevant. The
ability to discriminate will
depend on our attention,
systematic search, and
lexical level to define these
5. 5. Classification: Relates or
groups the elements of a
whole based on certain Examples:
criteria. This arises out of The chemical elements known in the different groups that
our need or interest. But make up the periodic table of elements, taking into account
always based on the their energetic properties and their behavior with respect to
characteristics shared by the the other chemical elements.
objects we have. To classify, Classification of elements
strategies and means are
used to represent the
internal relationships
between the data: data,
matrices, tables, diagrams.
6. 1. Seriation: The ability to Ejemplos:
sort items according to two Caratulas rectangulares de distintos tamaños
or more criteria. As a mental
process, seriation consists Rectangular covers of different sizes should be placed from
of comparing elements, smallest to largest depending on the dimensions of each
relating them, and arranging one (so, then, you will start with the smallest figure and
them according to their culminate with the largest).
differences. This
arrangement constitutes a
7. 7. Coding: Replaces objects 8. Examples:
with conventional symbols, 9. • The SEGAT (Environmental Management Service
so that manipulation is of Trujillo) proposed an innovative solid waste
facilitated and time and management system, using deposits with specific
effort is saved in the colors for each waste.
processing of information.
The easiest codes are s-
numbers and verbal
numbers. Each discipline
uses specific codes with
specific meanings.
10. 10. Decoding: This is the 11. Example: Is this signal universal?
reverse operation of
encoding. It is a matter of
giving the meaning or
translation of the code. This
relationship is determined by
the meanings and values of
the symbols used.
12. Analysis: It is the mental Example: The prosecutor of the Lava Jato Special Team,
operation that separates the José Domingo Pérez, reported that the information provided
parts that make up a whole. by Telefónica regarding Keiko Fujimori is being thoroughly
It provides elements of verified in detail, after the journalistic complaint that
judgment, knowledge, revealed that the company denied the request without
meaningful information, and having carried out the search.
arguments. Andean

13. 13. Synthesis: It is the Example: When creating a graphic organizer for a topic.
operation that brings
together the parts of the organizadores-graficos/
whole and converts them
back into unity. With the
elements provided by the
analysis, we reconstruct a
new whole.
14. 14. Logical inference: Mental Example: Concentrated community members continue to
operation that allows us to block the entrance to the Las Bambas mine and demand
make deductions from the release of the Chávez Sotelo brothers in order to
previous information. It is the negotiate. Faced with this situation, the mining company
ability to make deductions acknowledges that production has been affected by 6
and create new information million dollars per day. In this sense, it is presumed that the
from perceived data. losses could be high for the mine after a month and the
price of the dollar could fall.
(Diario Correo. 30 – 03 – 2019)

Mental operations are internalized actions that modify the object of knowledge
and are constructed in a coherent way in the constant exchange between
thought and external action. The development of children's knowledge ranges
from the simple to the complex, initially focusing on themselves and then being
able to perform formal operations. Social interaction is fundamental to the
achievement of complex mental operations, which are the result of combining

Enríquez Tarapuez, M. S., & DT-Reyes Reyes, C. (2010). Desarrollo de operaciones mentales
empleando organizadores gráficos en el aprendizaje significativo de matemáticas de las
estudiantes de noveno año de Educación básica del Colegio María Angélica Idrovo. formaci
Graus, M. E. G. (2022). La enseñanza de las matemáticas y el desarrollo del pensamiento en la
Educación Básica. Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores.

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