Year 6 Vocab List

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Year 6
Words & Meaning

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Teacher’s name : YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

1 act To do something.
2 actor Someone who plays characters in movies, TV
shows, or plays.
3 actually Really; used to say what is the true situation.

4 agree To have the same opinion as someone else or to

say yes.
5 air
conditioner A machine that cools down the air in a room.

6 air
The system used to cool and dry the air in a
7 air The invisible mixture of gases that we breathe.
8 airport A place where airplanes take off and land.
9 already Before now or before a certain time.
10 Amazing! Used to say that something is very impressive or
11 ambulance A vehicle used to take sick or injured people to
the hospital.
12 angrily In a way that shows you are upset or mad.
13 anywhere In, at, or to any place.
14 appear To start to be seen or to come into existence.

15 arrive To reach a place.

16 art The creation of paintings or drawings as a form

of expressing creativity.
17 artist Someone who creates art, especially paintings or
18 as Used to describe how something happens or is
19 astronaut A person who travels into space.

20 backpack A bag carried on the back to hold things, used

for school or travel. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

21 baker A person who makes bread, cakes, and pastries.

22 band (music) A group of people who play music together.
23 bandage A strip of material used to cover wounds.
24 bank A place where people keep and borrow money,
and other financial services.
25 beak The hard, pointed part of a bird's mouth.
26 beetle A type of insect with a hard shell-like back.
27 believe To think that something is true or that what
someone says is true.
28 belt A strip of material worn around the waist to
hold up clothes or for decoration.
29 bin A container that you put waste in.
30 bit A small amount or piece of something.
31 borrow To take and use something that belongs to
someone else with the intention of returning it.
32 break To separate into pieces or make something not
33 break time Time when you stop working or studying to rest
or eat.
34 bridge A structure built over something (like a river) so
people or vehicles can cross over.

35 burn To be hurt by fire or heat.

36 burnt Damaged by fire or heat.

37 business Work that involves buying or selling things or
providing services in exchange for money.
38 businessman/
A person who works in business, especially in a
high position.
39 cartoon A drawing or series of drawings that tell a story,
usually funny, in a newspaper or on TV.
40 cereal Food made from grains and eaten with milk,
especially in the morning. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

41 change To make or become different.

42 channel A television or radio station.
43 charity An organization that helps people in need or
supports good causes.
44 cheap Not costing a lot of money.
45 chemist(’s) A shop where you can buy medicine and health
46 climate The usual weather conditions in a particular
47 collect To gather things together from different
48 college A place where people study after high school.
49 concert A performance of music by one or more
musicians or singers.
50 conversation A talk between two or more people, usually an
informal one.
51 could (for sug- Used when suggesting or offering something.
52 creature Any living thing that can move, such as an
animal, fish, or insect.
53 date
(as in A particular day of the month or year.
54 dawn The time of day when light first appears in the
morning, before the sun rises.
55 decide To make a choice about something after
thinking about it.
56 design To make a plan or drawing of something before
it is made.
57 designer Someone who plans how something will be
made, like clothes, cars, or buildings.
58 dinosaur A large reptile that lived millions of years ago.
59 disappear To stop being visible or to go missing.
60 disease An illness caused by infection or a failure of
health rather than by an accident. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

61 dusk The time at the end of the day just before it gets
62 each Referring to every one of two or more people or
things, regarded and identified separately.
63 Earth The planet on which we live.
64 elbow The joint between the forearm and the upper arm.
65 electricity A form of energy used to give power to lights,
machines, etc.
66 elevator A machine that carries people up and down
between different floors of a building.
67 end The final part of something, such as a period of
time, activity, or story.
68 energy The power used for physical or mental activity.

69 engine A machine that converts energy into motion, used

to power vehicles.
70 engineer A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines,
machines, or structures.
71 enter
(a competition) To take part in a contest or competition.

72 environment The natural world in which people, animals, and

plants live.
73 ever At any time.
74 excellent Very good or of high quality.
75 exercise Physical activity that is done to make yourself
stronger and healthier.
76 exit A way out of a place.
77 experiment A test done to learn something or to see if
something works.
78 explain To make something clear or easy to understand by
describing or giving information about it.
79 explore To travel around a place to see what it is like.
80 extinct When a type of animal or plant doesn't exist

81 fall over To accidentally tip or trip and fall to the ground.

82 fast Moving quickly or happening in a short time.
83 festival A special time or event when people gather to
celebrate something.
84 fetch To go to another place to get something and
bring it back.
85 file A box or folder where you keep papers orga-
86 fire engine A large vehicle that carries firefighters and
equipment to put out fires.
87 fire fighter Someone who is trained to put out fires.
The building where firefighters keep their
88 fire station equipment and where they stay when waiting for
a call.
89 flag A piece of cloth with colors or patterns that
represents a country or group.
90 follow To go or come after someone or something.
91 forget To not remember something.
92 free
(no Something that you don’t have to pay for.
93 fresh Something new or recently made, or food that is
not frozen or old.
94 front The part of something that is seen first or
faces out.
95 frozen Turned into ice or very cold.
96 fumes Smoke, gas, or vapor that smells strong or is
dangerous to inhale.
97 fur The thick hair that covers the bodies of some
animals like cats and dogs.
98 future The time or the events that will come after now.
99 gas A type of air or vapor that can be used for
energy or breathing.
100 geography The study of the Earth, including maps, areas,
land, climates, and countries. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

101 get to To arrive at a place.

102 go out To leave a place to go somewhere else, often for

103 group A number of people or things that are put
together or considered as a unit.
104 gym A place where people go to exercise and keep fit.
105 happen To occur or take place.
106 hard Not easy, or firm and solid.
107 health The condition of your body, especially whether
or not you are sick.
108 healthy Having good health and not likely to become ill.
109 hear To receive sound through your ears.
110 history The study of past events, especially in human
111 hole A hollow space in something solid or on the
surface of something.
112 hope To want something to happen and think that it
could happen.
113 how long Asking for the duration or amount of time
something takes.
114 hunt To chase and try to catch or kill an animal for
food, sport, or profit.
115 if Used to talk about a possible condition or
116 If you want! Saying that someone can do something if they
decide to.
117 important Having great significance or value.
118 information Facts or details about a subject.
119 instrument A tool or device used for a particular purpose,
especially for music.
120 invent To create or design something that has not
existed before. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

121 inventor A person who creates something for the first

122 job Work that a person does regularly in order to
earn money.
123 join (a club) To become a member of an organization or
124 journalist A person who writes news stories or articles for
newspapers or broadcasts.
125 journey The act of traveling from one place to another.
126 just Only or simply.
127 kind A type of something.
128 land The part of the Earth’s surface that is not
covered by water.
129 language A system of words and grammar used by people
to communicate.
130 large Big in size or amount.
131 leave To go away from a place.
132 let To allow someone to do something.
133 lie (as in ‘lie To put your body flat on something, usually to
down’) rest.
134 light Not heavy or having a lot of light.
135 litter Trash or waste that is left lying in an open or
public place.
136 London The capital city of the United Kingdom.
137 look like To appear similar to someone or something.
138 machine A device that uses power to perform a
particular task.
139 make sure To confirm something to ensure it is correct or
140 manager A person responsible for controlling or
administering an organization or group of staff. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

maths The study of numbers, shapes, and space using

(US math) reason and usually a special system of symbols
and rules for organizing them.
142 mechanic A person who repairs machines, especially car
143 medicine A substance used to treat illness or pain.
144 meeting An event where people come together to discuss
or decide something.
145 melt To change from a solid to a liquid because of
A hard, shiny substance such as iron, gold, or
146 metal silver which is used to make things like tools and
147 middle The central part of something.
148 million The number 1,000,000.
149 mind The part of a person that thinks, feels, and
remembers things.
150 missing Not present or included when expected or
supposed to be.
151 motorway A major road designed for fast travel by many
152 movie A film or cinema feature.
153 much A large amount or degree of something.
154 must Used to indicate that something is necessary or
very important.
155 natural Coming from nature, not made or caused by
156 news Information about recent events or happenings,
especially as reported by media.
157 newspaper A daily or weekly publication that includes news,
articles, and advertisements.
158 once One time only.
159 online Connected to or available through the internet.
160 other Referring to additional things or ones different
from already mentioned or known. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

161 over More than the expected or required amount or

162 passenger A person who is traveling in a vehicle but is not
driving it.
163 past The time before now, history.
164 perform To carry out a task or function.
(a duty)
165 photographer A person who takes photographs, either as a
hobby or profession.
166 pilot A person who flies an aircraft.
A synthetic material made from various organic
167 plastic polymers that can be molded into shape while
soft and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic
168 platform A raised level surface on which people or things
can stand.
169 police officer A member of the police force.
170 police station The building where police officers work and
where criminals are taken when arrested.
171 pond A small body of still water, typically one formed
172 pour To make a liquid or substance flow out of a
container, typically into another container.
173 prefer To like one thing more than another.
174 prepare To make ready for a specific purpose or event.
175 programme A planned series of future events or
A planned piece of work that is designed to find
176 project information about something, to produce
something new, or to improve something.
177 protect To keep someone or something safe from harm
or danger.
178 quite Fairly or very, but not completely.
179 quiz A test of knowledge, especially as a competition
between individuals or teams.
180 recycle To process used materials into new products to
prevent waste of potentially useful materials. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

181 religion A system of faith and worship, often involving a

belief in a god or gods.
182 remember To have or keep an image or idea in your mind of
something or someone from the past.
183 repair To fix something that is broken or damaged.
184 repeat To say or do something again.
A supply of something that a country, organiza-
185 resource tion, or person has and can use, especially to in-
crease their wealth.
186 right Correct or true.
187 ring A circular band, typically of metal, worn as an
ornament, or the sound a bell makes.
188 rock music A loud, often guitar-based, music genre, typically
with a strong beat.
189 rubbish Waste material or things that are no longer
wanted or needed.
190 rule An instruction that tells you what you are al-
lowed or not allowed to do.
191 save To keep something for use in the future or to
(e.g. energy) stop something from being wasted.
192 save To keep safe or rescue from harm.
The study of the structure and behavior of the
193 science physical and natural world through observation
and experiment.
194 scientist A person who studies or has expertise in science.
195 screen A flat panel or area on an electronic device or at
the front of a room which shows images or data.
196 search To look for something carefully.
197 several More than two but not many.
198 shelf A flat board which is attached to a wall or within
a frame and is used to store things.
199 since From a past time until now.
200 singer A person who sings, typically professionally. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

201 ski To move over snow on skis (long, flat devices

worn on the feet).
202 skyscraper A very tall building of many stories.
A vehicle of various forms, mounted on runners
203 sledge and often drawn by draft animals, used for
traveling or for conveying loads over snow, ice,
rough ground, etc.
204 smell To have a particular quality that others can
sense with their noses.
205 smelly Having a strong or unpleasant smell.
206 so To such a great extent.
207 soon In a short time from now.
208 sound Something that you can hear or that can be
209 sour Having an acid taste like lemon or vinegar.
210 speak To use your voice to say something.
211 special Better, greater, or otherwise different from
what is usual.
212 spot A small area that is different in color or texture
from its surroundings.
213 spotted Marked with spots.
A large structure with an open or partially
214 stadium enclosed area surrounded by tiers of seats for
spectators, used for sporting events and
215 stage The area in a theatre where the actors perform.
216 stay To remain in the same place or condition.
217 strange Unusual or surprising, especially in a way that is
hard to understand.
218 stream A small, narrow river.
219 student A person who is studying at a school or college.
220 study To spend time learning about a subject by
reading, attending classes, etc. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY

221 subject An area of knowledge studied in school.

222 suitcase A case used for carrying clothes and other
personal belongings when traveling.
223 sure Certain or confident.
224 surprise An unexpected or astonishing event, fact, etc.
225 sweep To clean a surface with a broom or brush.
take To require a certain amount of time to do
226 (e.g. ‘it takes something.
20 minutes’)
227 taste To sense the flavor of something in the mouth.
228 thank To express gratitude or appreciation to someone.
229 theatre A building or outdoor area where plays and other
(US theater) performances are given.
230 thousand The number 1,000.

231 through From one end or side of something to the other.

232 tidy Neat and in order.
233 tomorrow The day after today.
234 tonight The evening or night of the current day.
235 traffic Vehicles moving on a road or public highway.
236 train A series of connected vehicles traveling on
237 turn off To stop a machine or a light from operating by
moving its controls.
238 turn on To start a machine or a light by moving its
239 turn To change direction or move something to face a
different way.
tyre A rubber covering, typically inflated or
(US tire) surrounding an inflated inner tube, placed around
a wheel to form a soft contact with the road. YEAR 6 VOCABULARY
241 unfriendly Not friendly.
A high-level educational institution where stu-
242 university dents study for degrees and academic research
is done.
243 until Up to the time of.
244 unusual Not common, rare, or expected.
245 use To apply for a purpose.
246 view The ability to see something or to be seen from
a particular place.
247 washing Clothes or linens that are being washed or have
been washed.
A circular object that revolves on an axle and is
248 wheel fixed below a vehicle or other object to enable it
to move easily over the ground.
249 while During the time that; at the same time as.
250 wifi A system for connecting electronic devices to the
internet without using wires.
251 win To be the most successful in a competition.
252 wish To want something to be true or to happen.
253 without In the absence of.
254 wood The hard substance that forms the main part of
the trunk and branches of a tree.
255 worried Anxious or troubled about actual or potential
256 writer A person who writes books, stories, or articles
as a job.
257 yet Up to now or until a particular time.
258 zero The number 0.
259 zookeeper A person who takes care of animals in a zoo.

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