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"Communication with family and friends.


GSE level: 66 - 70 CEFR level: B2+ Word count: 284 Sentence count: 14

Vocabulary above the level of your text

exorbitant | feasible | recipient | messenger | mode | regardless | coming

Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate with our family and friends. When we compare it with
the communication methods used by our grandparents, we can see a significant difference. We now have
various modes of communication available at our fingertips such as email, text messaging, video calling, and
social media. These technological advancements have made it easier to reach out to our loved ones regardless of
where we are. In the past, letters were the main mode of communication, which took days or even weeks to
reach the recipient. This was not an efficient way of communicating, especially during emergencies. Telephones
were later introduced but were only available to the wealthy, and the cost of long-distance calls was exorbitant.
Social gatherings and get-togethers were the main form of communication between people, which limited
communication to personal contact. Nowadays the availability of smartphones and the internet have made it
much easier to communicate on a day-to-day basis. We can send messages or make calls over apps like
WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger for free, making it an affordable and feasible option for everyone.
Furthermore, video calling is a feature that was not available a few decades ago, but is now a commonly used
tool to conduct meetings and stay in touch with friends and family who live far away. In conclusion, we could say
that it is much easier to communicate with family and friends now compared to our grandparent's time.
Technology will continue to evolve, and who knows what even newer technology will emerge in the coming years
to make communication even more instant and convenient. Nevertheless, the importance of personal
connection and face-to-face interaction cannot be understated.

Other readability measures

ARI Coleman Liau Flesch Kincaid FOG SMOG

12.7 12.7 13.2 17.6 15.6

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GSE Learning Objectives © Pearson Education Ltd 2019

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