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Backend Software Developer - ASP.

Net MVC - Web Applications

Assessment Checklist
1 C# Programming Skills Answer
 Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming concepts (Encapsulation, Inheritance,
Polymorphism, and Interfaces)
 Knowledge of C# Language Syntax and Features
 Knowledge of Lambda Expressions
 Understanding of Delegates
 Knowledge of LINQ (Language-Integrated Query)
 Ability to work with Arrays, Collections and Generics
 Understanding of Exception Handling and Error Logging
 Knowledge of Dependency Injection
 Understanding of Reflections
 Understanding of Extension Methods
2 Web Development Skills
 Understanding of HTTP Protocol and its Methods
 Understanding of Web Standards and Accessibility Guidelines
 Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery
 Knowledge of TypeScript
 Knowledge of Bootstrap Framework
 Understanding of handling of data in JSON and XML formats
 Ability to work with AJAX and Web API
 Understanding of RESTful Web Services
3. Development Tools
 Proficiency in using Visual Studio and its Debugging Tools
 Knowledge of Microsoft TFS
 Understanding of Testing Frameworks like NUnit and Moq
 Understanding of Agile Software Development methodologies like Scrum and Kanban
4. Development in ASP.Net MVC
 Understanding of Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and its benefits
 Ability to create and configure an ASP.Net MVC Project
 Knowledge of the components of an ASP.Net MVC application and their roles
 Familiarity with ASP.NET MVC Pipeline and Lifecycle
 Understanding of HTML Helpers and how to use them in ASP.Net MVC
 Knowledge of Razor View Engine and how to use it to create Views
 Understanding of Routing
 Understanding of Bundles
 Understanding of Minification
 Ability to use AJAX to make asynchronous requests to the Server
 Knowledge of Exception Handling and Error Logging
 Knowledge of Web API and its differences from MVC Controllers
 Knowledge of RDLC
 Knowledge of using Syncfusion Controls for ASP.Net MVC
 Knowledge of Syncfusion Bold Reports
5. Advanced Topics in ASP.Net MVC
 Knowledge of Asynchronous programming using async and await
 Knowledge of Caching and how to use it to improve performance
 Understanding of Filters and how to use them in ASP.Net MVC
 Understanding of Areas and how to use them to organize large applications

6. Database Skills
· Knowledge of Relational Database concepts
· Working experience in Microsoft SQL Server
· Familiarity with Database design principles and normalization
· Experience in using ADO.Net
· Ability to write complex SQL queries and optimize them
· Ability to write Parameterized SQL Queries
· Knowledge of using Indexes for optimization of SQL Queries
· Knowledge of Locking concepts and types of Locking
· Knowledge of SQL Server Filestream
· Knowledge of Common Table Expression (CTE) in SQL
· Knowledge of Stored Procedures, Triggers, and Views

6. Soft Skills
 Strong communication and interpersonal skills
 Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment
 Strong problem-solving and analytical skills
 Willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies and methodologies

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