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Adoption of PVE Oil for R-410A Applications

May 3, 2010 Polyvinylether (PVE) is an innovative refrigerant oil specially formulated for
hydro uorocarbon (HFC) refrigeration systems. In addition to providing
Michael Collins and Brian P.
lubricating properties, it also has a number of other applied advantages that
help to increase the reliability of the refrigeration systems where it is applied.
This article focuses on the use of PVE with R-410A air conditioning applications. It describes PVE oil,
discusses its advantages and disadvantages, and details practical implications associated with its use.

PVE is a synthetic lubricant. (See Figure 1.) Synthetic oils are not inherently better than petroleum-based
lubricants such as mineral oil, but they do offer the ability to easily modify the formulation and produce
molecular weight material with narrow tolerances. This exibility gives the oil very consistent physical

There are a number of items other than the lubricating properties that must be considered when choosing
the most appropriate oil for a given application. The miscibility (i.e., ability to mix in all proportions with
the refrigerant), viscosity, chemical stability, hydrolytic nature (i.e., tendency to breakdown in the
presence of moisture to form acids), hygroscopicity (i.e., tendency to absorb moisture from the
atmosphere) and compatibility with other compounds in the refrigeration system are all items that need to
be considered.

PVE oil provides equal to or better properties for each of these categories when compared with alternative
lubricants such as polyolester (POE) oils for R-410A air conditioning applications. Thus, PVE oil not only
provides better lubrication, but also provides additional applied bene ts such as improved miscibility, no
hydrolysis, and better chemical stability when compared to alternative lubricants.
Figure 1. (Figures courtesy of Idemitsu Lubricants.)
PVE is a polymer-based lubricant consisting of chains of monomers. The composition and ratio of these
monomer units provide some of PVE’s unique properties such as better stability and better lubrication.
The polymerization of these chains in combination with speci c extreme pressure (EP) additives hold up
better under the high pressures typically found at bearing surfaces. The polymer-based chemical structure
also makes it easier to tailor the oil with different viscosity and miscibility properties. This, along with the
absence of carbon-oxygen double bonds, contributes to the chemical stability found with PVE oil.

In contrast, POE oil requires more constituents and carries carbon-oxygen double bonds in its structure
that, when fully formulated as an end product, provide for a less stable material.

Figure 2.
PVE has also proven to be more effective when used with speci c additive packages. Refrigerant oils often
rely on additive packages to enhance the lubricating and stability properties of the oil. Typical
formulations include anti-wear additives, also known as EP additives, as well as oxidation inhibitors or
anti-abrasion agents. The oxidation inhibitors are added to protect system components from oxidizing
during normal wear. Anti-wear or EP additives are agents used to increase the lubrication properties of the
oil by forming thin oil-soluble lms that protect against metal-to-metal contact.

The additives have also been found to be more effective at lower concentration levels and tend to stay in
the formulation longer. The relatively low additive concentrations result in less impact on other oil
properties and also contribute to the stability of the PVE oil.

The chemical structure of PVE was formulated by combining the ether-based raw materials in such a way
as to achieve electrical resistivity comparable to POE and mineral oils. The inherently low polarity of PVE
also contributes to the stability of the additive agents.

Figure 3.
Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction that occurs with moisture and results in the formation of acids that are
detrimental to the reliability and performance of the system. It is virtually nonexistent with PVE
lubricants, but has been an issue with POE oils in certain applications.

Refrigeration systems are often ideal environments for hydrolysis due to the combination of moisture,
heat, and other contaminants that can act as catalysts. Once in the system, the acids can start to
deteriorate motor insulation and other nonmetallics (e.g., elastomer seals) found in the compressor and
other system components. Hydrolysis in POE oils will also result in the production of an iron carbonate
soap, which can coat and plug up lters and other system components, negatively impacting the
performance and reliability of the refrigeration system.

Figure 2 shows the results of an autoclave test conducted on both POE and PVE oil mixtures with R-410A.
The autoclave consists of a sealed test chamber where the contents are subjected to heat, moisture, and
pressure. The total acid number (TAN) provides a representation of the acid level in the oil. As the results
show, hydrolysis is virtually nonexistent with the PVE oil mixture, which improves system performance
and reliability.

Figure 4.
To a large degree, PVE oil is compatible with other refrigerant lubricants and residual process oils that may
be left over from the machining and processing of the refrigeration components. This allows for fewer
concerns during the manufacturing process if speci c parts are not completely clean from assembly or
machining oils. Furthermore, since PVE oil has a similar chemical backbone structure to mineral oil, it
allows for an easier retro tting process from chlorine containing refrigerants such as R-22. During the
retro t of a hydrochloro uorocarbon (HCFC) system, it may not be necessary to include an extensive
ushing procedure; rather, a simple draining of all oil will suf ce.

In order to determine the compatibility of PVE with those materials commonly used in refrigeration
systems, a series of compatibility tests were conducted. The tests were conducted with materials listed in
Figure 3.

Figure 5.

In all cases, the results for PVE showed better than or equal compatibility when compared to POE
lubricants. In regards to the elastomers, PVE showed signi cantly lower expansion rates and less color
change compared to the POE. No compatibility issues were observed with the motor materials. Even with
high moisture content, the PVE oil showed good stability and compatibility.

Figure 4 shows a variety of physical properties of PVE and POE oil mixtures over a range of relative
concentrations. The results show consistent properties over the concentration range from 100 percent PVE
to 100 percent POE.

An autoclave test was also conducted on the ve concentration levels from 100 percent PVE to 100 percent
POE in 25 percent increments. The only signi cant change observed was the increasing acid levels found
at higher POE oil concentration with 100-parts-per-million water content. These results are shown in
Figure 5. As a general rule, up to 10 percent residual POE oil in a system will not affect properties of PVE,
thereby making system upgrades and retro ts feasible for system operators.

Figure 6.
The lubricating properties of the refrigerant oil can be tested using a Falex tester. A schematic of the Falex
test is shown in Figure 6, on the left-hand side. The xture consists of a round pin that is rotated within a
twin V-block. Two independent tests were conducted, a wear test and a test to seizure. The conditions for
each test are also shown.


The Falex test was conducted with R-410A and PVE oil and repeated with R-410A and POE oil. The results
for both tests are shown below and demonstrate the superior lubricating properties associated with the
PVE lubricant.

Figure 7.
PVE has superior miscibility with R-410A compared to POE. It is completely miscible with R-410A at most
operating pressures as shown in the right-hand graphic in Figure 7. PVE is completely miscible on the low
side of the system. This helps oil return to the compressor and also limits coating of the evaporator
surfaces since the oil remains mixed in and not separate from the refrigerant. PVE also has a smaller
immiscible region at higher operating pressures when compared with POE oil. These are signi cant
advantages for OEM manufacturers looking to increase equipment performance at part-load operating

Figure 8a.
Both PVE and POE oil are very hygroscopic (i.e., tend to absorb moisture from the surrounding
environment) and as such require special handling precautions to limit the amount of moisture absorbed
into the oil. While the moisture-carrying capacity of PVE is up to four times greater than POE (see Figure
8), the rate at which the oil will absorb moisture is heavily dependent on the following:

• The surface area to volume ratio of the oil. The larger the surface area left open to the atmosphere, the
higher the rate of absorption and the ultimate saturation level.

• The amount of time the oil is left open to the atmosphere. Factory production and eld servicing
procedures should minimize the amount of time the inside of the system is left open to the atmosphere.
Figure 8b.

• The moisture level in the surrounding air. As expected, the amount of moisture absorbed is much higher
during a humid summer day than a cold, dry winter day. Extra precautions should be taken when the
system is open to humid environments.

It is possible to have the oil moisture level measured by sending an oil sample out for analysis. There are
several companies that provide this service. Results typically provide moisture content in parts per million
in addition to information regarding the acid level and other contaminants.

So, while PVE oil is more hygroscopic than POE oil, the moisture is less of a concern since PVE does not
break down to form acids. The moisture can also be removed more easily from PVE oil than from POE oil.
While it is never desirable to have moisture introduced into a refrigeration system, the oil-handling
procedures used with POE oil systems are generally suf cient for systems using PVE. No additional
handling procedures or precautions should be required for PVE applications.

Figure 9.
Figure 9 summarizes the major characteristics of PVE and POE oil in an R-410A refrigeration system. PVE
is equal to or better in all characteristics when compared with POE oil.

Because of its lubricating properties and other applied bene ts, the use of PVE refrigeration oil for all
types of HFC applications has been growing around the world. It is particularly popular in R-410A air
conditioning applications in Asia and is also being utilized for CO2 systems. This versatile oil is being
speci ed by more and more refrigeration and air-conditioning system manufacturers around the world. As
would be expected from the increased usage, the commercial availability of PVE oil is expanding, and
many large distribution wholesalers are beginning to stock the oil to meet the aftermarket requirements.

Publication date: 05/03/2010

Michael Collins is an application engineer with Bitzer Scroll,

and Brian P. Debbaudt is a chemical engineer with Idemitsu
Lubricants America Corp.
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