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Hybrid PLC&RF

Extended capabilities for the smart grid and IoT!

The G3-PLC Hybrid is the first industry hybrid standard offering extended capabilities for smart grid
and IoT applications in one seamlessly managed network over both wired and wireless media.
Customers want the best of both worlds– so creating a single industry standard for hybrid networking
is a significant step forward. This provides the capability for DSOs, product manufacturers and
industry partners to apply/offer interoperable solutions, reducing the complexity and cost of network
The hybrid protocol stack is built using open standards IEEE 802.15.4-2015 in addition to the
existing G3-PLC protocol. Each device in the mesh network can use PLC as well as RF for the
communication. Depending on the actual conditions in the field, messages between two devices are
sent over the ‘best’ available channel. The channel selection for each link in the network is done
automatically and adjusted dynamically. In many grids, none of the communication technologies can
consistently realise connectivity >99% on their own. The hybrid solution maximises coverage &
connectivity and avoids the very high cost of realizing the remaining 1% connectivity. This way, the
hybrid profile can provide a more efficient and cost-effective solution for smart grids, smart cities and
industrial applications.
The hybrid also opens up new use cases as it extends the connectivity of G3-PLC to RF-only
devices. For example communication with In-Home Displays, keypads for prepaid solutions,
environmental monitors, lighting controllers, industrial sensors and communication with water & gas
The G3-PLC Hybrid profile is fully compatible and interoperable with existing G3-PLC
implementations, so it is possible to mix hybrid and non-hybrid nodes.
The G3-PLC Hybrid is available for all PLC bandplans (CENELEC A/B, FCC and ARIB) and
supports a wide range of ISM bands worldwide and we will expand to more frequencies in future.
Interoperability has been demonstrated in a plugfest among the chipsets from 5 leading international
manufacturers. The specification for the hybrid profile has been finalised and is available for
members on the G3-PLC Alliance website.
The G3-PLC Alliance certification program includes hybrid PLC&RF and certified hybrid devices are
available and listed among the certified devices on this website.

Related documents
G3-PLC Hybrid – Extended capabilities for the smart grid and IoT July 2020
G3-PLC Hybrid: Extended capabilities for smart grid and IOT! (Article Smart Energy International,
October 2020)
Press release July 2020: G3-PLC Alliance marks Major Milestone in developing the first Hybrid PLC
& RF Communication Standard!
ISPLC 2020_G3-PLC Alliance Keynote_Hybrid communication April 2020
ADDGrup field experience with G3-PLC Hybrid in toughest conditions

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