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Phenolic- OH

Identification of functional group present in a given organic sample:

➢ Physical characteristics:
i) Physical state: Solid crystalline
ii) Colour: Flesh coloured
iii) Odour: Characteristic odour
iv) Solubility: Soluble in water
➢ Indicatory test:
Experiment Observation Inference
A pinch of the organic compound was The solution turns violet Phenolic -OH group is
dissolved in water and 1-2 drops of neutral present
ferric chloride solution was added to it.

➢ Confirmatory test:

Experiment Observation Inference

A pinch of organic compound was Orange dye formed Phenolic -OH group is
dissolved in NaOH solution in a test tube present and confirmed
and was cooled to 0-50C in an ice bath. In
another test tube, 0.5mL aniline was taken
and dissolved in dil. HCl. The solution was
cooled to 0-50C and cold NaNO2 solution
was added to it. The two solutions were
mixed together.

Conclusion: So, the given organic compound contains phenolic -OH (Ph- OH) group.

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