FMT BHALAni Question and Answer

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A+B :9) 4 yx 4) 5) +C=2Hous Section A Marks : 8 SECTION - A — (MCQ) Fill (dark) the appropriate empty circle below the question number once only. Use blue | black ball point pen only. Each question carries half mark. A student will not be allotted any marks if he/she overwrites, strikes out or puts white ink on the circle once filled (darkened) Do not write anything on the blank portion of thé question paper. If written anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair _ means. . 4, 1. The obturator foramen in female is (16x%=8) b) Dried blood and rust ¢) Arterial and venous en d) All of the above b)_round _-of triangular 4. Human hair can be differentiated from a animal hair by icular Index 2. To become a competent witness, a A ae 2} > . ? person should attain the age Fs 4 a ; d) All of the above “ slide 5, Fixation of postmortem staining would d) None of these ‘stains is done to differentiate between Human and Animal 3. Precipitation test with suspected blood take place in a) 3 to 4 hours ) Carbolic acia ©) Cannabis NGrvvin 13. Melt brown reflex from anterior capsule can be ag elicited in poisoning Mevtuna DY” Mercury 2 ©) Methy! atconay 12 \4470 @) LsD fe, 14, The subdural hemorrhage occurs due AY Pupture ot bridging ana ‘communicating veins a) Arsenic b) Rupture of Berrys aneurysm ©). Rupture of middle meningeal artery dq) Rupture of superior sagital sinus 15. The most characteristic internal finding jn wet drowning is a) Water in stomach 29, Froth in trachea ¢) Mud and sand particles in terminal bronchioles d) Diatoms in the lungs 16. Specific antidote in dhatura poisoning is @) Hyoscyamine PY” Physostigmine ©) _Atropin d)_None of the above SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 1-4, 11-c, Be #3-b 4-0 3 12-d, 5-b, 6-a 7-b, 8-a 19-2, 14-a, 15-b, 16-b ("ae uration : Section A + B+ © = 2 HOUTS Total D SECTION -A 4.1. The Doctor should volunteer @ statement if he thinks that a) He will not get the conduct money b) Witness will turn Hostile Scanned with CamScanner SF oF aes ne @ ora oY a ow ‘Scanned with CamScanner J 7. Fracture a la signature is a) Gutter fracture 6) Depressed fracture ©) Ring fracture @) Sutural fracture 8. Filigree bun occurs in 4) Lightening Electrocution Vitriolage Scanned with CamScanner two doch t® MTP Act, opinion of Is of when pregnancy @) 06 weeks b) 10 weeks ©) more than 12 weeks AY more than 20 weeks 2. Rave drug is a) Cannabis b) Cocaine ©) Heroin 4) Methamphetamine 3. What is matched in cases of organ transplantation ? a) Blood group by HLA ©) mDNA d) RNA 4. Section 176 CrPC related to. a) Coroner inquest ‘by Magistrate inquest ©) Police inquest 4) Summons 5. A lady died due to unnatural death within marriage. The a caee on be done by a) Assistant Sub-Inspector of police b) Coroner ) Forensic Medicine expert ¢)/Sub-divisional magistrate 6. Dying dectaration comes under J a) Section 30 crPC 365 >) Section 32 Crpc ©) Section 30 IPC 4) Section 32 IPC 7. Ricin Is obtained from Caster seed b) Croton seed ©) Marking nut 4) Poppy seed 8. System of identifying and utilizin Fingerprints is called is 5 ) Anthropometry b) _Bertillon system 9° Gatton system @) Poroscopy 9. Underwater autopsy of heart is done in cases of _2F Air embolism b) Myocardial infarction ©) Pneumothorax 7 d) Pulmonary embolism 10. Exhumation can be done in india a) after 02 years b) after 07 years c) after 10 years _8F no time limit 41, The test of historical importance to detect respiration is a) Diaphanous test b) |-card test ¢) Magnus test Winslow test Bee een eee 12. Cafe coronary refers to death in intoxicated person during meals is due to ) cardiaé arrest b) hocking ©) smothering d) Suffocation 13. Brain of cartridge is a) Black powder AY Primer c) Projectile d) Smokeless gun powder 14. In Polygraph test, GSR stands for a) Galvanic Sensor Radiation Total Duration : Section A +B + C = 2 Hours SECTION — A — (MCQ) 4. 1. Commonest source of extradural 4. A dead body is found to hemorrhage like branching of a tree on fro a) Middle meningeal artery chest. Most likely ’ a b) Charcot's artery could be c) Basilar artery % d) Middle cerebral artery 2. According to ‘rule of 9’, perineum constitute 4% burns c) 18% bums b) 9%burns —d) . 27% buns. Scanned with CamScanner a y os 'n artificiay ; Semen is intros Nation = a) 1m b) 2m ©) Sm. qd) 10 mI = ineratane®S resembling blood stain @) Rust stains 5) Vegetable stains ©) Mineral stains 4d) All of the above 8. Stomach wall shows ‘flea bitten’ appearan a) "Lead poisoning ») Arsenic poisoning ©) Mercury poisoning d) Abrus Precatorius poisoning ‘red velvety’ or ce in 9. More than 40% Alcohol is present in # Whisky (40-5 7 Jy, b) Wine (wy) c) Champagne d) Strong Beers | 9. -%/. ) 40. Abrus Precatorius Symptoms Viper bite b) Cobra bite ) Dathura Poisoning d) All of the above triad of coma, pinpoint pupils and ot Seratory depression is almost nomonic of : ‘ay Opiate poisoning 3-b, W-a, 1-a 2-a 4-6, 12-b, 13-8 12. McNaughten was a a) _Nihilistic Delusions hi Delusions of Persecution ©) Delusions of Grandeur @) None of the above 13. Yellow color of contusion is due to va Bilirubin b) Hemosiderin — (4 yas ¢) Hematoidin >) crt 2 d) ae Sor 14. Chop wounds are caused by a) Blunt object b) Sharp object 9) Sharp heavy object d) Pointed object 15. Gunshot residue on hands can be detected by : a) Phenolphthalein test Designation eto stiffoess ©) Trounay 8. cuts anserine ie du pas Mor 7” ss S°mmon pattern tinger print at actor pony b) Biceps ny, 1819) 2 Yer ©) Cremaster > Loops d) Diaphragm “ewrunpy cncrnennneannunnmalgea|numuiinn COOLIO RU OLLLAULLLLLLLLLLULT ILA 6, A person was brought by police fram railway platform, He ts having dry mouth with hot skin, dilated pupll staggering gait, slurred & Mrelevant Speech. The most probable diagnonts \s (519) a) Alcohol intoxication ng Organophosphorous poisoning bv) Carmates: por Dhatura poisoning 7. Colour of PM Lividity is Cheery red in poisoning due to 1519) 8) Bhosphorous ‘Carbon monoxide: ©) Lead 4) Sindoor 8. Sin of Gomorrah is [519] a) Sodomy by Bestality <9 Bsa cots d) Sadism a.antindeon pe, Gt entrain crimes cu ‘b) ead bison d) Organophosporaus so, dinpening ‘fue a:fean, 1 BUR by 1519] faces 3 Gar a7 Frame 11. Superimposition technique for identification of a dead person can be evrernnacrsssommnnnanamanel ea} WN densa ceecnecruraeny carried out from ‘Shut by) Potas Pomar 1) All of the nbove in powder contains [319] 12, Smokete a) Nite acd bh) Potanslum pertnanganate a 13. Bagsdola is A arangtatng nach bf 1519] by Smothering Lynching 4) Homicdal Hanging 44, Which of the following section of 1.P.C deals with criminal responsib! of an insane Secon th ) Section #5 Gy Section BB d) Section 302 45. Precipitin test is useful in identification of, 1819] Ff species b) Race ©) Blood ) Hemaglobin 16. The positive sign of pregnancy is [S19] a) Quickening b)_ Amenorthoea ULILOL LL A+B + C= 2 Hours pat owetion ® Section SECTION - A — (MCQ) inishment of imprisonment upto 7 rors care be awarded DY Chet Judicial Magistrate judicial Magistrate of 1st class judioal Magistrate of 2nd class Taluka Executive magistrate f) a a the physician diagnoses pulmonary garcinoma in a patient being treated for najor depression and hence after consulting other Physician ne withholds this communication with the patient, he was performed a duty of : a) Professional secrecy —-Pavieged Communication Therapeutic privilege 2) General duly of a. RMP 1, Adoctor fails to inform the patient about side effects of drugs, patient develops rash but does not inform, the doctor sees but does nothing; although the patient is negligent he can sue the doctor under : 8) Avoidable consequence rule b) Calculated nisk doctrine 6) Bes ipsa Loquitor fa Glear Chance doctrine 4. All are used for determination of ‘Sex’ from bone EXCEPT a) Crural index 5) Sciatic notch index 9) Corporobasal index 4) Stemal index wa naindrome 's which the anatomical tenn iute (5 male, but the nuclear 1ing 15 femate 8) Tumers syndrome AF Hinetotters syndrome 9 3 True Hemmaphiodite Pseudonermaphrodite a

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