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Describe pictures in the Duolingo English Test –

Sample Answers
Sample Answer #1

It’s a close-up picture of three different-colored horses standing in a meadow with air flowing smoothly.
The horses on the right and left sides are brown in color, and the middle one is black in color. Also,
there is a tinge of white hues on their faces. In this picture, it can also be seen waving grass and little
white flowers.

Sample Answer #2
This image illustrates a female teacher and a group of female students who have worn school dress in
a classroom setup. That educator is sharing information or asking questions to her students in a
standing position. The students are sitting on the ground, and the surrounding is lush green. Out of 6,
two students are raising their hands to answer something.

Sample Answer #3
This picture illustrates a hot air balloon with a written ‘Pealz Gas’ in capital letters on it. The hot air
balloon color is red, white, and yellow. Also, it’s in the middle of a plowed field – rising slowly towards
the sky – with some trees visible from far behind it. A few things or people can be seen in the balloon’s
basket. As the field is slant and the background has mountains, it can be said that the balloon is
placed in a hill region.

Sample Answer #4
This image portrays a seal (or sea lion) with white whiskers. The aquatic animal is coming out of the
water and has created waves around it. Its skin is wet and shiny. Looking at his sleepy eyes, it can be
guessed that he is in a relaxed mood and the surroundings are not crowded. This Seal is swimming or
enjoying its calm time during the day.

Sample Answer #5
This picture vividly illustrates an explicit blue lake enclosed by snow-capped mountains in the
background and a lush green forest surrounding its waters. The shadows of the picturesque
mountains, trees, and clean sky can be observed in the transparent water of the lake. Furthermore,
maybe this picture was shot in the morning or afternoon when the mountain tops look filled with shiny

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