Procedure For Integration of IEC 61850 Compliant Relay in GE BCU Gateway

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Procedure for Integration of IEC 61850 Compliant Relay in GE BCU

Integrating Bus Reactor-2 Differential relay (IED_BR2DIFF) in Rourkela


a. ICD File of relay (XML Schema version 1.4 with configuration of Report control blocks)
b. Latest BCU Gateway Database (.mpc file) and Compatible SCE software version
c. Signal configuration details (Signal Name, IEC-60870-5-104 Address, IEC-61850 Address)


I. Loading of Relay XML file in database-

1. Compatible SCE Version is required for opening BCU gateway database (.mpc file), in case of
Rourkela required version of SCE is 5.15.43, run this software as administrator.

2. Open editable version of database and select directory

Select File→ Click on Open
Open Directory of database → Select database →click on open

3. Import XML File for new relay-

Select data on tool bar→select IEC 61850→select Manage IED

Import Required ICD file i.e IED_BR2DIFF:

Click on Import →Select directory where ICD file is saved

Imported xml file can be seen in below image:
II. Adding Generic IEC61850 IED-

1. Select system Group → Double click on IEC61850 gen IED

Generic IED added and relay information is to be edited as per actual:

2. Relay Name, Relay IP, Signal Name, Signal IEC-60870-5-104 address and IEC 61850 address
3. Updating Relay information in generic IED:

III. Linking of Imported xml file with generic IED:

1. Select data → IEC61850 → Manage IED

2. Select imported xml file → select IED → Click on SET

All the related data of relay viz logical nodes, reports, SCL release version has been loaded.
3. Link substation
Click on is located in → select Rourkela substation → click on ok

4. Select Profile for Device Links:

Click on Device Link → Select Profile 14:S SP hlA IED Comm

IV. Signal Configuration

1. Addition of signals pertaining to relay- Adding 86A Operated Signals

Following are the signal wise details -

2. Present configuration of 86A Trip Relay optd signal- In the case of Rourkela substation hard
wired existing signals are being shifted to soft signal and our aim is to map the through relay
over IEC 61850 protocols.
Following is the present configuration status of 86A Optd Signal:
425 Bay is under 400kV tab of Rourkela Substation

86A Trip Relay optd signal is under Protection tab with 104 address- 1062 and hard wiring detail.
3. Signal configuration when reporting through relay
Adding new generic bay under 400kV:
Click on 400kV → Double Click on Generic Bay

After adding the generic bay changes will be done in short and long name -

Similarly add Generic module by selecting generic Bay.

Linking IED for signal handling-

Click on is managed by → select required IED → Click Ok
Mention the Profile for Order Running-
Click on order running→ select used profile → 285: SP hla RST/SET

4. Removing Old configuration of signal and configuring the same under new generic bay

Select Signal → Cut after right click

Pasting the signal in new module-

Select Generic Module under New generic Bay → Paste the signal

Signal with 1062 address is now under new Bay (IED_BR2DIFF)

5. Linking 61850 address with signal and 61850 address is mentioned in signal details

Select IED → Go to 61850 Logical node → Select Edit relations

Search for the signal where this 61850 address is to be linked → Select → Apply

Newly configured signal reporting through 61850 compliant IED-

6. Client- Server Auto linking
Select Ethernet network → Right Click → Select Auto-link client/server

7. Report Control Block linking with Gateway and SMT

Select first RCB → click on is used by 61850 physical device → Select Main gateway
Select second RCB → click on is used by 61850 physical device → Select SMT → Ok

V. Generation of Database for Gateway-1

1. Checking for errors:
Edited Database must be error free, so to ensure the same checking of database is required
Click on File → select Check
Showing zero errors

2. Check in and Generating Database:

Click on File → select Check in

Check in version is showing next version 3.0.36, because in the database directory 3.0.35 version
is already kept.
Write the editing comment → click on ok
3. Generating the checked in version of database:
Open New .mpc file with version 3.0.36

After opening the file → select generate

Select folder where database is to be generated

Run the database generation for all devices

Final generated file is highlighted which is to be loaded in Gateway.
VI. Generation of Database for Gateway-2

1. Similarly, Database is to be generated for Standby gateway.

As BCU Database configuration is kept in hot-hot mode, at a time only single gateway is
configured in database.
Old configuration for main gateway-

Standby Gateway details updated- IP and Name

2. IP address is to be changed for all three masters-

NTAMC Master Main Gateway / Standby Gateway - 172.XX.XX.170 / 172.XX.XX.171
RTAMC Master Main Gateway / Standby Gateway - 172.XX.XX.186 / 172.XX.XX.187
BNTAMC Master Main Gateway / Standby Gateway - 172.XX.XX.178 / 172.XX.XX.179

Go to SCADA networks under RRKLAGTWS (Stby Gateway)→ Select NTAMC Master → Click on
protocol tab → Change IP
All master IP are to be changed in similar manner

3. Linking new report control block with Standby gateway

Linked Standby Gateway with 3rd RCB
4. Check in and generate database for Stby gateway
Go to File on tool bar → select Check in → create version 3.0.37 for stby Gateway →mention in
comments → click Ok
Open new .mpc file (3.0.37) and generate the standby gateway database as per steps mentioned
in point no. 19.

5. Following are the final generated files for loading in gateways:

VII. Loading of Database in Both gateways

Steps for database loading in both gateways are to be performed in coordination with

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