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Prepared by Arulkumar Singaraveloo

HR Consultant;

Company Memo
To All Employees

From Mr. XXX, Human Resources Manager

Date 15 July 2020

Re Emergency Leave & Annual Leave

Dear Employees

It has been bought to our attention on the rampant and excessive application of Emergency Leaves.
The Company also wishes to draw your attention to the Company’s policy on Annual Leave which
requires employees to apply for leave ahead of time.

Emergency Leave is typically used in situations such as sudden illness or death of a family member,
babysitter’s unavailability, motor vehicle accident on the way to work, or other situations where your
presence is required. We understand that at times due to these emergency situations (or last-minute
urgency) you may be required to be away from work. The Company do accommodate such request
provided it is controlled and used responsibly to ensure the business operations runs smoothly with
minimal hiccups.

In view of this, the Company has made some changes to the conditions of the Annual Leave and
Emergency Leave application. Effective 1 August 2020, the below shall be the new guideline and
conditions of Annual Leave & Emergency Leave applications.

1. Annual Leave application shall be made at least five (5) days prior.

2. Annual leave applications that does not fulfill the above condition shall be treated as
Emergency Leave.

3. The maximum days of Emergency Leave allowed for each employee is five (5) days per
calendar year.

4. Emergency leaves exceeding five (5) days in a calendar year shall be classified as Unpaid
Leave (UL).
5. Employees without prior leave approval who could not turn up to work on emergency reasons
are required to call their immediate superior at the beginning of the business day to explain
their absence. Informing another person(s) other than their immediate superior is not accepted
and shall be deemed as not informing the immediate superior. The Company may:

a. Approve the application and the employee shall submit the application for Emergency
Leave within three (3) business days upon returning to work. Failure to submit the
application within the stipulated time, the leave taken shall be classified as Unpaid

b. Reject the application without assigning any reason whatsoever and the employee
shall report to work no later than one (1) hour after being notified on the decision by
the immediate superior. The Company may take disciplinary action for being late to
work or take into account the time not worked in the salary calculation.

6. For Employees who are already at work and need to leave immediately for emergency reasons
are required to seek approval from their immediate superior. The Company reserves the right
to reject such application without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Other terms and conditions stated in the Employee Handbook shall remain unchanged.

We trust you will observe the above and your cooperation is highly appreciated. Should you have any
clarification, kindly contact the Human Resources Department.

Thank you

Human Resources Manager

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