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SECURITY Col Arvinder Singh is an alumnus

of College of Defence Management,
CHALLENGES Secunderabad. Commissioned in
Corps of Engrs, he has vast exposure
IN THE INDIAN in Combat Engrs, BRO and MES.
He has been Col Pers at Engineer-in-
OCEAN REGION Chief’s Branch looking after Cadre
Management issues of the Corps. He
is presently Senior Research Fellow at
Centre for Joint Warfare Studies.

Introduction that ranges from political turbulence on

one end, to threats from piracy, terrorism
The Indian Ocean region is growing in
and transnational crime on the other. The
strategic importance and perceived by
region has become ripe for geostrategic
many as the emerging center of gravity in
competition due to the presence of
the strategic world. In the words attributed
mutually distrustful littorals, which have
to the maritime strategist Alfred Thayer
Mahan: “Whoever controls the Indian prevented the creation of overall security
Ocean will dominate Asia, the destiny of architecture, despite similar priorities and
the world will be decided on its waters”. a common interest in maritime operations.
This is particularly true in the context of Multilateral forums, such as the Indian
the struggle for gaining maritime influence Ocean Rim Association for Regional
in the region. The activity in the Indian Cooperation (IOR-ARC), formed in
Ocean region is defined by extensive March 1997, have an economic agenda
trade, energy transfers and a spectrum and are presently widely considered
waning. The fate of numerous regional waters into neighboring seas is both
or sub-groupings is better in some cases facilitated and potentially constrained by
as they cater exclusively to regional chokepoints. The key chokepoints in the
aspirations. China has been making IOR are the Mozambique Channel, the
increased forays into the Indian Ocean Bab el Mandeb, the Strait of Hormuz, the
Region (IOR) in the interests of energy Malacca Straits, the Sunda Strait, and the
security and trade. Spiraling demand Lombok Strait. Indian Ocean covers 20%
for energy from India, China and Japan of earth and ranked as the third largest
has led to an inevitable and enhanced water coverage of the world. Indian Ocean
sensitivity around the security of the Sea Region comprises 38 littoral states, 24
Lines of Communication (SLOCs) and Ocean territories and 17 landlocked
of choke points which dot the entrances countries. It is home for the 1/3rd of the
of the Indian Ocean. Indian Ocean is world’s population and world’s fastest
surrounded by some of the poorest, most growing economies co-exist with some of
troubled countries in the world. It confronts the poorest.
enormous issues of poverty and food and Regional Politics. For most of the 20th
water scarcity. Unfortunately, the food century, the region’s role and importance
and security-building mechanisms in the were mostly overshadowed, considered
Indian Ocean region are inadequate and subsidiary to super power rivalries largely
show little prospect of improvement. enacted elsewhere and across other
Geopolitics oceans. Today, however, the IOR has
risen to the forefront of world geopolitics.
Geography. The Indian Ocean is bounded Propelled by the worlds continuing
on the north by Asia, including India on reliance on Persian Gulf hydrocarbon
which the ocean is named, on the west resources, the growing significance
by Africa and on the east by Indonesia of the Indian Ocean’s sea lanes of
and Australia. It extends southward to communication and chokepoints, as well
its intersection with the Southern Ocean, as the turbulent regional socio-political
also referred to as the Antarctic Ocean. environment, and the rise of China and
The western extremity of the Indian India as global powers, the region is
Ocean is outlined from the Atlantic Ocean increasingly considered an area of crucial
in two places—at the Suez Canal, and geostrategic importance. The regional
at the meridian running south from Cape politics is characterized by volatility due to
Agulhas in South Africa. At its easternmost rising ambitions and desire to be counted
extremity, the Indian Ocean touches the amongst the world leaders. Much of
Pacific Ocean at the 147°E meridian, region’s politics continues to be shaped by
running south from South East Cape on outside (that is to say, non littoral powers)
Tasmania to 60°S latitude. Travel across poverty and underdevelopment persist,
the Indian Ocean and passage from its local regional conflicts continue, issues
of nuclear proliferation remain on the maritime domain. Hence IOR is facing
regional political agenda and structures the risks of growing strategic competition,
of regional and sub-regional cooperation particularly between China and India and
have struggled to prosper. In addition new geo-political differences are becoming
issues have emerged to compound the very evident between the rising Asian
many challenges faced by regional actors, powers. Both India and China feel that
whether government or non-government they are being strategically contained by
– Islamic sponsored terrorism, piracy, the other. India aspires to dominate the
the excessive exploitation of natural region by enlarging its security perimeter.
resources and growing incidents of In the expansive views of some Indian
transnational crime. It was a reflection strategic thinkers, this extends “from the
of the range and depth of the complex Strait of Malacca to the Strait of Hormuz
security, economic and social issues that and from the coast of Africa to the
continue define the Indian Ocean as a western shores of Australia” (Berlin 2010,
key global strategic arena that in 2009 p. 55). Indian strategists generally have
led Robert Kaplan to argue in a highly opposed the presence of great powers
regarded analysis that the region will be in the Indian Ocean, which they privately
centre stage for the security challenges of consider “India’s lake’. Meanwhile China,
the twenty-first century. As a key regional whose interests in the region are far from
power India cannot help but be affected recent (Trood, 1985) is strongly cultivating
by these challenges. its regional economic and strategic links
in the IOR, including the establishment
Sino-Indian Equation. The Chinese
of a support network for possible naval
engine of growth has a great appetite
operations. In Beijing’s view, China’s
for energy as its own oil resources are
strategic situation would be seriously
insufficient leading to dependence on
impaired should India achieve the goal
overseas imports. China has acquired oil
of enlarging its security perimeter and
assets mostly in Africa and Persian Gulf
achieving a position of dominance in the
which are mostly transported by sea via
IOR (Berlin 2010, p. 61).
Indian Ocean. To protect their SLOC they
have created focal points in Indian Ocean At present, the United States dominates
in countries including Sri Lanka, Pakistan, the IOR strategically and militarily. Its
Maldives, Bangladesh, Myanmar etc principal concerns are maintaining
which is also interpreted as “String of the security of its oil supplies from the
Pearls”. India on the other hand possesses Middle East and countering terrorism
the most powerful maritime force among and Muslim extremism. Potentially the
littoral states and is very much concerned United States has the leverage to act as
regarding this intrusion. Both China and a broker between India and China should
India are major powers with nuclear their bilateral relationship deteriorate.
arsenals. Both have aspirations over the Yet the future will almost certainly see
a decline in American influence in the maintain and extend their presence in
region as the United States struggles to the region which, as in the past, is greatly
maintain its defense presence in the face complicating the overall regional strategic
of growing economic constraints, as well outlook.
as its legitimacy among the people of the
region, many of whom are Muslim. As Maritime Security Challenges in IOR
Kaplan has argued (2010, p. 278), the Non-Traditional Security Threats. While
plain truth is “the gradual loss of the Indian traditional security risks are evident in the
and western Pacific oceans as veritable IOR with the tensions and conflict in the
American military lakes”. Middle East and Indian sub-continent, the
Conflicts and Political stability. The region also faces extensive non-traditional
IOR now features more prominently in security threats. These include climate
the geopolitical interests and commercial change and possible rising sea levels,
calculations of extra-regional powers transnational crimes (particularly piracy,
such as the US, the European Union drug and arms trafficking, and people
nations, Japan, China, regional states smuggling), food shortages, disease and
and non-state actors. The regional famine, IUU fishing, and maritime natural
developments now echo far beyond the hazards, such as tsunamis, cyclones and
Indian Ocean’s shores. Overall, the IOR
floods. All these threats have a significant
represents the most politically troubled
maritime dimension and pose major risks
and potentially combustible area of
to the IOR littorals.
the world. The Indian Ocean is an area
of conflict. Some conflicts are internal Piracy. Piracy in the Gulf of Aden and
and remain localized, but others are Horn of Africa and Strait of Malacca has
of global significance and are prone to presented a major transnational threat in
foreign, political and military interference. the region. Pirate attacks, which had been
According to a recent analysis of global rising for years have begun to drop in last
conflicts by the Heidelberg Institute few years due to work of multinational
for International Conflict Research, and independent naval task forces. The
altogether 42% of world conflicts can be
adoption of best-management practices
associated with Indian Ocean countries.
by ships and the use of private security
From India’s perspective many of the
contractors on board have also helped.
key strategic trends in the Indian Ocean
In addition, Malaysia, Singapore, and
region are disconcerting. The region is
Indonesia’s agreement to combat piracy
becoming both more militarized and more-
nuclearised as was the case 25 years on their end of the Indian Ocean has also
ago, although in contemporary times contributed to security. Piracy is generally
largely for concerns over energy security, under control, but the need still exists to
extra-regional powers are seeking to monitor it.
Maritime terrorism. Maritime terrorism power projection capabilities well beyond
also poses a potentially serious danger to its littoral, and indeed well beyond the
the region. The security establishments South China Sea. Aside from the clear
are on high alert to tackle the newest worry to India and other Asian states,
frontier of terror - Maritime Terrorism. The the evolution of China’s maritime power,
terrorist attack in Mumbai in November or what Beijing has labeled its “Far Sea
2008 showed the risks of terrorist attack Defense” is also of increasing concern to
from the sea if coastal waters are not the US. Presently Task groups belonging
secure. Attacks on offshore facilities to USA, Japan, Russia and UK are
have occurred in the past. Three offshore continuously present in IOR to enhance
Iraqi oil terminals were attacked in the their Maritime Domain Awareness in their
Persian Gulf in 2003 by explosive-laden SLOCs.
speedboats. Although there has been little
Ownership of Seabed Minerals. The rich
in the way of seaborne terrorist attacks in
fishery resources and biodiversity, oil, gas
the IOR over the past decade, extremist
and many types of minerals such as gold,
groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda have
tin, uranium, cobalt, nickel, aluminum and
expressed a continuing interest in closing
cadmium, makes the Indian Ocean a vital
down strategic maritime chokepoints,
contributor to the economic growth of its
such as the Bab al-Mandeb that separates
Yemen from Djibouti. Lashkar-e-Toiba, littoral nations. The coastal state has the
(LeT) is planning to use the sea-route to sovereign right to manage, exploit, and
infiltrate and attack India’s oil assets in protect mineral and living resources up
Bombay High, sabotage ports and target to 200 nautical miles offshore. Countries
high value assets such as the atomic are now very much keen to extend their
power plants located on the coast. EEZs to manipulate these resources.
Polymetallic nodules and polymetallic
Protection of SLOCs. In many countries massive sulphides are the two mineral
in the world, the increasing reliance resources of primary interest to developers
on imported oil and natural gas to fuel in the Indian Ocean. Only 2-3 percent of
its economic expansion has led the the global sea floor has been properly
governments to view the Indian Ocean mapped, and extremely small fraction
as a maritime territory to dominate and has been scientifically investigated. The
police. The dependence on the security of economic and political effects of seabed
the Indian Ocean, combined with its need mining along with its environmental
to monitor, makes their navies compelled
impact constitute a major challenge for
to reach out deep into the Indian Ocean,
the region.
far beyond its own littoral to enable more
expansive maritime domain awareness Narcotics Trafficking. Such is the
in IOR. China is in the midst of several geopolitical setting of the region that
ambitious projects to expand its naval World’s two most illicit opium producing
areas- Golden Triangle mainly in Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated
Myanmar and northern Thailand and Fishing. The increasing sophistication
Golden Crescent in Afghanistan and of fishing systems has allowed modern
Pakistan, are in the Indian Ocean Region. fishing vessels and fleets to enter a
Myanmar’s heroin shipments pass fishery and quickly harvest available
through neighboring Thailand, Laos, resources before moving on to other
Vietnam, China and India. The ocean has grounds. This situation has left many
emerged as an important transit route countries offshore resources vulnerable to
for the dispatch of large consignments illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU)
of narcotics to the Western world as fishing, with major economic losses. IUU
also to the Far East. India’s northeastern fishing has proven even more problematic
states of Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya for fisheries that straddle the EEZ and the
and Mizoram serve as an important and high seas, or fisheries that migrate across
easy route for drug carrying couriers. national boundaries. Increased demand
Three types of illicit narcotics dominate and the depletion of fish stocks elsewhere
trafficking in the Indian Ocean; heroin, in the world have led to more fishing in
opiates, Ganja and cannabis. The Sea the Indian Ocean and an increasing
conveyance of narcotics is substantial. presence of fishing vessels from outside
The flows of greatest concern are the of the region. The involvement of these
Afghan heroin trafficking to Europe via vessels is facilitated largely because
the Arabian Sea. India is vulnerable as a there is no effective regime for regional
transit port for these illicit traffickers and fisheries management. The Indian Ocean
is particularly affected by the trafficking of Tuna Commission (IOTC) is ineffective
Ganja. as a regional fisheries management
Small Arms and Light Weapons
Trafficking. Flows of illicit weapons and Environmental Stresses. Environmental
ammunition in this region follow the familiar stresses including pollution increasingly
logic of supply and demand, moving from threaten Indian Ocean biodiversity and
source to areas of conflict, where they marine life. By one estimate, some
can fuel insurgency or to a lesser extent, 40-trillion liters of sewage and 4 trillion
terrorist activity. The linkages of greatest liters of industrial effluents enter the
concern are flows of small arms and light region’s coastal waters each year. It has
weapons (SALW) from Iran to Yemen and also been alleged that several foreign
onwards to the Eastern Mediterranean companies taking advantage of the
via the Suez Canal, and between the lawlessness in Somalia, dumped their
Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa. radioactive and toxic waste containers
The insurgent groups in ASEAN region along the troubled coast. These later
are also relying on the illicit trafficking of broke following the 2004 tsunami to spill
arms through IOR. and wash the contents ashore. To top, in
2012 a record breaking number of 365 For India, which sits astride the Indian
toxic laden ships were sent for breaking Ocean as its pre-eminent power, this
by European ship-owners to the beaches is clearly an important phase in the
of South Asia including India. Leaving evolution of its thinking on the region.
these issues unaddressed will not only cut The present government has been giving
through the region’s economy in future but Indian Ocean due attention with the
may trigger widespread security problems policy of “reviving the Indian Ocean as
leading to impairment of freedom of the a geopolitical concept.” Indian PM has
seas. visited not only Seychelles, Mauritius and
Sri Lanka but also several East African
Natural Calamities. A majority of planets
nations along the Indian Ocean littoral.
natural disasters, unfortunately, happen
Inviting Seychelles and Mauritius to join
to strike the Indian Ocean region. The
the existing maritime security cooperation
Tsunami of 2004 vividly demonstrated
arrangement among India, the Maldives
the level of suffering that could result
and Sri Lanka in 2015, PM had underlined
from a mega disaster, and the scale of
that New Delhi seeks “a future for Indian
humanitarian aid and disaster relief that
Ocean that lives up to the name of
such scenarios would demand. All military
SAGAR — Security and Growth for All
forces specially Navies and Air Forces
in the Region.” India has clearly outlined
in the region are bound to help nations
a set of goals which included seeking “a
in face of disasters. For example during
climate of trust and transparency; respect
the recent earth quake in Nepal many air
for international maritime rules and norms
force planes flew with aids including Indian
by all countries; sensitivity to each other’s
Air. Indian Navy provided assistance to
interests; peaceful resolution of maritime
Maldives in number of occasions in the
security issues; and increase in maritime
past providing drinking water and aids.
cooperation.” Interestingly, India’s Indian
Nuclear Proliferation. Contrary to Ocean outreach is happening at a time
being a nuclear free zone, the Indian when New Delhi is also trying to make a
Ocean is becoming a “nuclear ocean” case about its centrality in the wider Indo-
given the increasing number of regional Pacific, a concept which situates India at
nuclear weapons on land, as well as the the very heart of the changing geopolitical
indeterminate number on and under the transitions in the region. India has been
ocean at any time with nuke Submarines keen to underscore that it is not merely
and ships. Arguably, the regional nuclear an Indian Ocean and South Asian power
proliferation can be seen both as a security but one which has the capacity and
threat and also a guarantor of peace. increasingly the intent to shape the wider
India’s Challenge in the IOR 1 strategic realities in the region. India’s
self-defined strategic interests now
1 India’s challenge in the Indian Ocean Region straddle the wider Indo-Pacific, stretching
- Harsh V Pant
from established framework in the actors such as pirates, maritime terrorists
Indian Ocean, to its expanding interests and armed robbers, India needs to adopt
in the South China Sea, and indeed a more structured and holistic approach to
into the South/West Pacific. And this address them at global and regional levels.
understanding of Indian strategic reach For that, it will need to craft a long-term
is now being widely accepted. The US strategy not only to modernize, update
has welcomed this growing footprint but and strengthen its naval sinews but also
other major powers have also responded to plug loopholes in its decision-making
positively. The re-emergence of Quad, on defense procurement and policy
involving the US, Japan, Australia and implementation. India’s security concerns
India is also a reflection of this growing in the Indian Ocean demand the pursuit
consensus. The crisis in the Maldives has of a long-term maritime policy in close
indicated India’s position in the Indian strategic co-operation with major powers
Ocean is being challenged in ways that such as the United States, Japan and
are both new and unprecedented. Merely Australia, and its maritime neighborhood.
stating the intent is no longer enough.
After the end of the Cold War, the new
China is challenging India in the Indian
centers of powers such as China sought
Ocean region in ways few would have
to flex their maritime muscles in the Indian
anticipated even a few years back. And
Ocean. For instance, China has been
India’s credibility to emerge as a net
feverishly engaged in modernizing its navy
security provider in the region is on the
and expanding its naval arm in the Indian
line. While India’s commitment to shape
Ocean to assert its influence over the IOR
the future of the Indian Ocean region is a
states, which is frequently antithetical to
welcome shift in New Delhi’s traditionally
the geopolitical and geostrategic interests
diffident posturing, India’s ability to deliver
of India, the United States and Japan.
on the ground is being scrutinized even
more carefully now, both by the resident If viewed from a historical perspective,
and extra regional powers. It is for New India’s non-aligned policy during the Cold
Delhi to live up to the expectations it has War era was opposed to the superpower
generated. rivalry in the Indian Ocean. That was
grounded in its perception and belief
Analysis of India’s Security Concerns
that the geopolitical contest between
in IOR 2
the two superpowers in the Indian
In view of the overwhelming security Ocean constituted a potential threat
challenges from diverse sources, including to the freedom, sovereignty, economic
adversarial neighbors and non-state independence and political stability of
the littoral states of the IOR. But, given
2 India’s Security Concerns in the Indian Ocean its burgeoning economy and its role as an
Region: A Critical Analysis- Professor B.M. Jain emerging global power, India is faced with
multiple challenges in the Indian Ocean maritime security and to be able to deal
in the twenty-first century. It is important with any contingent situation that might
to bear in mind that 90 per cent of India’s arise from any future Sino-US conflict
trade volumes and 90 per cent of its oil in the South China Sea. Moreover,
imports pass through the sea routes of the India must expand its strategic foothold
Indian Ocean. Further, since India is on the in multilateral for a and organizations.
path of integrating its economy globally, it Today, with the exponential development
faces an onerous task to protect its long of modern weaponry, unprecedented
coastline of 7,500 kilometers from the communications technology and vast
potential threat of non-state actors. The intelligence resources, maritime threats
Mumbai terror attacks in November 2008 have amplified. For India, the IOR is
that emanated from across the maritime a “nerve centre” for its Sea Lines of
border are a case in point. Since then, Communication (SLOCs).
India has undertaken several measures Third, any quadripartite partnership of
to augment the security of its coastal India, Japan, the United States and
cities, and to protect its offshore oil and Australia should not be exclusively
gas installations. focused on isolating China as some kind
of pariah state. Rather, China must be
Way Ahead
engaged as a co-operative partner in the
Future Requirements and Actions by process of negotiations to resolve mutual
India to Counter China3. In the face of differences in the spirit of protecting the
the challenges to India’s myriad security global commons.
interests, it is not sufficient just to conduct
Fourth, if it is to meet the challenges –
joint naval exercises with various regional either real or perceived – posed by China
partners, including the United States. India to its maritime interests in the Indian Ocean
must realize that its naval capabilities are Region, India will be required to develop
much weaker than those of China. First, a multipronged strategy of maintaining an
India needs to further elevate, strengthen active and agile presence in the IOR by
and deepen its security co-operation with integrating its army, air force and navy in
regional partners such as Sri Lanka, the fuller co-operation and co-ordination with
Maldives, Seychelles and Mauritius, as the central and state governments.
well as the United States, Japan and
Fifth, India’s focus should be on the security
Australia, to protect its core security
of SLOCs and resource management.
interests in the Indian Ocean.
Finally, India will be required to
Second, India needs to develop hard undertake defense infrastructure projects
and soft power resources to ensure its in the Indian Ocean as an effective
counterweight to China’s much-hyped
3 India’s Security Concerns in the Indian Ocean strategic encirclement of India through
Region: A Critical Analysis- Professor B.M. Jain
the so-called “string of pearls” doctrine.
Effective Maritime Governance. Good not only in one’s interested area, but of
order at sea is crucial in making the Indian the whole region. Having the knowledge
Ocean Region safe. Regional cooperation and awareness of the broader maritime
in enforcing effective maritime governance picture will be of immense help in arriving
is a responsibility of all Indian Ocean at critical decisions.
Region states. Enhanced cooperation
Soft Power Geopolitics. Since the
between various organizations at national
introduction of “Soft Power” concept by
level will be of immense value. Even
Joseph S. Nye of Harvard University to
though the borders of land and sea areas describe the ability to attract and choose
are well defined and monitored, maritime rather than coerce, use force or give
borders are generally provides less money as a means of persuasion. It has
restrictions allowing free access without an gradually developed into a tool which
effective mechanism for surveillance and is being used by many countries in the
proper investigation/inquiry. Limitations in present geopolitical context. In making
visibility in the maritime domain create a the future way ahead, “Soft Power” will
challenging situation. Strong regulations remain as one key area where we need
and effective monitoring is a key aspect to look at emerging issues not only in
in this regard. the Indian Ocean Region but in a global
Real Time Intelligence Sharing. In spite perspective too.
of agreements on sharing information and Regional Integration. Out of the above
intelligence on various subject matters, areas that have been mentioned till now
there is an inherent reluctance to share as tools to address challenges in our
much important and valued real time region, effective “Regional Integration”
intelligence among the regional states. can be sighted as the most important
On the other hand, we see an advanced pillar in finding solutions. One country
information/intelligence sharing network can be more powerful in terms of military,
among the pirates as well as terrorist wealth or in size, but unless that country
networks. When we all are challenged is a strong link in the regional integration
with maritime security concerns that process, the economic survival of that
affect the whole Indian Ocean Region, country is questionable. The regional
importance of sharing valued information integration need to focus on building
remain crucial. up a cooperative security dialogue and
Maritime Domain Awareness. In order effective apparatus.
to have a better view of the Indian Ocean Marine Scientific Research. The Indian
Region, regional cooperation in maritime Ocean has several unique characteristics.
domain awareness is another key area. Unlike the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, it is
This will immensely assist the countries enclosed on three sides by land masses.
to share and be aware of the activities As a consequence, oceanic currents in
the Indian Ocean reverse during the year improve its maritime infrastructure and
in a way that does not occur in the other upgrade its naval capabilities. Mere drum
major oceans. The strong through-flow of beating under the Act East Policy will not
water from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean be enough to deliver the goods since India
through the Indonesian archipelago is faced with divergent maritime threats
is another factor which has a strong and challenges of a vast scale, magnitude
impact on oceanographic conditions in and intensity to its maritime borders. It
the latter ocean. Unfortunately however, cannot protect those maritime borders
the thorough marine scientific research and ensure its energy security without
to analyze these factors fully and to the co-operation of, and intelligence
assess their implications is not available. sharing with, regional partners. But co-
The Indian Ocean is the most under- operative security mechanisms cannot be
researched of all the world’s oceans. developed unless there is a convergence
Political differences have inhibited marine of perceptions on common regional
scientific research in the past. There security interests among regional and
is a close link between oceanographic extra-regional powers. The time has
conditions and regional weather patterns. come for India to build sturdy and stable
Better oceanographic knowledge would partnerships with other liberal democratic
markedly improve climate research with states, in particular the United States,
benefits for all IOR countries, including Japan and Australia. At the same time, it
providing the ability to predict severe must be borne in mind that any partnership
weather events, such as cyclones is not exclusively directed against China,
and periods of drought. With better for the latter is already a global power
oceanographic knowledge of the Indian with a global reach in every domain. It
Ocean, it would be possible to predict would thus be a chimera to contain China;
the disastrous floods thus providing rather, China needs to be more fully co-
the opportunity for better preparations opted into the evolving global and regional
to be made in advance to mitigate the security architecture. Achieving that will
consequences of appalling natural better serve the common interests of all
disasters. Improving marine scientific states, including China, in a co-operative
research in the region is essentially a security mechanism.
cooperative activity and there is much The focus should be to increase maritime
scope for action in this regard. co-operation among navies of littoral
Conclusion states of the Indian Ocean region, by
providing an open and inclusive forum
India and China will remain strategic rivals for discussion of regionally relevant
due to their competing energy and security maritime issues. The endeavor should be
interests in the Indian Ocean Region. to generate a flow of information between
By logical extension, India will need to naval professionals resulting in common
understanding and agreements. Regional References
forums are excellent attempts to promote
Berlin, D. (2010). ‘Sea power, land power
peace and harmony in the region by
and the Indian Ocean Region’, Journal of the
mutual discussions, understandings and
Indian Ocean Region, Vol. 6, No. 1, June, pp.
exchange of ideas. Collaboration between
52 – 66.
the navies is crucial in order to effectively
advance their shared commitment to Dowdy, William L and Russell B. Trood eds.,
maritime and sea-lane security. Use of (1985) The Indian Ocean: Perspectives on
collaborative efforts rather than individual a Strategic Arena, Durham: Duke University
effort is going to be the key for success Press.
in encountering these nontraditional Kaplan, R.D. (2009). ‘Center Stage for the
challenges in IOR. Solution must also Twenty-first Century’, Foreign Affairs, March/
be found in a collaborative manner by April, Vol. 88, Issue 2, pp. 16 - 32.
deepening partnership between all tri
forces, countries and regions and finally New Challenges for Maritime Security in the
the entire globe. In ever evolving world, Indian Ocean – An Australian Perspective
the mission of the Navy has become Sam Bateman** Anthony Bergin** and
harmoniously more complex and Russell Trood
composite than ever before. Indian Ocean India’s challenge in the Indian Ocean Region
theatre was the key stage for many issues - Harsh V Pant
in the history of mankind and it will remain
India’s Security Concerns in the Indian
same in future as well. So the concepts of
Ocean Region: A Critical Analysis- Professor
Maritime strategies should also progress
B.M. Jain
according to the development of new
encounters. Geopolitics and maritime security challenges
in Indian Ocean- NMA Sri Lanka

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of CENJOWS. # 9811707220

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