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27, February 2024

The Recap of Staff Meeting held at Blue Iguana at 4:30pm on Monday, 26 February.

Welcoming and thanking everyone for working with me these first 5 months since my joining the
company. “It’s been an interesting 5 months”.

Providing everyone with the information that I, Jim, will be on an “unpaid” personal time off until at least
the 18 March, with approval from George.
And while away, requesting staff not to return to any old bad habits.
No change of schedules unless necessary and for the benefit of the company. Showing up, working
Elliot will be scheduled at BI and Sam will assist in overseeing CG&S and 2B.

There was little structure for and with staff upon my, Jim, joining the company. Now that I am instituting
structure, there is some resistance to adapting to having a company run professionally with such
structure. I, Jim, may be viewed by some as “The Bad Guy”, which is okay by me, Jim.
We still have work to do when it comes to policies and procedures, and I have hopes we will eventually
reach where we desire to be.

We are all supposed to be here for the company, working for the company to ensure growth. Not here
for ourselves, not here for George, me (Jim), or anyone else, but for the company.
Once the company reaches goals and is making profits, that provides me, Jim, with reasons to approach
George for those who have and do earn a “bump”/increase in pay.

Here to support “ALL” staff, and I strive to do so every day.

Letting everyone know they have a special contribution/talent in working within the company.
“Everyone” has something to offer.

Acknowledging Sam, Liezel and Saru on a job well done with the changes made within CG&S, and how
nice the store looks and flows for shopping. It makes sense now with how the groupings of merchandise
have been placed.

Also acknowledged Shaneil for being so adaptable in moving around from store location to store location
when needed, and gladly doing so without any hesitation.

Addressed again, ‘trust’ issues, accountability, communication, respect, no one above the next. Adapting
to change and…
Setting proper examples for each other.

No pointing fingers in ‘telling’ people what to do, when to do it and how to do it, but instead, show
them, working together as a team. And again, no one is above the rest.
Cell phone usage.
Staff are still on their phones during business hours, watching videos, messaging and so forth. The only
times cell phones should be used and who is to have them on and why. Phone’s hanging out of back
pockets is not permitted and it is unattractive.

Mentioned staff talking on one another and how information gets back to where you don’t necessarily
want it to get back to.
I reiterated, we are coworkers, friendly while at work, but not necessarily friends outside of work.
Come to work, do your job to the best of your ability, and go home.

Increase in Call-outs and reasons. If this “over-the-top” amount of calling out continues, we will begin
requesting members of staff to go to the Doctor for a sick note. I did state “It’s a paid day off, take the
pay and see a doctor”. Also, informing staff, you don’t have a fever and the flu and are over it within a
24-hour period. Also making it clear how call-outs disrupt the daily flow of business for everyone.
And, if I, Jim, was the cause for such amounts of call-outs, please feel free in letting me know.

I hold an Open-door policy for discussions. Please continue to feel free to come to speak with me, as
some of you already have.

Employer/Employee contract. No other information to offer other than what I have informed them
already. George is working on it.

Key Holders, Will be discussing with George, to have on appointed to the Jack and Jill Bldg and one for BI
ensuring stores are opened on time and if someone is out and not able to make it into open when
scheduled we may proceed with business as usual.

It was stated, and proven, if we are able to get the foot traffic within the stores and have the proper mix
of product selections, we are able to do the numbers. Also stated, having duplication of products
everyone else on the waterfront has it a deterrent in achieving sales. Most have already seen it and
shopped it. Everyone agreed. When we do have the right mix of products, the products sell itself, no
need to push sales. People are on vacation, relaxed, and wish to remain in that headspace while
And, when labeling machines arrive, we need to get everything prices as quickly as possible. Not having
prices on goods does not make the consumer feel comfortable in infesting.

Communication amongst everyone was brought up again, as it appears to be a continuous problem. Has
it been approved upon, ever so slightly yes, but still have a very long way to go.

I brought up what transpired on Monday, 20 February, placing me in an unnecessary and most

uncomfortable situation, without going into “any” detail. And took accountability for my “out of
character” approach. And going forward, if I feel this to be ongoing circumstances, I will excuse myself
and let it be known I will be going home for the remainder of the day.
Also mentioned I, Jim, am not ashamed to let people know I see a therapist regularly as well as a life
coach, to better myself as a person both personally and professionally. And sharing with my professional
colleagues about work related issues and how they may be approved upon.
They all agreed the above was out of my character, and, and there is no cause to be placed in a situation
like that in the first place.

When asking staff members if they had anything to say…

Judith mentioned me, Jim, being a tuff guy, but now understanding why, and the reasons behind
instituting structure and how it has changed business practices.
Judith also mentioned merchandise, and lack thereof. I let her know George and I, Jim, are working on it.
France agreed with on the communication issue, mentioning what she experienced Sunday, 18 February
and the lack of communication in being informed with the schedule change, as well as the store was not
prepared with a proper bank to begin the days business.
It was made clear all stores should have the proper bank set-up the day before to ensure this will not
happen in the future and we would like a bit more cash for backing up CG&S and 2B.
I continued asking each staff member if they had anything, questions, comments, concerns, to say and
the remaining bowed out.

It was asked, by me, Jim, any regular volunteers for Sunday’s business. France, Yogi, Saru and Judith have
all stepped up and offered to work on Sunday’s, as long as not being deducted in their hours, but
additional hours to their work week. They were provided they would not be deducted, especially now
when in high season and we need the extra help.

I was asked if someone could take on another job outside of their present work permit without sharing a
work permit, and I said to the individual I could not support it. Understanding the financial strains on
their situation, but still, could not and would not support such activity, as it falls outside the laws of the
labor law.

The Bad Guy…

If anyone wishes to view me as the “Bad Guy”, please feel free to do so. I accept the title and will wear it
with honor and wear it well.

A few laughs, a photo moment and meeting was adjourned.

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